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Coalition Of Anti-amfa Raid

HEY HEY SCAB dAAve aka decision 2004 here's a pix for you & all your other amfa(puke) SCABS for your next card drive
i hope you like it 🙂 I LOVE IT ;-O
The point my world is you seem to be one of the few in your world, more and more people every day are turning their backs on the TWU. The reason is not the AMFA drive as much as you guy's dictating to instead of following what the members say. You are the spokes person of the local not the leaders, read your by-laws. You people are so afraid of democracy it's sad. You guys need therapy not a PR firm. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
<----------Grab some babes!

Lie #4 from the TWU;

"The membership is the Ultimate authority"

This is a lie. The Constition is clear that the members are only the supreme authority of the local "at meetings", but then goes on to say that the Local E board-who by virtue of the Oath of office have been determined to be subordinate to the International- "shall have the power and authority to administer the affairs of the Local Union.

If you read the TWU Constitution it makes clear over and over again that the International is supreme over all Locals. Who is in change of the International? Its not the members. Article VIII, Section 2 states "the International Executive Council shall be the supreme authority in the International Union (pg 16).

In fact when you read the TWU Constitution its very clear that the power of the Union is confined to the top levels of the union, none of which face electoral accountability from the members. While the Constition clearly designates what powers the International has it is silent as to what powers the members actually have other than at the Local level. As stated already the locals are subordinate to the International. Article XIII(pg 34) makes clear that the membership is subordinate to the International union. With the TWU we are paying to have a second boss. All you need to do is read the Article.

Sect 1 "Any person seeking membership shall be required,,,"

Sect 2 "An applicant shall not be accepted for membership until,,,"

Sect 3 "Any member who fails to pay his/her dues before the 15th day of each month shall be in bad standing."

Sect 4 "Any member in bad standing shall be inelligible to attend union meetings,,,"

Sect 5 "It shall be the duty of each member to pay,,,"

Sect 6-Grants the international power to extendtime limitations for the payment of fines.

Sect 7 "A member shall be required to advise the Local Financial secretary,,,,"

The remaining sections cover transfers, layoffs etc, none of them grant the membership rights to have input into the affairs or direction of the TWU.

It is clear from this article, in fact from the whole document that the membership has duties and obligations to the TWU but the TWU has no duties or obligations to the members.

In direct contrast to Article XIII, which states what the members shall do for the TWU, Articles V through X apply specific and broad powers to the International.After reading the Constitution it is clear that the TWU is not a membership run organization. The Constitution only applies duties and responsibilities upon the members to finance and support the organization but does not grant them any rights to 'participate" in determining the direction of the organization.

So while the Constitution is clear, when taken as a whole, that the membership is not in control, proponents of the TWU, obviously with the hope that no one will actually research the facts behind the statement, claim over and over again that the "membership is the ultimate authority". As long as people actually believe this, its easy for the next TWU lie that "its all the memberships fault" to be believed.
Bob Owens said:
Lie #4 from the TWU;

"The membership is the Ultimate authority"

This is a lie. The Constition is clear that the members are only the supreme authority of the local "at meetings", but then goes on to say that the Local E board-who by virtue of the Oath of office have been determined to be subordinate to the International- "shall have the power and authority to administer the affairs of the Local Union.

If you read the TWU Constitution it makes clear over and over again that the International is supreme over all Locals. Who is in change of the International? Its not the members. Article VIII, Section 2 states "the International Executive Council shall be the supreme authority in the International Union (pg 16).

In fact when you read the TWU Constitution its very clear that the power of the Union is confined to the top levels of the union, none of which face electoral accountability from the members. While the Constition clearly designates what powers the International has it is silent as to what powers the members actually have other than at the Local level. As stated already the locals are subordinate to the International. Article XIII(pg 34) makes clear that the membership is subordinate to the International union. With the TWU we are paying to have a second boss. All you need to do is read the Article.

Sect 1 "Any person seeking membership shall be required,,,"

Sect 2 "An applicant shall not be accepted for membership until,,,"

Sect 3 "Any member who fails to pay his/her dues before the 15th day of each month shall be in bad standing."

Sect 4 "Any member in bad standing shall be inelligible to attend union meetings,,,"

Sect 5 "It shall be the duty of each member to pay,,,"

Sect 6-Grants the international power to extendtime limitations for the payment of fines.

Sect 7 "A member shall be required to advise the Local Financial secretary,,,,"

The remaining sections cover transfers, layoffs etc, none of them grant the membership rights to have input into the affairs or direction of the TWU.

It is clear from this article, in fact from the whole document that the membership has duties and obligations to the TWU but the TWU has no duties or obligations to the members.

In direct contrast to Article XIII, which states what the members shall do for the TWU, Articles V through X apply specific and broad powers to the International.After reading the Constitution it is clear that the TWU is not a membership run organization. The Constitution only applies duties and responsibilities upon the members to finance and support the organization but does not grant them any rights to 'participate" in determining the direction of the organization.

So while the Constitution is clear, when taken as a whole, that the membership is not in control, proponents of the TWU, obviously with the hope that no one will actually research the facts behind the statement, claim over and over again that the "membership is the ultimate authority". As long as people actually believe this, its easy for the next TWU lie that "its all the memberships fault" to be believed.
So according to your trash then we might as well not vote, is that a correct assumption on your part there Bob? If we are not liable for our vote then why vote? Is this a ploy to get more voting power to the line stations?

And again...<-----------------grab a tissue ya crybaby.
Nightwatch said:
<----------Grab some babes!


I would caution you that the type of posting you just made can be taken in a racial manner.

Have you had your Impact Training at work?

I am asking you in open forum not to make racial comparasions for any reason.

Thank You.
Buck said:

I would caution you that the type of posting you just made can be taken in a racial manner.

Have you had your Impact Training at work?

I am asking you in open forum not to make racial comparasions for any reason.

Thank You.
You really need to get a grip man....and might I add.."shut up".
Ok I have warned you.

Make another racial gesture on this board or in any manner and I will take the action required.
Nightwatch said:
So according to your trash then we might as well not vote, is that a correct assumption on your part there Bob? If we are not liable for our vote then why vote? Is this a ploy to get more voting power to the line stations?

No, of course you should vote, but before you do, you should make every effort to become informed. You should seek out information from all sides of the issue at stake.

In fact hopefully we will be having a representational vote soon.

"And again...<-----------------grab a tissue ya crybaby."

So that is the best you can come back with? I bring forth factual statements about the TWU and you resort to name calling. I'm sure that will convince a lot of members to stay with the TWU.

By the way I moved this issue-TWU Lies-to a new thread because I admit that I have deviated from the original topic.
Buck said:
Ok I have warned you.

I will take the action required.
In can believe that....!!!!! Running off to management is no problem for you is it Buck? :blink:

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel, What kind of brainwashed simple minded moron are you? Have you ever left your sheltered environment there under the 514, and seen the real world?

What is the benefit of AMTs staying with the TWU? I have been here 20 years and have yet to see anything positive accomplished by the TWU for the AMTs. I do not see more then 5 of you extreme TWU supporters on this board regularly, which shows that - only you 5 or so - have something to gain by keeping the TWU. Also, that comment you made about AMFA supporters being elitist is pretty weak. It's more like we are embarrassed to have hayseeds with your mentality negotiating wages and benefits for the rest of us. Your method of telling the membership at the 514 that they will all become victims without the TWU to protect them is pretty transparent. Come out to any line station, and start talking up the TWU the way you do on this BB, and you would be laughed out of the area.

On another note, your line about AMFA being the Yugo of the labor movement is actually more fitting of the TWU if you throw in a little rust.
Buck said:
Ok I have warned you.

Make another racial gesture on this board or in any manner and I will take the action required.
<------------- Hey Buck...grab some

I made a racial comment? You have warned me? Why don't you go patrol somewhere else? If you take offense to 3 innocent babes then you're one sick puppy. You are certainly amfa trained...whaaaaaaaaaa.. You need to act however you want man. You want to report something? I can certainly give you that opportunity. Don't bother warning me, go ahead and report all you want.
Vortilon said:
High Speed Steel, What kind of brainwashed simple minded moron are you? Have you ever left your sheltered environment there under the 514, and seen the real world?

What is the benefit of AMTs staying with the TWU? I have been here 20 years and have yet to see anything positive accomplished by the TWU for the AMTs. I do not see more then 5 of you extreme TWU supporters on this board regularly, which shows that - only you 5 or so - have something to gain by keeping the TWU. Also, that comment you made about AMFA supporters being elitist is pretty weak. It's more like we are embarrassed to have hayseeds with your mentality negotiating wages and benefits for the rest of us. Your method of telling the membership at the 514 that they will all become victims without the TWU to protect them is pretty transparent. Come out to any line station, and start talking up the TWU the way you do on this BB, and you would be laughed out of the area.

On another note, your line about AMFA being the Yugo of the labor movement is actually more fitting of the TWU if you throw in a little rust.
Green dude, You address me as an extreme TWU supporter and you are absoluteley correct. But if you believe I post here for my own advancement your are dead wrong. I have seen what both the TWU and the amfa have to offer and common sense speaks for itself that the TWU is superior to protecting the profession that so many here speak of. Based on percentages of employed mechanics the TWU is not willing, as your beloved amfa is, to allow 47.1% of their people to hit the street. And further more, I will not support an association such as the amfa that would be putting my Seniority rights up for sale....! :angry:

Oh yeah, I do like your choice of an avatar. It reminds me of an amfa supporter who has drank too much of the "amfa puke green Kool-Aid....!!!!! :blink:

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
hay HSS, how did the mighty TWU save those jobs at Eastern and PanAm? are we next? ill take my chances with the better union(AMFA).

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