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Company Co*unters Afa "relief Proposal)

firstamendment said:
Can you say Eastern?
And wasn't the industry a better place at least for a while with out Lorenzo?
firstamendment said:
But USAirBoyA330,

Principles...make sure you fight for them...they're worth their weight in...uh..NOTHING!!! How many principles pay the bills, but never fear UBOYA330, the PIT and PHL LEC's will make sure they are crammed down our throats no matter what. :angry: :unsure: :down:
Hold the drama and work at Walmart if you want a job that only pays the bills.
Eastern was not forced out of business by the unions.

It was the actions of Lorenzo that caused its demise.

The IAM, TWU and ALPA all struck the carrier because of Lorenzo's actions.

The bankrutpcy court removed Lorenzo from the company and appointed Martin Shagrue to run Eastern.

The Departmen of Transportation and Department of Justice Banned Lorenzo from the industry.

I really dislike it when people blame Eastern's demise on the unions.

My uncle was with them for 29 years.
firstamendment said:
Always the wise-ass comeback. <_<
Wise is not allowing yourself to beg for scraps. Because, before long that's all you will be worth. Now if that is all you are worth, excuse me for not volunteering to join you.
Look at it this way...

A flight attendant making $25/hr for 75 hour month would gross $5000/yr more than someone working a 40 hr/wk at Wal-Mart for $8.00/hr. However, if it is a Super Wal-Mart, the Wal-marter would at least get a discount on their groceries and designer clothing. :up:

Is this what you are willing to settle for?
700UW said:
I really dislike it when people blame Eastern's demise on the unions.

:up: Amen..I agree, short term memories
DCD said:
Wise is not allowing yourself to beg for scraps. Because, before long that's all you will be worth. Now if that is all you are worth, excuse me for not volunteering to join you.

Who the hell are you? You are only worth the following...no more, no less. :down: :down: :down: :down:
jimntx said:
Look at it this way...

A flight attendant making $25/hr for 75 hour month would gross $5000/yr more than someone working a 40 hr/wk at Wal-Mart for $8.00/hr. However, if it is a Super Wal-Mart, the Wal-marter would at least get a discount on their groceries and designer clothing. :up:

Is this what you are willing to settle for?

Not many F/As making $25 an hour anymore unless they are with a "legacy" carrier for a few years and lucky enough to still be employed. Or with alot of seniority at a LCC or commuter.

That's about 10 year pay at MDA or PSA. Only a decade away from Wal-Mart wages...

Seems to be a favorite question of yours. Why does it matter?

PITbull said:
Look whose calling out the kettle, hey black, what's up?
Far be it for me to suggest that I am immune to the same behavioral traits. However, success in my job doesn't depend on my ability to negotiate political waters.
mweiss said:
Far be it for me to suggest that I am immune to the same behavioral traits. However, success in my job doesn't depend on my ability to negotiate political waters.


Who cares what you think?

😛 UT
A few people, from what I hear. Others don't. What's your point? You think that's any different for me than for anyone else?

Honestly. 🙄