Can we agree on this?


I'm totally good with that, but I'd have to seriously extend the "driveway" to at least 7,000 feet methinks. What easily works for the average purely-for-fun planes would hardly suit a serious war-beast...and for that matter, much as I love the 15 series I'd prefer an A10 for "home defense" anyway, even with confessedly having never flown a "Warthog" myself. ;)
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Johnson is the largest and a bit more "progressive" in the sense that they most likely would support term limits. Sedgewick is much more conservative and doesn't care how long a senator or congressman has served them, so long as they are republican.
What the hell does party affiliation have to do with term limits?

The America I was born into that was still adding states/Stars to our Flag could never have even possibly imagined the rampant degree of both utter idiocy and complete insanity that sadly now exists.
That is what happens when you allow leftist/socialist to dominate the education system.

What we are seeing is the adult product of the leftist education system.

Democrats call this "progressive". They think this is society making progress. If you criticize them then they try to use the bullying tactic of political correctness to censor you.

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That is what happens when you allow leftist/socialist to dominate the education system.

What we are seeing is the adult product of the leftist education system.

Democrats call this "progressive". They think this is society making progress. If you criticize them then they try to use the bullying tactic of political correctness to censor you.


Indeed. While I'm now fast becoming just another frail old man who won't be around all that much longer, what breaks my heart is the utterly pathetic excuse for "America" we apparently will so sadly leave to our young with so precious few remaining notions of individual Worth, Rights, Freedom and even Dignity. Aww, who knows, perhaps they will eventually wake up when/if truly needed in time. "Not my job" anymore. Enough fighting is enough for one life and it's time to have as much fun as possible now, unless things somehow get utterly ugly/insane in fairly short order of course...and the cowardly "liberals" know better than to try that for now anyway. Their "leadership" likely knows they'd personally be probably killed at present were they to overtly attempt disarming the American public and need at least one more generation of actual Americans to die off before they could make their wettest dreams happen while not so completely incensing us all in the meanwhile. I've seen enough of the whole "War/killing" thing to prefer some tranquil time gardening/gliders/old-man-acro/diving/etc at this point. I sadly do see the very real potential for serious bloodshed if all this utter insanity/social division/"politically correct" bs/We liberals will ram our essentially communist notions down your throat/etc continues, but I'm hoping for the best for now. America has historically survived a great many utter idiots. We can all of us always "take a joke" in any case, which is pretty much all the "liberals" have thus far offered. I've yet hopes for some sanity to resurface. ;) The future I/we must necessarily leave to the young.

"Liberal" option one:

I'd much prefer this for the future:

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I sadly do see the very real potential for serious bloodshed if all this utter insanity/social division/"politically correct" bs/We liberals will ram our essentially communist notions down your throat/etc continues, but I'm hoping for the best for now.
Won't bother me at all. I think it should have boiled over 20 years ago.
Won't bother me at all. I think it should have boiled over 20 years ago.

I get where you're coming from. Been there/Done that emotionally, but It would bother me beyond measure. Any even ex-soldiers EVER killing even laughably termed "fellow Americans" would go against any previous Oath to instead protect them. Let's just hope and pray it NEVER comes to that....Period. I fully realize myself now an overly "sensitive" old man, but trust me that the whole war/killing thing just isn't all that truly glorious and comes at great personal expense to all participants....just saying. If it does indeed ever have to come to that for America (in ANY actually recognizable form) to survive then so be it and "put me in again coach..I don't need even need no helmet this time"...but I really, really hope it doesn't. The good news being that the "liberal" left and their "leadership" are largely complete cowards who've zero desire to personally die, so I doubt such creatures will push things bad enough for actual fighting to happen. For a serious laugh just imagine how fast Chuckie-baby-boy Schumer would piss "him"self and cower/run away at so much as even the nearby sound of an unexpected firecracker? ;) Even a communist "long game" would require another whole generation of mindlessly programmed and utterly pathetic little sheep from what nowadays only farcicly passes for "schools" to arise, coupled with the dying off of all of my generation. Even then they'd be left to deal with the younger people who've experienced combat instead of "Safe Spaces" and just "might" not take too kindly to their cowardly BS agenda of mindlessly surrendering all one's previous Rights to a small cache of serpents on capital hill. Bottom Line: If the dems seek a full court press anytime soon in the years to shortly come, well, I think it all falls to whether or not the "liberal" left wants to eventually be hunted for sport or not at this point. ;) I've often wondered just exactly what armed forces they imagine would cheerfully risk their very lives and happily shed their blood to disarm their fellow Americans just for starters...instead of sanely turning on the half-assed communists instead? A great many millions more than their sort now even imagine have become light years past completely disgusted with their rancid BS. Oh well, we'll all have to just wait and see if any even slight semblance of sanity will prevail over time. Let's all hope and pray it NEVER needs to get the least bit bloody....Period. Shoould that ever happen again then we've failed as even human beings, much less Americans even worse than we did back in 1861. The United States of America is the most lovingly both brilliant and truly beautiful "social experiment" that humankind has EVER even attempted in history. Let's hope it doesn't get washed away by infantile "liberal" insanity or bloodshed.
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What the hell does party affiliation have to do with term limits?

I am saying that some places in my state will only vote for a republican - that they are "happy" with what their republican has done for their state (those farm subsidies help) and there are some cases where congressmen run unopposed here because a democrat knows that there is no way that they can win. In Kansas, even a Republican candidate cannot afford to run against the incumbent in a primary- they are an unknown and have no special interest money financing their campaign. My friend who ran against our Senator was a surgeon and had to do "grassroots" funding, as well as spending a helluva lot of his own money. He still lost. Special interest groups (lobbys) would offer up a lot of money in an "anti term limits" campaign/. And the funny thing is, here in America's conservative heartland...the "flyover country" that elected our dear leader, they'd most likely use the photo of a gay guy shaking his ass in a pride parade as part of the fear of what "change" would bring.
And the funny thing is, here in America's conservative heartland...the "flyover country" that elected our dear leader, they'd most likely use the photo of a gay guy shaking his ass in a pride parade as part of the fear of what "change" would bring.
I Googled Gay Pride Parade to find an example to use in my post. The picture I posted took 15 minutes to find because every picture I saw before that was too vile and lewd to post.

That is what you leftist call progress.

You can keep your f****** progress.

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