[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/11/2002 2:02:32 AM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:
[P]Mr Marky,[BR]While I choose(for now) not to point the finger of suspicion, I honestly believe that our ol' friends(both on us aviation, and PB/BB), Maximus the Gladiator, Mick the Quick, Compton Sucks, and(drum roll please) DOGFART, are all one in the same. I'm sure you've noticed that none of them inhabit the boards today. [BR]BUT WAIT A MIN.,[BR]Mabey one of our regulars, who's on here(AA) frequently, IS them. In fact I'd be willing to wager a weeks pay, that my hunch, is correct.[BR](call it Instinct) !!!!!![BR][BR]NH/BB's[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Hi NHBB, Good to hear from you![BR][BR]Maximus Gladiator and Dogfart are not the same guy. Dogfart used to be PAAghost then TWAghost on PBB. Then he morphed into Dogfart. He's (or was) a TWA agent? at JFK, based upon information he has posted. The Gladiator guy, who has the same writing style as Mile High, is obviously a school kid, though a very bright one. [BR][BR]Everybody---[BR][BR]How is this threatening anybody or attempting to reveal the true identity of anybody? We're simply speculating about whether various board names may be the same people. Nobody is trying to determine who those people are. Just for the record, I only post using my name.[BR][BR]No doubt that those using numerous board identities cast a Republican ballot in Florida for each identity they use on the board.