Civics Lesson

Notable quote from your source, Dell: "Obama is reviewing President Bush's executive orders on those issues and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Republican rule. ".

If he is going to simply undo certain executive orders that were improperly ordered in the first place, then I am all for it. If he is going to do anything more than repeal an executive order, clarify existing law, or assist in the execution of current law, then I will be dissapointed.

He's already hep to "stroke of the pen,law of the land".

If he can undo them he sure as hell can institute them too....Time will tell.
Full Story

The abuse of Executive Orders is one of our greatest dangers

And so this is how it begins. Disgusting.


a symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness

Megalomania is an unrealistic belief in one's superiority, grandiose abilities, and even omnipotence. It is characterized by a need for total power and control over others, and is marked by a lack of
empathy for anything that is perceived as not feeding the self.

Although megalomania is a term often ascribed to anyone who is power- hungry, the clinical definition is that of a mental illness associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Narcissism is most simply defined as self-love. Though it is considered healthy to care about your own well-being and have a healthy self-esteem, when someone loves himself to the exclusion of all else and others become objectified to be used only to serve the self, this is no longer considered healthy or normal.