On 10/23/2002 7

09 AM MileHighGuy wrote:
Carty will declare bankruptcy if United does. It's as simple as that. A greatly reduced cost structure for UA will not be ignored by Carty. Other than all of the unionized and nonunionized employees taking a substantial pay cut of say 30%-35% (don't hold your breath waiting for the employees to agree), AA will have to declare bankruptcy in order to compete with UA.[/P]
BTW, even with such a pay cut; Carty will still have to increase RJ usage, reduce benefits and increase productivity among all employees. Finally, even more layoffs will be inevitable. Most hard hit will be res agents, since internet bookings are going up substantially. Increased internet bookings will result in less res agents being needed over time. [/P]
So I predict that AA will declare bankruptcy almost immediately after UA does. It's simple economics. If UA does not declare bankruptcy (which I think is very unlikely unless some billionaire wants a shot at running an airline), AA will not declare bankruptcy.[/P]
If AA and UA refuse going into bankruptcy, you can expect another round of crying for a hand out from Uncle Sam. Though I think this time that Congress and the Senate will be more skeptical before dishing out tax payer dollars as if it were Monopoly money.[/P]
Please since you have nothing but your own simple speculation. Your overall hate for this company. This post is laughable.
Since when did congress think twice about dishing out tax payers dollars for what ever suited there need at the time.
Lets see if UAL pilots The most expensive employee group, takes a 30% pay cut. They will be making what a typical AA pilot makes. UAL in BK puts them on a field equal to AA. Not better. Maybe UAL can reduce lease payments on there many hundreds of leased planes. AA cant do quite as much since we own out right so many more of our planes than United.
AA jumped through hoops to close this TW thing. They are not about to move the Ft Worth HDQ to a Judges chamber. Having every expence second guessed by lawers from every involved party.