On 3/13/2003 8:28:07 PM limit wrote:
The only show of force that will help labor in this juncture is an industry wide walk.
Please help me finish this letter or better yet email me a rough draft to put my own name on.
Dear Honorable Congressperson,
It is with deep regret that I inform you that due to the current state of affairs in the airline industry now, in the past, and in the future due to corporate and political fraud, union and company mismanagement, I am submitting my FAA tickets for your destruction. It is my hope that I will be followed by all workers in this vital United States travel industry. Until the government, management, union leaders, and politicians realize the mistakes, correct these mistakes and rebuild from the ground up I believe it is in the publics safety interest that I as well as tens of thousands of other FAA licensed employees take a break of service. The stress mentally and physically has begun to take its toll and I feel that the public would do better to travel by other means for their own safety. Reading daily reports of companies threatening bankrupty then asking me to sign a lower minimum program safety related system on an aircraft at three in the morning is not in the publics best safety interest.
Please find enclosed a signed petition representing the airport at which I serve indicating that additional FAA issued tickets are to follow.