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Carty Needs to Resign

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I agee MileHigh but some on this board think he is doing a good job. I wonder if and when they get a pink slip what kind of job Carty is doing. How low does AMR stock need to go before we see a change at the top? How many more employees need to stand in the unemployment line before we see a change at the top? Maybe the answer is filing chapter 11, the the BOD's will wake up and smell the coffee.
Carty is the one who has said that its time for a change. Airlines in general are doing poorly but there are those succeeding right now as well. SWA, Jet Blue, Alaska, Frontier, are all succeeding right now and some continue to hire. If he is doing such a good job the general public and flying public will disagree. Look at the signs directly in front of you. Stock, layoffs etc... The writing is on the wall and its a matter of time before it gets worse. You think the Titanic was big when it sank? You haven't seen anything yet!
Another to ponder - What would Carty need the APFA for if BK was on the horizon. After all he is the one who provided his
testimony under oath.
John Ward . . . . hide your money . . start your engine and leave FAST. . . unless there are strange bedfellows to consider on
high ¿?
As always, gavel in hand . . .or maybe two . .
On 10/14/2002 10:53:43 PM grndproxwarning wrote:

you know there is a ole saying in our neck of the woods
Fish rotes from the head down..Remember they will protect till the end..I think it is time to flush the flush in DFW
HDQ.American has been history for some time now..How does it feel to be king of the mountain now Don!!!!!

I'll have to side with Eric on this one. With the industry in it's current situation, the LAST thing you want is an airline with absolutely no leadership. replacing a management team, in todays enviroment, should ONLY be done if you have certified incompetants running the show.
Flyboy4U, you'd better think twice about the other airlines are succeeding comment. Earnings are going to be announced within the next few weeks for all of the majors, and it isn't going to be pretty. There's fairly credible word coming out of LUV that they will barely break even for 3Q, and may actually see their first unprofitable quarter in years with 4Q.

Since LUV is having a hard time making money right now, I suppose Herb and Parker should resign as well, eh?
you know there is a ole saying in our neck of the woods
Fish rotes from the head down..Remember they will protect till the end..I think it is time to flush the flush in DFW
HDQ.American has been history for some time now..How does it feel to be king of the mountain now Don!!!!!
On 10/14/2002 10:47:14 PM eolesen wrote:

Since LUV is having a hard time making money right now, I suppose Herb and Parker should resign as well, eh?

Sounds good to me!!!
I just wonder how Don would feel if he new his rev management heads were calling Grandma that travels to the Sunshine State to see her Grandchildren once a year
GARBAGE TRAFFIC...!!!They did'nt want her on their A/C
in the GO GO 90s...Low Yield no yield..Now they are pleading
to get Grandma back in the air...Thats the kind you got running the ship...What goes around comes around.always has and always will...
Addressed to flyboy4u
How many more pink slips is it going take etc. etc. ??
How many more people need to be in the unemployment line etc. etc ??

AS MANY AS IT TAKES !! PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats why most of AA's employees have this thing called Occupational Seniority. Every single one of us realizes that we all get to be at the bottom , and mabey get laid off. It comes with the territory. For those of faint heart, may I suggest you depart the US commercial aviation industry, for a sure thing (If you can find one) !!

IMHO, Carty has done a good job, with the lone exception of the sucessfull farce that he was able to get away with, called Force Majure!!!

Layoffs, during certain times are a part of US airline REALITY
Let's not forget that (Uncle Bobby) Crandall, put AA on a giant Slim Fast program, when he first came onboard. (The rest, as they say, IS HISTORY) !!!!

On 10/14/2002 11:29:53 PM grndproxwarning wrote:

I just wonder how Don would feel if he new his rev management heads were calling Grandma that travels to the Sunshine State to see her Grandchildren once a year GARBAGE TRAFFIC...!!!

I've heard the same terms and worse used by flight attendants and (gasp) pilots.


If you think Carty is doing a good job then answer this question. When is the time for Carty to resign? When AA announces more layoffs? When AMR stock drops to $1 a share? How about when the lawyers are driving to BK court, or perhaps when you yourself gets handed a pink slip. Yes LUV maybe only announcing break even points for the 3Q but that's a lot better than AMR right now. Also, last time I checked Herb did retire. I think we all need to wakup up and start facing reality. If AA is detemined to make these changes then it needs to start at the top. Maybe I should start a new post, but I would be curious for all of the Carty supporters to answer this question:

If not now, then at what point should Carty resign?
First of all, the stock price isn't Carty's doing. Wake up and take a look at the XAL or some of the other indicators which measure the industry's performance. Or, if you can't figure that out, get a subscription to Plane Business and read Holly's analysis.

Second of all, the fact that AMR was willing to shed weight is a good thing. You might not like it because it has put people on the street, but the fact is that AMR still has more employees than it can support with the revenue coming in.

On 10/15/2002 10:37:13 AM Flyboy4u wrote:

I think we all need to wakup up and start facing reality. If AA is detemined to make these changes then it needs to start at the top.


Those changes are already taking place. Perhaps you haven't noticed them because all you are fixated on is Carty. Carty and the board set high level objectives.

Carty resigning won't do anything but eliminate the figurehead position of CEO and Chairman. If you want to effect real change within a corporation, you have to set your sights a little lower in the food chain.

CEO's and senior management determine corporate objectives. VP's and Directors determine how best to achieve that objective, and managers implement it.

As a shareholder, it looks to me like AMR is doing the right things so far. They haven't asked for paycuts, and haven't asked their creditors to eat their debt.

On 10/15/2002 10:37:13 AM Flyboy4u wrote:

Also, last time I checked Herb did retire.


No, he's still the chain-smoking Wild Turkey slugging Chairman of Southwest. He only turned over the CEO and President titles to Parker and Barrett.

Lastly, to answer your question -- I don't think Carty needs to resign. Replacing a CEO in the midst of a financial crisis is rarely a good idea, unless the CEO has proven to be in over their head, which Jim Goodwin at UAL clearly was. Carty's not over his head from what I've seen.
They better not wait much longer,the stock price is on the Highway to Hell.I still say they need to trim at the top first..there are some bad cats in HDQ..As a stock holder
all I can say is you got more Baxxs than than I do to hold it..
Carty is going to do everything he can to insure that his legacy is not as the CEO who allowed the airline to fail, or who fled from the sinking ship. More cutbacks in personnel? If that's what it's going to take to save the airline, that's what Carty & Co. are going to do. Contrary to what some people seem to think, they don't seem to want the airline to fail.

I'm betting that once President Shrub declares war on Iraq, and American begins to force majeure furlough everyone they can, my former department will just be closed up and blow away, meaning I will be royally screwed.

Do I blame Carty? Nope. Bush? Nope. Who do I blame?

The terrorists and the accountants (Enron, et. al).

Their fault. Nobody else....

Good luck, y'all... and Peace!
Seems to me he should try just a little harder..
924 Million in one quarter,Come on!!How long do you think you would last if you were at the helm of that ship...
They were in trouble long before SEP 11th happened..
But they wanted to be the biggest kid on the block..
Do you really think they needed TWA...I new they were doomed after they did that...Hellooo anyone home in there...
Call in the Cows Martha!!! I see a storm ah Brewinn
Sometime you have to be careful what you wish for..
Remember the Titanic started its turn one mile before it hit the Iceberg..It didnt help them either..
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