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Company Asks Pilots For Steeper Paycuts

It's pretty obvious by management's approach that they are NOT trying to avoid bankruptcy, but rather seem to be trying to expedite entering it. The BOD is supposed to have the shareholders' best interests at stake, not just RSA, but Bronner today said that he wants to liquidate the airline so that the RSA can purchase the parts. Sounds like a MAJOR conflict of interest to me.
Not only is it a major conflict of interest but it is very risky to think that US can enter bankruptcy, dump everything unwanted from the ashes of USAirways, reformulate a new company, and get it up in the air before every other competitor takes over US’ markets and passengers. Granted, at this point some of the creditors like Airbus probably see a better chance of recouping some of their investment through a cut and run strategy but the competition is not likely to sit by idly while US reformulates itself into a new company.

This truly is very sad to watch and even more sad for those of you who are living through it. Unfortunately, US has given the employees very little incentive to see the company exist so it’s not surprising how things are turning out.
I'd love to see us survive but may be a bk filing to get rid of bronner and the top mgmt and get a trustee appointed to run the airline is what it needs to survive. this inept mgmt and bronner still have squander more money away than they knew how to handle
The cover letter to the latest company proposal to ALPA.


[Edit] Well, darn, the file didn't load...trying again.

[Edit2] Still not there...I'll scratch my head for a while and try to figure something out.
usfliboi said:
Its people like some of u that "represent" the fine IAM, that give you guys a bad name. The majority of Iam want to talk and do whats best for them and the company. The sad thing is, ego's are bruised. In the end IAM wont need to talk. I predict a BK filing, and i believ US is trying its best not to enter into BK. It sounds like these guys are scared, as if they no US wont come out. Sad but true.

Now mr decietful, you are an AFA member if that is the truth, you don't work with the majority of the IAM members and the members are supporting the leadership in the current stance, the contract is not open, but we are willing to discuss cost savings within the current CBA.

A COB telling the whole world he is going liquidiate tells me he is doing nothing to save this airline.

Take off your rose colored glasses and come face reality, everyone could work for free and this place will still go out of business.

And mr lawyer, once in BK ALL unions by LAW have to bargain before an abrogation can take place.

Keep trying! Walk into the CLT hangar without a SIDA badge lately?
USA320 the IAM may be done, but it looks like you won't be doing to good either. My symapthies to almost everyone. Savy
F/O 320:

Still think 279 is sacrosanct? Pull out your old hat pal.

My sources tell me that ANY TA that does not leave the DC plan untouched will NEVER make it to the pilots for a vote. And that is NOT a rumor.

Is the 279 minimum fleet requirement mentioned anywhere other than pilot's agreements? In other words, can U ALPA alter that requirement with the Co. without any other parties' agreement?

Also, do any parties other than ALPA and U have any say in scope agreements with ALPA? Can ALPA simply agree to allow 190s at Mid-atlantic to be flown by U pilot? Can any other non ALPA agreement prevent the placement of these aircraft at Mid-Atlantic? I seem to remember that there must have been some scope in the other agreements.
The 279 is in ALL the Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Speaking only from a pilot's perspective, ALPA could reach agreement to put Emb-190's at MDA operated under that contract (with at most a slightly different pay scale, though I doubt the company would want that)

I guess you could say that MDA is not a J4J's carrier in the sense that all the flying there goes to the furloughed mainline pilots first, W/O pilots second, then off the street pilots. Under the J4J's program, new flying at separate carriers (W/O or affiliate) resulting from scope relief goes 50% to furloughed mainline pilots and 50% to that carrier's pilots (existing or new hires).

Someone else will have to address this from the IAM, AFA, and CWA perspective.

usfliboi said:
Its people like some of u that "represent" the fine IAM, that give you guys a bad name. The majority of Iam want to talk and do whats best for them and the company. The sad thing is, ego's are bruised. In the end IAM wont need to talk. I predict a BK filing, and i believ US is trying its best not to enter into BK. It sounds like these guys are scared, as if they no US wont come out. Sad but true.

I don't know who you're talking too? That's certainly not the impression I get!!!
usfliboi said:
Its people like some of u that "represent" the fine IAM, that give you guys a bad name. The majority of Iam want to talk and do whats best for them and the company. The sad thing is, ego's are bruised. In the end IAM wont need to talk. I predict a BK filing, and i believ US is trying its best not to enter into BK. It sounds like these guys are scared, as if they no US wont come out. Sad but true.
............fliboi, What a "entertaining" post :lol: .......What did you do, call each IAM member on the phone ?????? In case you haven't heard, The IAM [and] management,,,are waiting on the outcome of the Airbus Arbitration...You may be right about Bankrupcy....BTW, my ego is just fine B) and the only thing I'm scared of is Mean Flight Attendants... 😉

You sound like a bitter old man, to bad isn't it? The TA will go out and if it does not, then Lakefield told the MEC last week the company has a 5% chance of survival.

Then four of the five RC5 will likely lose their ability for B757 and above pay, benefits, and all of the DC Plan, just like you. Therefore, it will all be gone.

By the way, do you know how to file for unemployment online?

If that happens, I bet my last dollar I will be better off than you.


USA320Pilot said:

...If that happens, I bet my last dollar I will be better off than you.



If you bet your LAST dollar, how could you be better off? Kinda silly, isn't it?

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