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Christmas Whiteout ?

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Hmmm. If you know you are getting furloughed in January, just where is the threat in your statement?

Getting fired before furlough and NOT being able to return upon a recall.... And how about just work ethics?
Getting fired before furlough and NOT being able to return upon a recall.... And how about just work ethics?

You're preachin' to the choir here but again, can you see why this has come to what it is today? Ethics shouls go all around. Happy employees are productive employees.

And as for that meerkat poster, *click, ignore*. It must be lonely living in Mommy's basement. *in my best Southern drawl,"Haaaatteerrrrr*

ROTF serfdom. I'm howling.
No one on this property can understand the Holidays without knowing the conditions that these POOR RESERVES HAVE HAD TO ENDURE! The Company in its infinite, wonderful and heart-less know how just pisses people off on purpose. Many quit because they become suffocated instead of inspired. Does one pencil move at the Negotiating table? I do not think so. I can not BELIEVE that Miss high horse Lisa still has a union job much less writing the script for her nimble brained supporters. Who in the hell gets away with murder? of course a Union Rep. To address the "White Out" let them all eat cake. If you were in Europe you would truly have a voice as a worker. Suffer the life of USAirways- where to be really true to yourself means sleeping with the Devil. No one is to blame but bad management and the lack of true holiday pay. Let management snivel and whine but the situation is of their own making after YEARS of festering. Grow a set of do the right thing or the person in charge of labor relations and staffing performance should get new jobs.
You're preachin' to the choir here but again, can you see why this has come to what it is today? Ethics shouls go all around. Happy employees are productive employees.

And as for that meerkat poster, *click, ignore*. It must be lonely living in Mommy's basement. *in my best Southern drawl,"Haaaatteerrrrr*

ROTF serfdom. I'm howling.

Seriously VA,
This is serfdom or perhaps even worse. At least serfs were able to have families. I wouldn't dare think of starting a family on this crap pay.
Also, thanks for the tip about ignoring the meerkat . I bet they wouldn't survive a day working under the reserve system at US Airways. He can talk a big talk but I guarantee he can't walk the walk.
Why are we having this discussion? I mean really? Tempe you lurk on these boards like Phantom of the Opera. Hear this- you are Penny Wise and Pound Foolish. It's the cost of running an operation. There are a lot of people out here esp blockholders that will work the holiday for a decent incentive. They will rearrange schedules because it comes down to the almighty $$$. Hello, offer double time people would come out of the woodwork. I bet you could even unrestricted the almighty bidsheet on the 24th of December if you just offered double time :lol: But you can't see the forest for the tree can you? <_< So, it's your mess. You either be proactive or act like victims. I am sure you will choose the role of victim.
Scheduling well, it's hysterical the way they say "I'm working Christmas too!" Yeah but at some point you go home and can have part of your Christmas Day or Eve or whatever with your family and eat some decent food. Try checking in to the ALB Motor Inn for a 14 hour layover with a vending machine to eat out of. So this year lets leave those snotty comments in the back of your minds. We signed up for a few years of that, not 20.
There is "word" of a "sick out" EVERY YEAR!! And it is BS... Sick calls are ALWAYS spiked on the holiday..... NOTHING NEW TO READ HERE FOLKS....

Oh, and here's an incentive........ Come to work and keep your job or call off sick and get fired!!!
Why is it people feel entitled to extra to come to work when they knew HOLIDAYS were part of the job descrition on a 24/7 365 day a year operation.....

This thread is stupid and needs to be caaaaallllooooosssseeeddddd!!!!

You do not get fired for calling out sick as long as you have documentation..
Amen to stopping the whole, "I work Christmas too" for the NON flight crew members. Save it! You have no idea what its like to have the holidays entirely taken away from you; without being at home at all and without being with people you know. Everyone else gets to go home for portion of the holiday and crews get nothing, not even the comfort of their bed or to see someone they know.

Yes, I signed up to work Christmas for a few years but certainly not every year for my entire career. That was NOT part of the deal.
Why dont they schedule it so most trips begin or end on Christmas so most crews at least get Christmas Eve or Christmas day off with family? How about a little of compassion and work with crews to make the holidays better.... more cash or better scheduling?

Or, let reserves pick the trip they want from open time on first come first serve basis at the beginning of December so they can plan around it with their family because they get their 2 measly days off in the last 14 days of the month days off moved AT WILL by scheduling!!!!! We make alternate plans for the holidays with our family for our off days; but then scheduling takes our days off away! So even when we try to do the right thing; U screws us!

The company refuses to recognize that Christmas is important in people's lives and as a result they are left scrambling..... Lack of planning on your part (USAirways); doesnt constitute an emergency on my part; so remember that when you call me. You have been warned by all and the past how many years that Christmas is important to us and we will ensure that we get some sort of holiday out of it. Why not work with us for some form of reasonable accommodation recognizing that Christmas is important. If its just any other day to U; then it is any other day to me too and I wont hesitate calling in sick if I have any reason to think I might not be up to par to perform my safety related duties.
Amen to stopping the whole, "I work Christmas too" for the NON flight crew members. Save it! You have no idea what its like to have the holidays entirely taken away from you; without being at home at all and without being with people you know. Everyone else gets to go home for portion of the holiday and crews get nothing, not even the comfort of their bed or to see someone they know.

Yes, I signed up to work Christmas for a few years but certainly not every year for my entire career. That was NOT part of the deal.
Why dont they schedule it so most trips begin or end on Christmas so most crews at least get Christmas Eve or Christmas day off with family? How about a little of compassion and work with crews to make the holidays better.... more cash or better scheduling?

Or, let reserves pick the trip they want from open time on first come first serve basis at the beginning of December so they can plan around it with their family because they get their 2 measly days off in the last 14 days of the month days off moved AT WILL by scheduling!!!!! We make alternate plans for the holidays with our family for our off days; but then scheduling takes our days off away! So even when we try to do the right thing; U screws us!

The company refuses to recognize that Christmas is important in people's lives and as a result they are left scrambling..... Lack of planning on your part (USAirways); doesnt constitute an emergency on my part; so remember that when you call me. You have been warned by all and the past how many years that Christmas is important to us and we will ensure that we get some sort of holiday out of it. Why not work with us for some form of reasonable accommodation recognizing that Christmas is important. If its just any other day to U; then it is any other day to me too and I wont hesitate calling in sick if I have any reason to think I might not be up to par to perform my safety related duties.

Too bad. Quit and become a butcher. You chose this career, and working holidays is part of it. Live with it or do something else.
Yippy. Another person to add to the ignore list.

Truth hurts. You don't want work holidays? Get a job where you don't have to work holidays. You aren't entitled to anything.

Customers are gonna fly on the holidays, so they need a crew, whine about it all you want, its not changing.
Must you reply before I get you on the ignore list? Uhg. The only thing that "hurts" is reading your drivel. Why don't you come out of retirement, slap on some wings and work Christmas? Buh bye.
Truth hurts. You don't want work holidays? Get a job where you don't have to work holidays. You aren't entitled to anything.

Customers are gonna fly on the holidays, so they need a crew, whine about it all you want, its not changing.

Wow, clearly you never worked under this reserve regime. Thanks for retiring. I'm sure people were sad to see you go.
And we are going to have the flu. Clearly the company is so well prepared, offering vacation buy back to the most seniors, of course, while we sit around eligible for food stamps in the 20 hour bucket.

*cough cough*
"If you don't like it quit" has to be one of the most generic responses you'll find on here. Look, it's pretty simple. If management were to be creative and understanding they would....

A. Make their employees feel appreciated

B. NEVER have to worry about staffing during Christmas

C. Happy employees = Happy customers

D. Customers will receive reliable service which they purchased
and deserve by employees who are actually happy to be working.

What a concept huh? Well back to the real world. US does not care about what employees think and will not entertain the notion of some sort of side letter to make anyone happy. Many an industry has an incentive for employees to keep the operation going during a major holiday. Not at US....nope. It's all intimidation and unrealistic expectations. Nobody signed on to this forever. Quit? No...fix the problem. 😉
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