I suppose one could call anything brainwashing.
I can take an objective look back at my expensive parochial school education, and honestly say that they tried. And tried damn hard, quite possibly without even knowing it, since they were also indoctrinated at an early age, while at the same time warning about the dangers of "those other people" who brainwashed their kids.
Ditto for a dozen or so of mostly SBC church services and study groups I sat through, and participated in, before I finally got it that the true believers were not interested in asking questions, thinking, or learning - or in anyone who was. All they were interested in, and this was in my experience universal, was repeating the story, and those who repeated the story, and who had the same basic testimony that they did.
( its not that hard, try to keep up...)
Personally, I would define brainwashing as something like telling someone what, or how, to believe an think.
Providing information or encouragement, or even help, is not.
I am not going to listen to Lady Gaga to find out what she is saying, because I don't enjoy listening to her. That doesn't mean she has no talent, or that she is wrong, or right, or anything else. It means I am not going to listen to her because I don't enjoy listening to her.
Brainwashing is a lot more simpler, and try to grasp this isn't always a bad thing. Schools brainwash in one way or another, parents brainwash, friends brainwash, etc.
Anything you follow or believe, pretty much has brainwashed you. Not hard to do and not complicated to understand. Some people confuse brainwashing with being hypnotized. It's when you think for yourself based on your personal experiences and knowledge you have acquired in life that you can say you're not brainwashed.
I went to Catholic school, found their hypocrisy and said, 'bye-bye!' I pledge allegiance to nobody and have no actual loyalty to anybody. I don't always agree with Democrats or Republicans, and in my business it is best to be neutral on all grounds. You should try it sometimes!
As long as one is a sheep, you are brainwashed. As for Lady GaGa, maybe she should keep politics out of her acts, seeing that her fans who pay to see her concerts, shouldn't care about Obamacare.