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Can This Man Save Us Airways

It would not surprise me at all if the fleet size is reduced. GECAS made their opinion of labor known with direct contact with the ALPA MEC during the LOA 91 debate on RJ relief last spring. In fact, the fleet could go down to 150 aircraft, which is something some creditors endorse.

Aircraft financiers are concerned about one thing -- a ROI.

If new cost competitive labor contracts are not put in place I expect not only aircraft lessors to repossess their aircraft, but other stakeholders to pull out of the formal reorganization and the company to liquidate.

Today we will know more about the creditor’s, company, and the courts opinion on the fleet plan


delldude said:
do you realize as soon as some contract modification comes either voluntary or through abrogation, the grand plan fleet size and such will be made public along with huge amounts of the you's and me's out of a job.
so suck on one for the gipper and lets all bend over until its over.

Man delldude,

Sometimes we fight like brothers and sisters ( :lol: ), but I agree with you on this one. :up: