CO backs out of merger, UA/US deal still on?

United could divert from merger plans
Spurned airline also investigating alliances

By Julie Johnsson

Tribune reporter

April 29, 2008

United Airlines executives may have been stunned by Continental Airlines' abrupt decision to pursue alliances rather than a merger just days before the two carriers were expected to announce a deal.

But they've wasted little time in adopting a similar approach.

While United parent UAL Corp. is deep into merger talks with US Airways Group Inc., a deal that would come with considerable baggage, the Chicago-based carrier is also exploring new alliances that would broaden its reach without a merger's messy melding of operations, a person briefed on its strategy said Monday.

Analysts say United's options include pursuing a code-share arrangement with Houston-based Continental, which would allow the carriers to sell tickets on each other's flights, potentially linking United's Pacific network with Continental's Atlantic stronghold.

United also could seek closer ties and perhaps an investment from Germany's Lufthansa, its longtime partner in the Star Alliance global marketing alliance, suggested Henry Harteveldt, industry analyst with Forrester Research Inc.

What's clear is that United needs to do something quickly to shore up the confidence of its investors and employees after trying and failing to merge with Continental and Delta Air Lines Inc.

Investors who had counted on United Chief Executive Glenn Tilton to deliver a megamerger are chafing at the 58 percent decline in United's stock since January and heavier-than-expected $537 million first-quarter loss, sources said.

UAL shares dropped another 2.6 percent Monday; US Airways' jumped 20 percent.

United's unions are restive, disheartened at the prospect of being drawn into US Airways' labor strife. The carrier's pilots Monday called on Tilton to return the $10.3 million compensation he received last year.

Meanwhile, its largest union Monday questioned whether Tilton had any strategic vision, aside from merging.

"Since United came out of bankruptcy, they've been focusing on looking for a merger partner instead of running an airline," said Joe Tiberi, spokesman for the International Association of Machinists, which represents 17,000 United workers. "They could take a lesson from Continental and focus on their core business."

Continental executives ultimately rejected United's merger overtures over concerns that creating the world's largest airline would harm its business by destroying an employee-friendly corporate culture, sources said.

But Tilton has said repeatedly consolidation is just one of several steps airlines need to take to shore up businesses battered by rising fuel prices, a slowing economy and relentless price competition.

He reiterated to United workers Monday his team is focused on improving its performance in critical areas, while conserving cash.

"We also continue to believe that new business models are required to respond to the challenging market environment; for a shift of magnitude, management teams must fully embrace the inevitability of change and have a meeting of the minds for any prospective partnership to be successful," Tilton said in a companywide message.

Merging with US Airways would give United a greater array of domestic flights, filling in gaps in United's network in the Northeast and South, analysts and observers said. It would also give United something that the merging Delta and Northwest airlines lack: overlapping operations that could be trimmed to create greater savings for the merged company, particularly in Washington, D.C.

"They have an opportunity to take a fair amount [of capacity] out of the system," said Bill Swelbar, a researcher and longtime industry observer.

While that might spark investors' interest in the deal, it could also spark greater scrutiny by antitrust authorities, who killed an attempt by the two airlines to merge in 2001, analysts noted.

United already has a code-share arrangement with US Airways that allows the airlines to sell tickets on each other's flights. They share some common computer systems, which might make it easier to integrate operations.

But the deal would likely draw a hostile response from United's unions, particularly its pilots. "Expect torches and pitchforks," predicted one United pilot. That's because a merged carrier could soon devolve into a three-way battle over pilot seniority, with US Airways pilots already divided into rival factions after its merger with America West.

Another concern is customer service, already a weak point at both carriers.

"Two lousy airlines combined does not make a good airline. It makes perhaps an even lousier airline," said Chicago restructuring specialist Bill Brandt.

Representatives of United, Continental and US Airways declined to comment.

[email protected]
Apparently, you haven't read these boards for a long time or you would NEVER have typed that post. There have been MANY negative posts from both sides and if you haven't read any of the pilots NIC arbitration thread do so before you post that same statement again. By the way, we couldn't care less if you are ORIGINAL US or not. We are all US airlines employees(maybe) and maybe if and when we merge we will all be former US employees. And Bobby, someday someone may say to you, Im original UA! Who cares! Mama
Thankyou for your insight MAMA..YOU TOTALLY MISSED MY POINT! Yes i am new to the board and quite frankly i could care less whether someone's from US..PSA..PI OR HP, or possibly UA. The point was that i've alway's worked for the surviving carrier and have alway's treated my co worker's with respect and shied away from the childish attitude that some have display'ed on this board and at work. The company i work for now in no way resemble's who i went to work for, and I'm OK with that. As for the pilot NIC award, my heart goe's out to the EAST pilot's. THEY GOT TOTALLY SHAFTED. And kudo's to them in their effort to right a wrong. The poster i was responding to was making highly inflamatory remark's and was obviously from the west. And he IS RUDE...PERIOD. Now haveing said that, the last thing i need is a lecture from you, and since the constitution give's me free speech, i'll post what i want
BOBBY :down:
I'll add my two cents. I was directly involved with the first (aborted) attempt at merging US and UA. While every management team has its warts, I found UA's mgmt (at least those I dealt with) to be fair, open-minded, interested in others' ideas, articulate and refreshingly worldly.
United could divert from merger plans
Spurned airline also investigating alliances
[email protected]

While I understand the take on why there needs to be mergers, at what point does this industry begin to fix the current problems? Just like people will still drive with high fuel prices, they will also fly. Industry CEO's keep shooting themselves in the foot and then asking employees for the crutches. I can't blame UA employees for not wanting this merger and we at US should feel the same way. How about we take all that money planned on merging the two companies and creating synergies and actual fix our companies. Maybe then a merger could work, but for now there are too many problems and issues.
While I understand the the take on why there needs to be mergers, at what point does this industry begin to fix the current problems? Just like people will still drive with high fuel prices, they will also fly. Industry CEO's keep shooting themselves in the foot and then asking employees for the crutches. I can't blame UA employees for not wanting this merger and we at US should feel the same way. How about we take all that money planned on merging the two companies and creating synergies and actual fix our companies. Maybe then a merger could work, but for now there are too many problems and issues.

I think your basically correct. UAL will shortly release a statement saying talks have ended and they will explore other options. NWA/DAL will collapse under intense political and antitrust pressure. AA & CAL will go it alone. US Airways will be left without a partner and extremely vulnerable.
I'll add my two cents. I was directly involved with the first (aborted) attempt at merging US and UA. While every management team has its warts, I found UA's mgmt (at least those I dealt with) to be fair, open-minded, interested in others' ideas, articulate and refreshingly worldly.

Wow. That is such a nice compliment. I wonder where they all went? <_<
Thanks Mama.
I am from the West-US west and am more original US then 1988 date of hire.
Good for you dude..YOUR STILL RUDE. I've met many HP F/a"s and would love to fly some day with most. You and your ilk are in the minority, unless the one's i've met are two faced. And, the last time i checked the definition of ORIGINAL..well you get it. And by the way..the EASTIES are'nt going anywhere...but maybe out there.
US Airways will be left without a partner and extremely vulnerable.
Did not Parker state about a month ago that if nothing showed up worth dealing with, he would be comfortable sitting "this round out". Frankly, I don't see a problem.
Good for you dude..YOUR STILL RUDE. I've met many HP F/a"s and would love to fly some day with most. You and your ilk are in the minority, unless the one's i've met are two faced. And, the last time i checked the definition of ORIGINAL..well you get it. And by the way..the EASTIES are'nt going anywhere...but maybe out there.
Don't you get it?

I am East and I'm not going anywhere!

As far as flying you'll get your chance to fly with HP people when they come east to fly international.

It may make picking up those international trips a bit harder for a 1988 DOH.

Again, I'm more "original" than you are.
US and UA are still talking, they were in Tempe today on the 9th floor, according to PHX Media.
Tilton still can't make up his mind: Blue pill or red pill?

This is better than "Valley of the Dolls"
