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Coalition Of Anti-amfa Raid

cheetah said:
hay HSS, how did the mighty TWU save those jobs at Eastern and PanAm? are we next? ill take my chances with the better union(AMFA).
cheetah, You say "better union"? That "fraternal association" you refer to should not have the right to call themselves anything in respect to being "UNION" with what they have done to 47.1% of those they are responsible for...! They are devistating this industry with the outsourcing of premium jobs "accross the pond"..!

As I have said before. They may try a new spin off to their identity, and call themselves. ("AMFCOE"... Airline Mechanics Fraternal Clan of Elitists) :shock:

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
HSS, we all know that the IAM started the out sorceing over the pond ,AMFA has to deal with it,if AMFA lets companies out sorce so much(thus saving them millions) then why is AA fighting (lying) so hard to keep them out??????? PLEASE tell me.
cheetah said:
HSS, we all know that the IAM started the out sorceing over the pond ,AMFA has to deal with it,if AMFA lets companies out sorce so much(thus saving them millions) then why is AA fighting (lying) so hard to keep them out??????? PLEASE tell me.
Surely you have proof that AA is trying hard to keep AMFA out. Please provide that proof along with a copy of the lawsuit.
All you have to do is look at the numbers to see that the company is trying to protect their beloved TWU.

Does anyone believe that the company does not know which employees are retired, dead or no longer with the company?

Are some employees getting multiple paychecks? If not then why were many listed more than once?

If the company is paying 2000 more M&R than they actually have, if they dont know who is on payroll, then this company is in seroius trouble.

I doubt that this is the case. I suspect that the company has deliberately inflated the numbers in order to keep AMFA out and the TWU in. The reason is obvious-the TWU gives the company everything they want.
Bob Owens said:
All you have to do is look at the numbers to see that the company is trying to protect their beloved TWU.

Does anyone believe that the company does not know which employees are retired, dead or no longer with the company?

Are some employees getting multiple paychecks? If not then why were many listed more than once?

If the company is paying 2000 more M&R than they actually have, if they dont know who is on payroll, then this company is in seroius trouble.

I doubt that this is the case. I suspect that the company has deliberately inflated the numbers in order to keep AMFA out and the TWU in. The reason is obvious-the TWU gives the company everything they want.
Well Bob, not speaking for any other base besides MCIE, the management here bent over backwards for the AMFA organizers. Even to the point of showing an AMFA film to a couple of mechanics on company time with company equipment.

And really Bob, why wouldn't the company want AMFA inhouse? That would give them the instantaneous ability to compete with the other airlines' ability to outsource.

AMFA's track record wreaks of company togetherness.
Before AA even thought of buying TWA,I remember when an AA field trip went to MCI to change a gearbox on an AA757. The whole AA crew was wearing AMFA shirts and the IAM cried to TWA management about it. The crew and plane were kicked out of the MCI hanger. Didn't seem so management friendly then and I doubt it is now. In fact everyone I've met from MCI tells how the ex-IAM cronies and management are working together by doing everything legal+illegal to stop the AMFA election!
Go back to sleep twu sheep, AMFA is just an internet scheme. LMAO
Before AA even thought of buying TWA,I remember when an AA field trip went to MCI to change a gearbox on an AA757. The whole AA crew was wearing AMFA shirts and the IAM cried to TWA management about it. The crew and plane were kicked out of the MCI hanger. Didn't seem so management friendly then and I doubt it is now. In fact everyone I've met from MCI tells how the ex-IAM cronies and management are working together by doing everything legal+illegal to stop the AMFA election!
Everyone you've met wouldn't possibly be AMFA organizers would they? It was the members that laid their tools down and demanded management get rid of AMFA, and yes, I was there...there was no one crying except the mechanics that were sent packing. BTW..did you here it was 100% participation in that action? Those same people are now TWU, like it or not.

They wanted to make a statement and it backfired....just ask Gary...HAHAHA!
Nightwatch said:
Well Bob, not speaking for any other base besides MCIE, the management here bent over backwards for the AMFA organizers. Even to the point of showing an AMFA film to a couple of mechanics on company time with company equipment.

And really Bob, why wouldn't the company want AMFA inhouse? That would give them the instantaneous ability to compete with the other airlines' ability to outsource.

AMFA's track record wreaks of company togetherness.

So now you are speaking for MCIE? Funny I did not know that were elected to be their representative. What gives you the authority to speak for the whole base?

The facts dont support your arguement. In 2001 M&R was pegged at 16000, now three years and thousands of retirements later along with thousands on layoff-meaning that retireees are not being replaced the company claims that we have 18600, a figure that included retirees, dead people, duplications and terminatiuons.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that the company does not know who is on payroll?

Over at NWA AMFA raised the standard for Passenger Airline mechanics pay to $35/hr, shortly after the IAM came back with $29 saying its the best they could do.

If you want to talk about cozy management/union relations what other union do you know of besides the TWU that called management "Brother".

Doesnt the TWU flag fly on company property on a company paid for flagpole in Tulsa?

What other union do you know of besides the TWU that gives the company everything they want?
What other union do you know of besides the TWU that does not get holiday pay? What other union do you know of besides the TWU that does not go to doubletime?What other union do you know of besides the TWU that gets as little as one week of vacation a year? What other union do you know of besides the TWU where your first day sick you only get half pay?
What other union do you know of besides the TWU offers a night shift differential of only 2 cents per hour?

The fact is that the TWU is a disgrace to unionism. Their pro-management, pro concessionary policies are not confined to our company or even our industry. The TWU allows people who have accepted management positions to retain their International positions yet suspends people who criticize their concessionary policies. Its clear whose side the TWU International is on, and its not the members who can not vote them out anyway.

You claim that if AMFA came in that the company would al of a sudden be able to outsource. The fact is this company already outsources more than any other carrier. The TWUs right to grieve outsopurcing centers around the TWU being able to prove that they can do it cheaper, not that they are entitled to the work.
Comment From HSS:

Green dude, You address me as an extreme TWU supporter and you are absoluteley correct. But if you believe I post here for my own advancement your are dead wrong. I have seen what both the TWU and the amfa have to offer and common sense speaks for itself that the TWU is superior to protecting the profession that so many here speak of. Based on percentages of employed mechanics the TWU is not willing, as your beloved amfa is, to allow 47.1% of their people to hit the street. And further more, I will not support an association such as the amfa that would be putting my Seniority rights up for sale....!

Oh yeah, I do like your choice of an avatar. It reminds me of an amfa supporter who has drank too much of the "amfa puke green Kool-Aid....!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement


The only thing the TWU is good at, is diluting the profession. Also, don't count your eggs before they hatch. Word is, that there may be some more trimming the heard. The company is holding off for two reasons. First is; perpetuate the illusion that the TWU saved all these surplus jobs to fight off the AMFA drive. Second reason would be for the chance that the AMFA gets in - now thw company can layoff and blame it on the AMFA. This is not a stretch.

TWU: The rusted out YUGO of the special interest movement.
or the Cadillac of the Bowel Movements..

Please send your votes in..
Comment From HSS:

I have seen what both the TWU and the amfa have to offer and common sense speaks for itself that the TWU is superior to protecting the profession that so many here speak of.

So when the TWU outsourced R&D and mechanics positions were eliminated all through the system, was that for the betterment of the profession?

When the TWU allows other airlines to bring their own maintenance in, so long as TWU unloads and loads them ,is that protecting the profession?

When the TWU creates SRPs and OSMs, eliminating thousands of A&P jobs, is the for the profession?

The TWU has been openly hostile to the profession of A&P mechanics for at least twenty years. They have brought in precident setting ways of eliminating A&P jobs.

Based on percentages of employed mechanics the TWU is not willing, as your beloved amfa is, to allow 47.1% of their people to hit the street.

And what is the percentage of A&Ps that we would have vs what we do have if the TWU had not given away so much of our work?

And further more, I will not support an association such as the amfa that would be putting my Seniority rights up for sale....!

Seniority rights? What seniority rights do you have? Seniority used to protect you from downturns in the economy, the TWU changed all that so the guy who put in his time will suffer every time the economy takes a stumble. Our oldest guys who should be geeting ready to retire will never recover. This has always been an industry of massive layoffs, never before has a union been so willing to give such a total package of concessions as the TWU.
So now you are speaking for MCIE? Funny I did not know that were elected to be their representative. What gives you the authority to speak for the whole base?

You betcha, I speak for MCIE/TWU, not as an elected official but as a strong union activist that is "in the loop" of what the company allows to whom and when. You, Bob, speak a whole lot and are not an elected official, so why the wasted script. Oh, I forgot, you've never lost an election (neither has delle), you just have a tough time of keeping the job, what a loser.

Thousands of retirements in 3 years? How many Bob? That would be a minimum of 3 a day to be thousands in 3 years roughly, you're not grandstanding a bit here are you big boy?

Over at NWA AMFA didn't do squat except follow the IBT's lead in wages and then surpass the industry in outsourcing allowed, go peddle your crap to someone that will believe your burger stuffin' ego.

You can what other this and that 'till the cows come home Bob, fact is the majority of us are still employed (unlike NWA) and still making a decent wage. What other union can say that Bob? AMFA? Why not AMFA? They've lied before.
I have a question for you Knightwatch. Can you read English? American Airlines told the NMB back in 2002 that the old rules of determining craft and class are not accurate for the work force at AA. The NMB said ok than what is. AA said mechanic and related, fleet service, and stores. The NMB said ok that’s fine. AA even went on to say each craft and class is covered by their own bargaining agreement. Now AA is asking the NMB to include 2000 Fleet Service people in the list of eligible voter. You are telling me you can’t see that AA is attempting to stop a vote. By the way that doesn't even include the deceased, retired, fired, and people who refused recall who are still own the list. You asked about proof will AA's own words help. http://www.nmb.gov/representation/deter2002/29n051.html NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
It runs along the same lines as AMFA referring to itself as a craft union. Despite AMFA's efforts over the years to exclude a number of our brothers and sisters , such as facilitites and automotive mechanics, machinists, cleaners, fuelers, and janitors, such people are part of our craft. This means that we represent a wide diversity of skill and responsibility. In fact, at some airlines, the "related" classifications outnumbered licensed a/c mechanics. Therefore, the whole notion that AMFA can provide a "mechanics for mechanics union" is false. If you believe that other workers with so called lesser skills or even different skills somehow weakens you, AMFA cannot take care of that problem because AMFA is required by law to represent the people. In fact, at United, AMFA was in court attempting to ensure the company forces the fuelers and ground servicemen pay dues to AMFA.

So you see, regardless of who tells whom what, numbers can change accordingly. If you think the TWU sat and instructed the company to include retired and dead people then you do need to be classified as dumb as Stewart. Conspiracy...yeah right. Whatever makes you losers feel better.

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