I think separate-but-equal will work for the short term, and even for the long-term IF there are no more mergers affecting the AAA and AWA pilots. The AAA flight attendants had tremendous success riding the coattails of the pilot contract with their "me, too" clause. It kept their working conditions similar to the cockpit crews for decades. (Of course, when the weak sisters took hold of the AAA MEC, the "me, too" clause served to drag the flight attendant down in many respects as the pilots began to "never meet a concession they didn't like.") If we do end up with separate-but-equal contracts between the two pilot groups, I'm certain there will be a "me, too" clause in both contracts to keep them equal. A better idea would be a "me, too" clause that demands membership ratification for any change. This way, is the AAA MEC decides to give away the farm again, the AWA pilots wouldn't be obligated to follow along.
The problem with separate-but-equal is that it does not address the existence of the Nicolau award. The east pilots have made it abundantly clear that it must be made moot in order to move forward, and they are prepared to go to great lengths to ensure that outcome. Whether or not the AAA pilots are successful remains to be seen and it will likely take years for the dust to settle. There is no question that the AAA pilots are fully aware that the quest is gargantuan, and may not be successful in the end. But there is no question that it is a task we feel is absolutely necessary and worthwhile.