no , i'm with the "it gets darkest before it goes totally black " crowd ..
do you know what the builders confidence level is (its an economic report that just came out yesterday )
it's NINE .... as in the single digit 9 .... now that would be great if it was a scale of 1-10 , ten being the highest , but its a scale of 100 , and that reading of nine is the lowest in the surveys history stretching back to 1959
that's a wonderful uplifting message about the banks lending more to whomever ... but guess what , everyone has pulled back except for the very wealthy ... so .... lend all you want , maybe the top 5% of this country can carry us all on their backs to economic safety .... ah hahaha the person at Forbes who wrote that article is a moron! ah hahaha
no , if you want to know how it's going to go down , you need to listen to me , a simple baggage handler ...
2008 - holiday sales set new records for not selling a damn thing ...
jan 2009 - layoffs begin 100,00 k jobs lost - stocks begin to fall
febuary 2009 , more layoff's LIBOR increases , stocks fall - margin calls
march 2009 - state budgets strain under the rising unemployment costs and get hurt even more from lack of retail taxes , unemployment rises to 7.5 percent , layoffs continue , stocks continue to fall , libor continues to rise , world wide econmines begin to suffer , poltical pressure on the TARP for general bail outs , structural weakness begins to show across the entire US economy , the hushed talk about the credit raiting of the US being down graded begins to increase , foreclosures are continuing to rise and accelerate ...
april ---- every thing goes back to normal --- just kidding , april fools!!
cycle of destruction continues ...