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It is an absolute disgrace what they did to that beautiful hub. They murdered a jewel of a hub and stripped the entire airline of its pride. With oil around $55, it is time to bring PIT back.

Blame the CITY Fathers!! It was a Long time Coming!!
It was costume jewelry. Looked nice; not worth a lot (to the bottom line anyway.)...

Definitely a nice airport, though. Many white elephants begin that way.

Maybe so, but from a customer perspective, PIT was a gem. It was very easy to make connections, and not subject to the same choking ATC issues as PHL.

Customers don't think about the high costs of operating a hub in PIT. If PIT was too costly for US to operate as a hub, they should have come up with a Plan B for connecting pax which did not involve PHL. PHL just got worse and worse the more US stripped its PIT service.

And US lost a very valuable component of their operation when they divested themselves of a Midwestern hub. The "barbell" hub structure is just not convenient for pax flying to the Midwest who must make a connection. These customers just take their business elsewhere.
We'll according to the newest news in PHX, they will be bringing back more flying in and out of our HUB for 2009. Our Union 66 has gotten news for increase lines for PHX based fa's in the next year. Good news. I don't see US Airways losing an West Coast Hub until another merger takes place.(UNITED) The West pilot's have a provision in there transition aggreement and I am sure the East does too, where the company is limited on further Domestic cuts to Mainline flying. I believe we will see drastic cuts from express, MESA AIR and maybe Republic in the next year.

there will be more cuts than that next year ...

To all of our new hires , i strongly urge you to find a second job just in case , the same goes to anyone with low seniority ..

alot of people think " oh good the us economy is recovering " uh , no .... it's continuing to die .. if this holidays retail season flops like i think it will , there will be layoff's more massive than citi's 26000 workers ...

Travel is a luxury , when people no longer have jobs they won't travel ... when people are scared of losing their jobs , they will save up , and that means they won't travel ... our industry is in extream danger . prepare yourselves as best you can .
hey freedom ,,

what ever happened to oil being sustained at 150.00 a barrel

brother take your dark cloud and go hide in a cave for a couple years ...
hey freedom ,,

what ever happened to oil being sustained at 150.00 a barrel

brother take your dark cloud and go hide in a cave for a couple years ...

go to the water cooler o man , read my thread called "US ECONMY DOOMED " you'll notice that i pointed out that oil would only begin to drop after the US economy had received it's death blow .... guess what happened ?

As to how i used to point out the fact that the price of has was rising every week when we were fighting in the IAM threads to get a new contract , that was simply a FOIL designed to draw in the short sighted workers , a scare tactic if you would ... althou it was a valid tequence because even i was scared lol ..but lucky it worked , and now we have a new contract , otherwise we'd be going into 2009 with nothing ... yeah ....

but back to my point everyone , the rest of you can chose to believe that the sky isn't actually falling , or you can take steps to protect yourselves by taking on a second job ....(do it , get second jobs )
you said in the other thread there are no jobs out there . SO I'm guessing it would be hard to get a second

job. Why don't you try this . You do what you have to survive and let everyone else do what they need

to do to survive. NO one really needs the advice you hand out cause it's a joke.
the unemployment rate stands at 6.5 percent give or take , so it's still possible to get a job , maybe ....

do whatever you have to in order to land one .... lie , cheat whatever , make sure your secure , you can risk it by listening to O man ...

or you can take my advise , advise from a simple baggage handler , warning you about dire economic doom !!!!!!!!! 😱

or you can take my advise , warning you about dire economic doom !!!!!!!!!

My advise (sic) would be to stay away from Freedom's Guyanese grape kool-aid and predictions of "dire economic doom." Such drama.
<SNIP> or you can take my advise , advise from a simple baggage handler , warning you about dire economic doom !!!!!!!!! 😱
Or you can glean some insight from this article in Forbes:

Back To Growth In 2009
Brian S. Wesbury and Robert Stein, 11.18.08

Last week's economic data shows that "risk aversion hysteria" has had a major impact on economic activity in the United States.


As a result, we are forecasting that real GDP shrinks at a 4% annual rate in the current quarter, the largest decline since 1982. However, we believe the economy will stabilize in the first quarter of 2009, grow at a 2% annual rate in Q2 and then expand at a 3% rate in the second half of next year.

An economic recovery does not require monetary velocity to re-accelerate. As long as velocity simply stops falling, a recovery can take hold.

Loan data for October suggest this may already be starting to happen. In October alone, banks increased commercial and industrial lending by 4.2%, real estate loans by 3.4% and consumer loans by 2%. While securitized non-bank lending remains locked up, other lending continues.

In addition, the Federal Reserve has rapidly expanded its balance sheet to offset the drop in velocity. Inventory ratios remain very low. In other words, this is not the kind of environment that creates an endless downward spiral. Some say that it is darkest just before it goes totally black, but we believe that dawn is approaching more quickly than many believe.

no , i'm with the "it gets darkest before it goes totally black " crowd ..

do you know what the builders confidence level is (its an economic report that just came out yesterday )

it's NINE .... as in the single digit 9 .... now that would be great if it was a scale of 1-10 , ten being the highest , but its a scale of 100 , and that reading of nine is the lowest in the surveys history stretching back to 1959 :lol:

that's a wonderful uplifting message about the banks lending more to whomever ... but guess what , everyone has pulled back except for the very wealthy ... so .... lend all you want , maybe the top 5% of this country can carry us all on their backs to economic safety .... ah hahaha the person at Forbes who wrote that article is a moron! ah hahaha

no , if you want to know how it's going to go down , you need to listen to me , a simple baggage handler ...

2008 - holiday sales set new records for not selling a damn thing ...

jan 2009 - layoffs begin 100,00 k jobs lost - stocks begin to fall

febuary 2009 , more layoff's LIBOR increases , stocks fall - margin calls

march 2009 - state budgets strain under the rising unemployment costs and get hurt even more from lack of retail taxes , unemployment rises to 7.5 percent , layoffs continue , stocks continue to fall , libor continues to rise , world wide econmines begin to suffer , poltical pressure on the TARP for general bail outs , structural weakness begins to show across the entire US economy , the hushed talk about the credit raiting of the US being down graded begins to increase , foreclosures are continuing to rise and accelerate ...

april ---- every thing goes back to normal --- just kidding , april fools!! :lol:

cycle of destruction continues ...
The only problem with youngsters is that they don't remember that far back. Call me when unemployment is over 9%, LIBOR over 21.5%, and inflation over 13.5%. Then I'll start to worry...

The only problem with youngsters is that they don't remember that far back. Call me when unemployment is over 9%, LIBOR over 21.5%, and inflation over 13.5%. Then I'll start to worry...


...and then we will call Paul Volker.

To anyone interested, here is a long history on how we got in this mess; but leave your ideology before reading: http://www.heritage.org/research/economy/bg2127.cfm
My crystal ball says more extended leaves will be offered plus another buy-out in spring '09 when our next merger is announced....most likely with United.

To anyone interested, here is a long history on how we got in this mess; but leave your ideology before reading: http://www.heritage.org/research/economy/bg2127.cfm

wow that was a great read .. almost like reading history .... i cannot believe all that has transpired since the article was written in april .

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