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You guys do nothing but provoke a retort. It must make you feel more like a man, at least for a little while anyway.

Dark years? I thought only US had any dark years. I thought you guys were the great innovators that we US guys should be thanking for a job.
I have always tried to engage in intelligent, meaningful discussion, but I always get spit on. So what's a fella to do? Suck it up and take it, Or spit back?

All you have to do is just lie still and be quiet.....most Easties will just sniff you out and keep moving!
I have always tried to engage in intelligent, meaningful discussion, but I always get spit on. So what's a fella to do? Suck it up and take it, Or spit back?

I've tried to not spit on anyone, well maybe AWA320. Go to my profile and read the threads I started. I'm just sick of hearing the crap. Throwing a blanket on us and saying that we have no integrity because we are trying to protect what we have worked for is crap. Everyone needs to let it sort itself out and when it is done we can go about our lives.Too bad this merger came to this, it really didn't have to be this way.
Another thoughtful provoking statement...you guys are starting to tire me out, and I hate being an a-hole like you.

All you have to do is just lie still and be quiet.....most Easties will just sniff you out and keep moving!
Another thoughtful provoking statement...you guys are starting to tire me out, and I hate being an a-hole like you.

Hey Chill Out!.....you're the one that's doing all the provoking....I've been reading all of your posts! What are you 12? Grow up!
The relationship with the FAA is still on thin ice.

The office in Pittsburgh is growing tired of incompetence and lies.
well, the FAA office in Pittsburgh deals with the east operation . .the FAA office in PHX deals iwth the west operation.
I've tried to not spit on anyone, well maybe AWA320. Go to my profile and read the threads I started. I'm just sick of hearing the crap. Throwing a blanket on us and saying that we have no integrity because we are trying to protect what we have worked for is crap. Everyone needs to let it sort itself out and when it is done we can go about our lives.Too bad this merger came to this, it really didn't have to be this way.

Oh the nasty mean streak, spit on someone WTF??? You state, let it work it'self out, it did it's called arbitration. Now Like I've said time and time again, your mec was made offers prior to going to arbitration and then again during mediation. I think given the fact we in the west have been more than resonable even when faced with your mec's extremely unreasonable position asking us to bend even one more inch for you is just not going to work.

Now you have many of your pilots on this forum stateing that "we are solid in our resolve and that we are going to do everything we can to get out of an arbitration that none of us on the west even want to go into. It was your mec that pushed this agenda not us!! We wanted to make some deals however your mec wanted nothing to do with it. Why not ask THEM why???

Now we are in the process if running what's called a mock bid to see just how may of our pilots would bid east domiciles and we are pretty confident that the number is less than 100. Now keep in mind Pi none of us have ever lied to your pilots nor have ever made any attempts to harm your group in any way however the same can not be said of your mec towards us...
Oh the nasty mean streak, spit on someone WTF??? You state, let it work it'self out, it did it's called arbitration.
Now we are in the process if running what's called a mock bid to see just how may of our pilots would bid east domiciles and we are pretty confident that the number is less than 100. Now keep in mind Pi none of us have ever lied to your pilots nor have ever made any attempts to harm your group in any way however the same can not be said of your mec towards us...

You just can't get that I'm yanking your chain. You beat this horse to death, so I feel it is my duty to give some back. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I wouldn't spit on anyone.

The mock bid is a pretty good idea, but you are leaving out several thousand pilots. Many pilots that say they will never go east, or bid Intl will change their mind as time goes on. BTW, I think there are several hundred east pilots that might want to go west someday.
Exactly my point as well (pilots moving west), and the reason I think any JOINT mock bid would show results that may prompt the east & west to find a mutually agreeable solution to include PHX and LAS fences. The award is not perfect for the west pilots so why not improve on it if there is a mutual benefit? If in fact only 100 west pilots would move east why not agree to fences for a number of years or fences with a fixed pipeline restricting east/west west/east movement. Think about it, if only 100 guys on the west would ever want to move east, and 200 or so east guys would ever move west, should we really hold 5000 pilots hostage for the benefit of 300 guys?

We can easily accomplish through the JNC process and achieve a kickass contract to boot.

You just can't get that I'm yanking your chain. You beat this horse to death, so I feel it is my duty to give some back. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I wouldn't spit on anyone.

The mock bid is a pretty good idea, but you are leaving out several thousand pilots. Many pilots that say they will never go east, or bid Intl will change their mind as time goes on. BTW, I think there are several hundred east pilots that might want to go west someday.
The mock bid is a pretty good idea, but you are leaving out several thousand pilots. Many pilots that say they will never go east, or bid Intl will change their mind as time goes on. BTW, I think there are several hundred east pilots that might want to go west someday.

I have no doubt in my mind that the number of east pilots wanting to go west would be more than double or maybe even triple the number of west willing to go east. Keep in mind that over 90% of our pilots live in the west and have no desire to move and or commute east. Now we can not run the mock bid in the east as we do not have control of the east bid system. We have run mock bids for years and they are really great at predicting who is willing to do what. It may not be a bad idea for you guys to run one of these if your system can do it.

I look at the poor souls that I have taken from SAN to PHL and back and wonder just how they do it!!! They had to in order to stay employed with AAA. They were most likely the PSA people that were based in the west only to wake up one day and find that they had to commute or move to the east coast. I bet many thought that it would only be a short term thing and the next thing they knew 15 yrs went by and they are losing a day each way to stay with the company. Now I won't lie, I would love to see our guys that live in BOS, PHL, FLL, TPA and Maine to able to drive to work or commute an hr or so. I have no problem with those east pilots that live in SAN, LAX, PHX, BUR etc. to be able to do the same thing.

None of us employees asked for this marriage Pi the money people forced that on us. We could have at least been civil but that went out the window with the East MEC's continued unprofessional behavior. Now I could spend a whole day going over what they have done that you and most east pilots have absolutly know idea even took place. They did us wrong Pi on many levels and most of the crap came from C41. One day Pi I'll have to give you the full brief...
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