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Callsign change date near

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All I can say is at the end of the day practice CACTUS!

Goodnite ladies and gentleman. :lol:

All you do is feed the fire. I wonder if you are a a$$ all the time or just some of the time. Next time your in PHL, come down to the crew room and run your pathetic mouth. People like you is why there is such a pissing contest going on. Why not just shut up and let us do what we have to do and you do what you have to do. Why is it we are all wrong and you are right and vise a versa. Have you noticed the ALPO web board has turned into a one sided slam fest. You westies like to hear yourself talk and talk and.... Get a life pal.
I honestly think that Kirby sold the call sign rights to some company... I mean we've sold everything else to them... the magazine, the tv's, the side of aircraft (limited to sports teams so far), tray tables, napkins, our first class desert. I'm just waiting for them to put ads up in the lavatories!

So anyone have any ideas who bought our call sign?

will we be CHASE?

DIAL, no wait, they bought the rights to the soap

Michellin - burning up rubber everywhere we can!

I mean, its a perfect marketing ploy -- you have a fairly large audience - world wide Air Traffic controllers, dispatchers, those people flying United and listening to Channel 9....
All you do is feed the fire. I wonder if you are a a$$ all the time or just some of the time. Next time your in PHL, come down to the crew room and run your pathetic mouth. People like you is why there is such a pissing contest going on. Why not just shut up and let us do what we have to do and you do what you have to do. Why is it we are all wrong and you are right and vise a versa. Have you noticed the ALPO web board has turned into a one sided slam fest. You westies like to hear yourself talk and talk and.... Get a life pal.

I've been to your C41 Crew room girlfriend!! Nothing but respect was sent my way and I sent that same respect back their way!!

You see you and your kind (loud mouth easties) suffer from what's known as keyboard bravery! You're all talk on here but in person you're a kittycat and you know exactally what I mean too.

Those on this forum that know who I am will tell you, I don't back down and I will always tell you just like I see it, like it or not like the message or not it will always be real!!!!
I've been to your C41 Crew room girlfriend!! Nothing but respect was sent my way and I sent that same respect back their way!!

You see you and your kind (loud mouth easties) suffer from what's known as keyboard bravery! You're all talk on here but in person you're a kittycat and you know exactally what I mean too.

Those on this forum that know who I am will tell you, I don't back down and I will always tell you just like I see it, like it or not like the message or not it will always be real!!!!

As an eastie who is senior to all of you westies (DOH, Nicolau, however you want to cut it) and therefore been here a long, long time, I must ask what in the world is our C41 crew room? Since you say you've been there, can you tell me where it is? Is it real, or is it another of your fantasies?
I've been to your C41 Crew room girlfriend!! Nothing but respect was sent my way and I sent that same respect back their way!!

You see you and your kind (loud mouth easties) suffer from what's known as keyboard bravery! You're all talk on here but in person you're a kittycat and you know exactally what I mean too.

Those on this forum that know who I am will tell you, I don't back down and I will always tell you just like I see it, like it or not like the message or not it will always be real!!!!

C41? In PHL?? Would like to know where that one is located. Do you mean B6 by chance?

Those on this forum that know who I am will tell you, I don't back down and I will always tell you just like I see it, like it or not like the message or not it will always be real!!!!

Hmm. You don't back down? OK sky god. Glad to know there is one all seeing all knowing person out there who can tell us mindless easties what's right and what's wrong. Therein lies the problem. No matter who wins or loses, you will never be happy unless it's your way only. The same has been said about the east mec. Glad to see we will come together soon. NOT!
I've been to your C41 Crew room girlfriend!! Nothing but respect was sent my way and I sent that same respect back their way!!

You see you and your kind (loud mouth easties) suffer from what's known as keyboard bravery! You're all talk on here but in person you're a kittycat and you know exactally what I mean too.

Those on this forum that know who I am will tell you, I don't back down and I will always tell you just like I see it, like it or not like the message or not it will always be real!!!!

I said come to the PHL crew room and run your mouth like you do here. I will bet you that you will not speak to any AAA pilot the way you rant here. You are a big mouth when punching keys. We are not kittycats pal and if you think we are then open your big mouth face to face. I am not your girlfriend pal and you talk like a little punk. Besides, I hear you are more into sheep. Next time you see a AAA pilot, go up to him and run your mouth. You know nothing of respect.
C41? In PHL?? Would like to know where that one is located. Do you mean B6 by chance?

Those on this forum that know who I am will tell you, I don't back down and I will always tell you just like I see it, like it or not like the message or not it will always be real!!!!

Hmm. You don't back down? OK sky god. Glad to know there is one all seeing all knowing person out there who can tell us mindless easties what's right and what's wrong. Therein lies the problem. No matter who wins or loses, you will never be happy unless it's your way only. The same has been said about the east mec. Glad to see we will come together soon. NOT!

C41 is your local PHL council, you didn't even know that????? Oh brother you are poorly informed!!!
Come together?? Accept responsibility for your actions...
I think separate-but-equal will work for the short term, and even for the long-term IF there are no more mergers affecting the AAA and AWA pilots. The AAA flight attendants had tremendous success riding the coattails of the pilot contract with their "me, too" clause. It kept their working conditions similar to the cockpit crews for decades. (Of course, when the weak sisters took hold of the AAA MEC, the "me, too" clause served to drag the flight attendant down in many respects as the pilots began to "never meet a concession they didn't like.") If we do end up with separate-but-equal contracts between the two pilot groups, I'm certain there will be a "me, too" clause in both contracts to keep them equal. A better idea would be a "me, too" clause that demands membership ratification for any change. This way, is the AAA MEC decides to give away the farm again, the AWA pilots wouldn't be obligated to follow along.

The problem with separate-but-equal is that it does not address the existence of the Nicolau award. The east pilots have made it abundantly clear that it must be made moot in order to move forward, and they are prepared to go to great lengths to ensure that outcome. Whether or not the AAA pilots are successful remains to be seen and it will likely take years for the dust to settle. There is no question that the AAA pilots are fully aware that the quest is gargantuan, and may not be successful in the end. But there is no question that it is a task we feel is absolutely necessary and worthwhile.

Interesting concept. I had not given that idea much thought. As a matter of fact I believe that idea has been used to a small extent out here in the west with our FA's. I could see it work but do you think Dougwieser would go for it? Could the two pilot groups be unified enough to force him into it? Could we maximize our return so to speak with this approach? A lot of things to consider it seems.

On another note I have an honest question that I'm sure has been asked many times on this board. Albeit only to sling arrows... As a west pilot my feelings are that most every one is where they were on May 18th 2005. Maybe I am missing an important "something" but my perspective really is a product of my environment, as is yours. Could you explain what it is that I seem to be unable to understand concerning the Nic award? I personally have no idea what a "captain year" is. Exactly how does one arrive at this number of almost 4500? And why is it that many out east seem to be upset with the idea that you can not fully realize your original amount of attrition. There will be significant attrition in the future that both sides will profit from. Do you disagree? We should be willing to share all things as I do agree this merger has benefited both airlines. I understand that many out east have sacrificed many great things concerning their careers to help this airline stay afloat. I'm quite sure most, if not all, honestly feel some sympathy for the pilots in the east. However if pilots can agree that there has been mutual gains in this merger then why is it the pilots cannot agree on this seniority award? We need to move forward! We, I believe, have a small window of opportunity to realize some small gains. If we fail to come together then I fear we will continue to suffer at the bottom of this food chain. Again I cannot suppose that I fully understand what you all have been through. Nor can I fully understand exactly what your expectations were prior to this merger.
I said come to the PHL crew room and run your mouth like you do here. I will bet you that you will not speak to any AAA pilot the way you rant here. You are a big mouth when punching keys. We are not kittycats pal and if you think we are then open your big mouth face to face. I am not your girlfriend pal and you talk like a little punk. Besides, I hear you are more into sheep. Next time you see a AAA pilot, go up to him and run your mouth. You know nothing of respect.

Boy I am really scared now!! Locked in a crew room with a bunch of mad jurrassic pilots :up: Understand something little fellow, I am 254lbs and not an easy behind kick. Now like I said I've been to your crew room and got nothing but respect from your pilots there and returned that respect. Now mr. keyboard brave, what else you got???
Lets add some real substance to this thread. Blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH. I think PB is correct in that the callsign was chosen to show who is "in charge". It's clear in EVERY other area of this company as to who is "in charge" so why not the callsign. The talk that goes on here is just that, TALK. When most are out of their element they will NOT go shooting their mouth off. I can just imagine an America West pilot as snotty as AWA320 running his mouth in an east crew room. Yeah right. I also don't think you'll see any of our guys in one of your two west crew rooms. I think they should have changed the name of the company right along with the callsign in my opinion. What the west management has done to this company is a shame. I don't even like to admit who I work for anymore. :down:
Lets add some real substance to this thread. Blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH. I think PB is correct in that the callsign was chosen to show who is "in charge". It's clear in EVERY other area of this company as to who is "in charge" so why not the callsign. The talk that goes on here is just that, TALK. When most are out of their element they will NOT go shooting their mouth off. I can just imagine an America West pilot as snotty as AWA320 running his mouth in an east crew room. Yeah right. I also don't think you'll see any of our guys in one of your two west crew rooms. I think they should have changed the name of the company right along with the callsign in my opinion. What the west management has done to this company is a shame. I don't even like to admit who I work for anymore. :down:


They are welcome to come to our crewrooms as well as the f/s'!! The name is fine and always has been. We just wanted some piece of our existence to remain. We had your rules forced upon us your training platform forced upon us, your non rev policy forced upon us in violation of our current contract. We have a contract that was amendable over a year ago and will now see only a modest increase in our benefits while the east will get thousands in pay and benefits. We have never asked for much but we sure have given up a bunch!!
Boy I am really scared now!! Locked in a crew room with a bunch of mad jurrassic pilots :up: Understand something little fellow, I am 254lbs and not an easy behind kick. Now like I said I've been to your crew room and got nothing but respect from your pilots there and returned that respect. Now mr. keyboard brave, what else you got???

Wow! 254 lbs.? and you found an AME who would pass you? Good on you!

With your 5'4" height (that is how you are listed in the US database) I bet you are really someone everyone can look up to, er, respect. When you non-rev, do you have to list for two adjacent seats? Or, do you just spill over into the aisle? From the middle seat.

When someone says haul ass, do you have to make two trips?
C41 is your local PHL council, you didn't even know that????? Oh brother you are poorly informed!!!
Come together?? Accept responsibility for your actions...

That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard of! You talk about the crew room as if it belongs to the union LEC? How f**king weird you are! I am beginning to think that you're not even a crew member, let alone a pilot.

Who in their right mind would refer to a USAirways crew room (or America West crew room, for that matter) with the number of their union council? The PHL crew room is shared by the flight attendants. Why did you leave out their LECC number?

AWA320 is a fake.
That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard of! You talk about the crew room as if it belongs to the union LEC? How f**king weird you are! I am beginning to think that you're not even a crew member, let alone a pilot.

Who in their right mind would refer to a USAirways crew room (or America West crew room, for that matter) with the number of their union council? The PHL crew room is shared by the flight attendants. Why did you leave out their LECC number?

AWA320 is a fake.

What ever man!!
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