You have the energy to have enrolled in US Aviation in '03, more than a year after me, plus the energy to have posted more topics and postings complimentary of the TWU than I've been able to in toto. Lately you have become agnostic with respect to Unions, but, are, by your words apathetic with respect to system change. Yet you remain firmly rooted in preservation of your gig and the current system malfunction: TUL.
Per your description of your earlier self as a "velociraptor" : meaning 'swift thief', a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 83 to 70 Ma (million years ago) during the later part of the Cretaceous Period.
What we know is that you have described yourself, in an earlier life, as a "swift thief"; that created threads supportive of the TWU and is now avowedly apathetic only up to the point that you see a light at the end of your personal 'tunnel". We do not know if the light you percieve is sunlight, an oncoming train or a miners' headlight; nor do we actually understand what constitutes your personal tunnel.
We do know that when you describe yourself in your younger years, you were energetic and younger: a "swift thief". Unfortuneatly, your period ended about 70 Million years ago. End state: you've been dead for a long time. PS...I think others are beginning to get the smell.
Good luck with an outcome you can live with; but, don't think for an instance that I would place myself or those about whom I care in harms' way defending anything you have represented as "standing" for...
One entry found.
Etymology: New Latin Raptores, former order name, from Latin, plural of raptor plunderer, from rapere
Date: 1873
1: bird of prey
: a carnivorous bird (as a hawk, falcon, or vulture) that feeds wholly or chiefly on meat taken by hunting or on carrion
2[New Latin -raptor (as in velociraptor)] : a usually small-to-medium-sized predatory dinosaur (as a velociraptor or deinonychus)
This was the definition I was going for at the time.
2[New Latin -raptor (as in velociraptor)] : a usually small-to-medium-sized
predatory dinosaur (as a velociraptor or deinonychus)
But that definition really doesn't suit me lately, I don't have the energy or the drive to hunt anymore
now I probably resemble the prey more. :unsure:
Boomer I like your post It is very witty and well thought out, I should be offended but it is so interesting that I find it hard to be offended, you really put some effort into this, I thought about hitting you with a witty come back but then I thought about how much work it would be to try to match, so I think I will just concede this round to you.
You win.

you have more energy than me.
Just so you know I have NEVER been a fan of the TWU nor am I too crazy about Unions in general, I have never been crazy about putting my fate in the hands of the Majority, it just does not work well for me, I am not a people person, I am more of a me and my family person, if I had to do it all over again, I would have went in an entirely different direction, different career and not in a Union, the light at the end of the personal tunnel is retirement in 10 years at 55, my main goal is to raise my son and get out of AA as soon as
feasably possible.
As far as why I come to this Forum from time to time........ I really don't know why, it is a huge waste of time, I guess I come for the entertainment when I am bored and maybe to try and get information.
The Majority of my post's were during the AMFA drive as an organizer, Remember the Airline's Pay and Benefits chart that was so popular, I'm the one that made it.
🙄 I worked my ass off on that drive and got a hell of alot of cards signed, I guess it was the last bit of fight I had in me.
P.S. I went 10 years without a drug test before the drive, after the drive now they drug test me about every 6 months and I had to sick the AMFA lawyers on my supervisor cause he was bound and determined to fire me for organizing, he even ripped the AMFA stickers off of my toolbox and gloated about it to my face, that turned out to be a bad idea though as the company was not as amused by it as he was.
I will say that I do not purposely try to piss anyone off that is not my style, I just call it the way I see it.
Tulsa is a really great place to kick back, relax and just enjoy life, maybe raise a few farm animals, or grow some corn.
I guess I am just to happy these days to be upset all the time about Pay or Benefits or even the TWU, although Burchette does have a nack for pissing me off for some reason, I just don't like that guy. I just want to finnish my 10 years and bail, assuming of course that AA does not file Bankruptcy or sell off Maintenance, one of which seems very likely. :angry:
Keep up the good fight Boomer, I hope you get what makes you happy, just don't get your hopes up to much about Tulsa, as in the past I don't think we will be much help to you.
I would bet good money there won't be a strike or a blue Zebra in Mechanics future there has not been one in like 40 years, so I don't see one happening for this contract, of course it is probably for the best it did not work out for Northwest.