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District Lodge 141-m, Disbands

Decision 2004

Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
April 7, 2004

District Lodge 141-M, Disbands

To All District Lodge 141-M Members and Retirees:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Since 9-11, the Transportation industry has been devastated with furloughs and airline bankruptcies. District Lodge 141-M has been reduced from 22,000 dues-paying members to approximately 6,500. United Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines are currently in bankruptcy, and US Airways has recently emerged from Chapter 11. United Mechanic and Related employees chose a new direction for their future.

The members of District Lodge 141-M have been in constant turmoil since its inception in 1999.

In the post 9-11 era, District Lodge 141-M was able to negotiate an industry-leading contract for the United Mechanic and Related members, which in some cases resulted in a 27% increase in pay. Shortly thereafter, with United Airlines on the verge of bankruptcy, the District Lodge was able to negotiate an Agreement that would have resulted in a 7% reduction in pay, with a corresponding increase in retirement benefits. There were no changes to work rules or benefits.

This Agreement was rejected and United Airlines filed for bankruptcy. Consequently, the Judge imposed a 13% pay cut that led to the defection of those members.

In spite of US Airways’ bankruptcy, District Lodge 141-M preserved job scope language, the core of any agreement. The IAM is able to continue the Airbus subcontracting fight because District Lodge 141-M negotiators ensured the language survived bankruptcy.

The District Lodge 141-M Executive Board and Grand Lodge Representatives worked diligently to develop a workable plan that would allow District Lodge 141-M to remain independent. However, with the reduction in membership, there are simply insufficient members to sustain a District Lodge that provides the level of representation IAM members deserve.

With wages, expenses, legal fees, professional fees and the high degree of travel required to sustain an Air Transportation District Lodge, there was no viable plan that addressed the best interests of the remaining District Lodge 141-M members. Therefore, the difficult decision was made to disband District Lodge 141-M.

We have discussed with the officers and members what would be in the best interests of our members. The fact that District Lodge 142 currently represents Mechanic & Related members and the other District Lodges are predominantly Fleet and Passenger Service, it was the overwhelming consensus that District Lodge 142 would provide the best service to our members.

All District Lodge 141-M members, with the exception of Hawaiian, Aloha and United, will be transferred to District Lodge 142. The disposition of District Lodge 141-M members at Hawaiian Airlines, Aloha Airlines and United Airlines Fleet Technical & Emergency Procedure Instructors is being deferred pending additional meetings with the leadership and members. We will develop a solution that will also provide the members at those carriers with the most effective representation possible.

The transition will begin immediately and be completed on or about May 31, 2004. Grand Lodge staff will work with both District Lodges to ensure a smooth transition.

The four senior General Chairpersons at District Lodge 141-M will be appointed General Chairpersons at District Lodge 142 for a period of two years, at which time their positions would be subject to election.

Member Services Committees, such as Flight Safety, Ground Safety and EAP will be combined with those at District Lodge 142. Pending litigation, grievances and arbitrations, such as the US Airways subcontracting dispute, will proceed uninterrupted with the same representatives handling the cases today.

This was a very difficult decision to make, and discussions and research on this matter have been ongoing since August of 2003 until the final decision was made in March 2004. It is always hard to make changes; however, the best interests of our membership must be considered. The work and accomplishments of District Lodge 141-M’s Executive Board and, most notably, President/Directing General Chairman Scotty Ford made this decision all the more difficult. I will address the work of District Lodge 141-M and Scotty Ford in a separate letter; however, it must be stated that Scotty Ford and his Team did a journeyman’s job during the most difficult period in Transportation history.

District Lodge 141-M members will receive additional information as the transition moves forward. If you have any questions, contact your District Lodge Representative or Local Committee Chairman.

This web site, www.iam141m.org, and the District Lodge 142 web site, www.iamDL142.org, will contain information as the transition moves forward.

Thank you for your continued support, and you may rest assured that we will act in the best interests of this membership.

Fraternally yours,

Robert Roach, Jr.
Thats 6500 more AMFA members!





Fed Ex



Then off to all the third party providors, Timco, AAR, etc.