Amen to stopping the whole, "I work Christmas too" for the NON flight crew members. Save it! You have no idea what its like to have the holidays entirely taken away from you; without being at home at all and without being with people you know. Everyone else gets to go home for portion of the holiday and crews get nothing, not even the comfort of their bed or to see someone they know.
Yes, I signed up to work Christmas for a few years but certainly not every year for my entire career. That was NOT part of the deal.
Why dont they schedule it so most trips begin or end on Christmas so most crews at least get Christmas Eve or Christmas day off with family? How about a little of compassion and work with crews to make the holidays better.... more cash or better scheduling?
Or, let reserves pick the trip they want from open time on first come first serve basis at the beginning of December so they can plan around it with their family because they get their 2 measly days off in the last 14 days of the month days off moved AT WILL by scheduling!!!!! We make alternate plans for the holidays with our family for our off days; but then scheduling takes our days off away! So even when we try to do the right thing; U screws us!
The company refuses to recognize that Christmas is important in people's lives and as a result they are left scrambling..... Lack of planning on your part (USAirways); doesnt constitute an emergency on my part; so remember that when you call me. You have been warned by all and the past how many years that Christmas is important to us and we will ensure that we get some sort of holiday out of it. Why not work with us for some form of reasonable accommodation recognizing that Christmas is important. If its just any other day to U; then it is any other day to me too and I wont hesitate calling in sick if I have any reason to think I might not be up to par to perform my safety related duties.