Common Core-In Your Schools

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  • #151
He was one of the kids who did not do will in English or critical thinking and they passed him anyway because they did not want to fail him. Ironic in light of his previous statement don't you think?
And you and Hypocrisy 101..... How'd that do?
None of that happened prior to 2008? Still throwing stuff at the wall to see if it will stick?

Of course the progressive libtards were crawling out of the woodwork, with their everyone gets a trophy and free stuff agenda, prior to 2008...they've just finally have their Dictator in place!
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  • #156
InBloom is a nonprofit that began as “Shared Learning Collaborative” with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Carnegie Corporation of New York. The Gates Foundation provided support to the tune of $100 million.
According to inBloom’s website, it’s a software program that collects information and helps teachers identify students who might need extra attention, even directing educators toward learning materials for students’ specific needs.


Data that will be collected and stored on inBloom, according to a JeffCo Q&A, includes data from the Transitional Colorado Assessment Program, the state’s standardized testing; grades; testing information from Acuity (an assessment given three times a year in math and English to monitor student progress); enrollment information; and demographic information.

More specific data points — there are more than 400 available — that schools may collect with inBloom include: state and school crimes; disabilities; type of education being received (hospital class, special education); reasons for leaving a school (transfer to a religious school, withdrawal for illness); type of food program; and home situation (immigrant, pregnant, military, single parent), among others.
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  • #159
The National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the country, made its initial public break with Common Core yesterday.
Common Core has too much backing from the big money men and women funding the left to allow the NEA President to trash it the way that many local teachers have, so instead the union is undermining it the way that it does any reform effort. The course correction being called for locally and nationally is about shifting the balance of educational power. And it's always about power for the left.
On one side is Bill Gates. On the other side is a fifth grade teacher with seniority looking forward to retirement.
But when it comes to Common Core, the unions aren't wrong. Every educational reform is a band aid meant to fix the last reform. Now Common Core already needs fixing.
Teachers unions still remain some of the most reliable donors to the Democratic Party. The NEA was the fourth largest national donor in the last fifteen years with a 61% Democratic tilt. The American Federation of Teachers was in twelfth place with an 89% Democratic tilt. But these days, some teachers unions feel abandoned by a Democratic Party that is treating them like an obstacle to its technocratic progressive program.
Some Republicans, including candidates associated with the Tea Party, have even been courted by teachers unions looking for options.
“The notion that just because you’re a Democrat you can take the teachers’ unions for granted has changed," Jim Reed, of the Illinois Education Association, warned.
Common Core is just another shot in the left's educational civil war and it's a war that conservatives should take advantage of.
Ms Tree said:
He was one of the kids who did not do will in English or critical thinking and they passed him anyway because they did not want to fail him. Ironic in light of his previous statement don't you think?
Ms Tree said:
If you read the TX case the main reason the monument was not removed was due to the fact that it was viewed as an historical monument and it's presence was not contested for a majority of the time it was there. Breyer also mentions the secular nature of the group who donated as well as the location of the monument.

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Are you saying the monument is part of American history, heritage, and culture? I knew you would flip-flip given enough time. That is what the left does.
Learn how to construct a sentence, it's a historical monument not "an historical monument"its not "it's", the majority not "a majority"has been there not "was there". I do not blame you for your apparent lack of education; I blame the socialized schools that educated you. 


You were saying?

700UW said:
Hey Troglodyte
Guess you never heard of "No Child Left Behind"

The difference is
No Child Left Behind allowed individual states to set their standards
Common Core allows the standard to be set at the federal level
Some conservatives have assailed the program as a federal "top-down" takeover of state and local education systems.[38][39] South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley said her state should not "relinquish control of education to the federal government, neither should we cede it to the consensus of other states."[38]
Second, the standards have become much more politicized than originally intended. In its first term, the Obama administration provided incentives for states to adopt the Common Core through the Race to the Top competitive grant program as well as through its waiver program for No Child Left Behind. Furthermore, the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee also made the Common Core an issue in the 2012 election, prompting the Republican National Committee to come out against it. This has caused many conservatives to fear that the Common Core is a Trojan horse for more federal control over education.
“For starters, the misnamed “Common Core State Standards” are not state standards. They’re national standards, created by Gates-funded consultants for the National Governors Association (NGA). They were designed, in part, to circumvent federal restrictions on the adoption of a national curriculum, hence the insertion of the word “state” in the brand name. States were coerced into adopting the Common Core by requirements attached to the federal Race to the Top grants and, later, the No Child Left Behind waivers. (This is one reason many conservative groups opposed to any federal role in education policy oppose the Common Core.)
Both were horrible ideas but, Common Core is much more dangerous.
I would not expect a socialist libtard like you to understand that though.

Common Core
La Li Lu Le Lo said:

You were saying?
I seem to recall you being called out a few weeks ago for spelling/grammar erros and blowing it off.

Keep posting cute posters of no relevance. They really help your argument.
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  • #165
Ms Tree said:
I seem to recall you being called out a few weeks ago for spelling/grammar erros and blowing it off.

Keep posting cute posters of no relevance. They really help your argument.
Say what?

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