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Company Asks Pilots For Steeper Paycuts


USA320 always thinks hes better off AND better than everyone else by his condescending posts. Savy :down:
USA320Pilot said:

Lakefield told the MEC last week the company has a 5% chance of survival.

Lakefield has not a clue. He is now a bitter old man lost and rambling about how Bronner is threating Chapter 7. What a disgrace. You continue to quote and believe these losers...We are all ashamed at your loss of bowel control under pressure. Greeter.
savyinvestor said:
USA320 always thinks hes better off AND better than everyone else by his condescending posts. Savy :down:
You don't understand, his wife has an MBA!! He said when Usair folds he will be fine because she already has several good job offers. No PAIN in that household. I don't believe he has any offers at this time, although I think his specialty is in internet forums. 😀
It seems some are saying that any job is better than no job, and that you US employees should grin and bear new cutbacks so you can at least make some money while you look for another job.

What a load.

There comes a point when the demands that your company are making of you will require that you work so many hours per week, for so little pay, that not only won't you have time to look for another job or train for something else, you'll also slowly degrade your quality of life and financial situation by trying to hang on to what little the company will have left you that, by the time US does go TU, you will have less than nothing.

I've been a lurker of these forums for years, ever since the exodus from plane business when it went premium. I haven't felt a need to add anything to any discussion because, at first, things were going pretty well for me at AMR, and I was fat, dumb and happy. Then I got furloughed, and I had other fish to fry.

Now, I still don't have anything to add, except to say that losing one's job isn't the worst thing that can happen. It sucks to think about, but when it happens...it happens, and you move one. I'm going to school. I had ample warning that bad things were going to happen, so I prepared for it.

You've all had ample warning. You should be prepared. Line up another job; look into going back to school. Life's not going to end.

Above all, don't let the doomsayers rattle you.


<resume lurk mode>
usfliboi said:
Its people like some of u that "represent" the fine IAM, that give you guys a bad name. The majority of Iam want to talk and do whats best for them and the company. The sad thing is, ego's are bruised. In the end IAM wont need to talk. I predict a BK filing, and i believ US is trying its best not to enter into BK. It sounds like these guys are scared, as if they no US wont come out. Sad but true.

Since when have you become the voice for the IAM? From what I have seen and heard the majority does NOT want to talk. I live among and talk to many, many different employees that are members and the word is ...............................


Not only for the IAM but for CWA. Enough is enough. I AM NOT PUTTING MY FAMILY IN THE POOR HOUSE TO FUND SOMEONE'S PENSION!!!!!!!!!! BTW, don't you find it funny that Dr. Boner finds any pension or wage with U employess a burden and liabilty but the good people of Alabama have a pension plan worth billions of dollars.

Call me Robinhood. I will be happy to steal from the rich and give to the poor.
USA320Pilot said:

You sound like a bitter old man, to bad isn't it? The TA will go out and if it does not, then Lakefield told the MEC last week the company has a 5% chance of survival.

Then four of the five RC5 will likely lose their ability for B757 and above pay, benefits, and all of the DC Plan, just like you. Therefore, it will all be gone.

By the way, do you know how to file for unemployment online?

If that happens, I bet my last dollar I will be better off than you.



Blood pressure rising and I gotta release or my head will explode.

USA320 you sound like a scared old man trying to convince himself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I know how to file for UE on line. I did it just 2 short years ago at a time when the unexpected happened and both my husband and I lost our jobs. Was I wosre for the wear? Hell no. Considering that you do NOT have access to one's personal financial profile and have no idea where they stand you cannot say you will be better off than anyone of us. Your arrogance reaks on this thread but I am inclined to say that is all on false pretense.

FYI, my cousin who HAPPENS to be a pilot for U for 20 some years is sick and damn tired of giving. When I asked his wife the other day what she thinks her exact words were, "USAirways is not our provider. God is our provider and we will survive." Need I mention that her husband feels the same way?

The strong will survive. I guess Darwin did not fit you into his equation.
USA320Pilot said:

You sound like a bitter old man, to bad isn't it? The TA will go out and if it does not, then Lakefield told the MEC last week the company has a 5% chance of survival.

Then four of the five RC5 will likely lose their ability for B757 and above pay, benefits, and all of the DC Plan, just like you. Therefore, it will all be gone.

By the way, do you know how to file for unemployment online?

If that happens, I bet my last dollar I will be better off than you.




There are 2 O's in "to bad isn't it". My sources tell me there will be no TA put our for approval if the DC plan is not left intact with no penalty. If that gives the airline a 5% chance for survival then so be it. Lakefield knew when he left that room that the DC plan was a deal breaker. That's his decision. I assure you the 5 brave men and the majority of pilots they represent will follow through on that statement that was made to Lakefield. By the way, I am younger than you. By more than a few years.

I think you post exemplifies your maturity, intelligence and mind set. The panic is setting in with you and your group. That is why we saw the company's latest counter offer. They (as well as I) understand your groups fear and know how to push your buttons. I again refer you to your post. This job is worth at least the DC plan we have or it isn't worth having the job. They do NOT need the DC plan to survive. But you are willing to give it to them because of your fear.

I have no interest in taking your last dollar or filing for unemployement if the company fails. But I would not mind a wager on whether the TA comes to us for a vote with the DC plan intact. Let's bet something important to you. Like, say, your Captain's hat.

mwereplanes said:

There are 2 O's in "to bad isn't it". My sources tell me there will be no TA put our for approval if the DC plan is not left intact with no penalty. If that gives the airline a 5% chance for survival then so be it. Lakefield knew when he left that room that the DC plan was a deal breaker. That's his decision. I assure you the 5 brave men and the majority of pilots they represent will follow through on that statement that was made to Lakefield. By the way, I am younger than you. By more than a few years.

I think you post exemplifies your maturity, intelligence and mind set. The panic is setting in with you and your group. That is why we saw the company's latest counter offer. They (as well as I) understand your groups fear and know how to push your buttons. I again refer you to your post. This job is worth at least the DC plan we have or it isn't worth having the job. They do NOT need the DC plan to survive. But you are willing to give it to them because of your fear.

I have no interest in taking your last dollar or filing for unemployement if the company fails. But I would not mind a wager on whether the TA comes to us for a vote with the DC plan intact. Let's bet something important to you. Like, say, your Captain's hat.


Warplanes: hope you are instrument rated because you are caught up in the fray and the emotional cloud of fog is surrounding you....better throttle back some

I am messing with you___peace
cavalier said:
Warplanes: hope you are instrument rated because you are caught up in the fray and the emotional cloud of fog is surrounding you....better throttle back some

I am messing with you___peace


I throttled back way back. In fact, it was the morning after BNF shut her down as I stopped in DFW on the way to PIT. It was a virtual rainbow of jets sitting there that morning. 1982 as I recall. That's the day I began planning for what is happening to this airline as we speak. I see very clearly through the emotional fog simply because of that planning. With or without the IFR rating.

There is no doubt this industry is in serious trouble. We all know that. I fear our lack of leadership and management has us doomed. And I am not going to once again subsidize incompetence hoping against hope they turn it around. Nor are the IAM and others who understand the real problem at US Airways.

The pilot group is weak mostly because we most have no where else to go or do not want to actually "work" for a living. By that I mean the 9 to 5 drudgery etc.... But the fact is that any person who does what we do has the ability to make a very good living outside of flying airplanes. Most don't want to or, like 320, are afraid to. That is why we are such easy targets. But there is a group of brave men who will stop this attempt to take our pension once again. And they are willing to call the bluff and face the consequences. Whatever they may be. Count me among them.

Stop messing with me fool. You're killing me!

mwereplanes said:

I throttled back way back. In fact, it was the morning after BNF shut her down as I stopped in DFW on the way to PIT. It was a virtual rainbow of jets sitting there that morning. 1982 as I recall. That's the day I began planning for what is happening to this airline as we speak. I see very clearly through the emotional fog simply because of that planning. With or without the IFR rating.

There is no doubt this industry is in serious trouble. We all know that. I fear our lack of leadership and management has us doomed. And I am not going to once again subsidize incompetence hoping against hope they turn it around. Nor are the IAM and others who understand the real problem at US Airways.

The pilot group is weak mostly because we most have no where else to go or do not want to actually "work" for a living. By that I mean the 9 to 5 drudgery etc.... But the fact is that any person who does what we do has the ability to make a very good living outside of flying airplanes. Most don't want to or, like 320, are afraid to. That is why we are such easy targets. But there is a group of brave men who will stop this attempt to take our pension once again. And they are willing to call the bluff and face the consequences. Whatever they may be. Count me among them.

Stop messing with me fool. You're killing me!


I can see you have your head on straight.

I was just in DFW, big place!

1982 was the worst year in my life, without getting personal, I could write a book about it and make a sensitive woman cry, and have!

I am moving on, it's a done deal, had enough of this chaos to last ten lifetimes.

It's truly a shame what happened and is happening. What burns me personally is the millions handed out to men who should be in jail instead of rewarded, it boarders on criminal what they are allowed to get away with, stealing everything including pensions! We the airline employees should have medallions hung on our necks for what we all have been living through.

I know a furloughed U pilot who now sells cars that could of flew for MDA but he makes more selling cars, that says it all.

All The Best....
Ignore that strange hand reaching for you wallet. Sign the contract! All this "posturing" and "brinkmanship" by ALPA is making me nervous.

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