Nightwatch said:
Well Bob, not speaking for any other base besides MCIE, the management here bent over backwards for the AMFA organizers. Even to the point of showing an AMFA film to a couple of mechanics on company time with company equipment.
And really Bob, why wouldn't the company want AMFA inhouse? That would give them the instantaneous ability to compete with the other airlines' ability to outsource.
AMFA's track record wreaks of company togetherness.
So now you are speaking for MCIE? Funny I did not know that were elected to be their representative. What gives you the authority to speak for the whole base?
The facts dont support your arguement. In 2001 M&R was pegged at 16000, now three years and thousands of retirements later along with thousands on layoff-meaning that retireees are not being replaced the company claims that we have 18600, a figure that included retirees, dead people, duplications and terminatiuons.
Do you really expect anyone to believe that the company does not know who is on payroll?
Over at NWA AMFA raised the standard for Passenger Airline mechanics pay to $35/hr, shortly after the IAM came back with $29 saying its the best they could do.
If you want to talk about cozy management/union relations what other union do you know of besides the TWU that called management "Brother".
Doesnt the TWU flag fly on company property on a company paid for flagpole in Tulsa?
What other union do you know of besides the TWU that gives the company everything they want?
What other union do you know of besides the TWU that does not get holiday pay? What other union do you know of besides the TWU that does not go to doubletime?What other union do you know of besides the TWU that gets as little as one week of vacation a year? What other union do you know of besides the TWU where your first day sick you only get half pay?
What other union do you know of besides the TWU offers a night shift differential of only 2 cents per hour?
The fact is that the TWU is a disgrace to unionism. Their pro-management, pro concessionary policies are not confined to our company or even our industry. The TWU allows people who have accepted management positions to retain their International positions yet suspends people who criticize their concessionary policies. Its clear whose side the TWU International is on, and its not the members who can not vote them out anyway.
You claim that if AMFA came in that the company would al of a sudden be able to outsource. The fact is this company already outsources more than any other carrier. The TWUs right to grieve outsopurcing centers around the TWU being able to prove that they can do it cheaper, not that they are entitled to the work.