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Call to arms


Feb 15, 2003
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If you ever want to get involved and Do something here it is.This matter can NOT be swap under and foregotten about in a few days.We must all(all work groups) hold our management executives responsible.Express your outrage and concern to our local goverment representives.

In Texas, Senater Kay Bailey Hutchison is interested in not only the SERP but about the voting.We can all call her at 202-224-5922 or Email: casework@hutchison.senate.gov
On 4/20/2003 12:42:50 AM joejett wrote:

If you ever want to get involved and "Do something" here it is.This matter can NOT be swap under and foregotten about in a few days.We must all(all work groups) hold our management executives responsible.Express your outrage and concern to our local goverment representives.

In Texas, Senater Kay Bailey Hutchison is interested in not only the SERP but about the voting.We can all call her at 202-224-5922 or Email: hutchison.senate.gov/e-mail.htm

A little political "donation" and she will shut her trap.
Your very right Bob,But one thing all politicains know,If Voters start graping for thier pichfolks and torches,They want to seen as on the side of the peasants.
Why shift this on Government retirement benefits? I think most of the outrage is the fact that AMR management did not bargain in good faith, and that they were awarding their executives for "staying" not for "performance" Government officials work on "performance", that''s how they stay in office. You didn''t use a very good fight there, try again, and don''t forget...."YES Mr. Carty, Yes Mr. Carty!" See you in the unemployment line!
Eolsen makes a good point. The real problem lies in the fact that this ''outrage'' is based on emotion and little fact.

AMR already had in place retirement packages for each of the executives involved. In 1985 the corporation, like almost every corporation in America, set up a program to protect the retirement of executive much like the retirement of all other employees is protected (by the PBGC). In this case, and the case of Delta, the fund already existed for accounting purposes, much like the retirment funds for many of you exists. What AMR did is put it aside to be protected so that executive wouldn''t immediately ''retire'' right before a bankruptcy to collect their cash right away taking much needed cash from the business. One big difference between this program and that of some employees is that it is not completely funded by the company. In AMR''s case, it is only 60% company funded. The pilots of AMR corporation have a similarly protected program that is 100% funded. Why is nobody mad at them? Hell, most pilots make more than the mojority of VP''s at the company. The lack of understanding and knowledge is based in fear brought on by unions who know their only advantage is to have the employees mad at the company. If the employees like the company, there is little need for a union. Kind of funny how things can be twisted...
While you''re asking your Congress-critter to help out, make sure that you also question Congressional retirement benefits while you''re asking them to look into SERP''s.

Trust me, when Social Security runs out of funds as projected, Congress will still get their retirement. They''re out of a different funding source altogether.
There''s no shift. I just find it ironic that someone who wants Congress to investigate a SERP would at the same time find it OK that Congress doesn''t rely on Social Security. If you boil it down, the comparison isn''t at all different from the pension/SERP issue.
eoleson:*******...I guess you fill a level 3 management position. The government officials do not get paid "retention". They get paid by "performance"..reelection! Retirement is a different issue. I have no problem with AA management having retirement like every other worker. Huge retirements above what the government protects is another issue. Can you say Golden Parachute?..."Let's drive this company into the ground and it doesn't matter what our performance is! Just as long as we stay for 2 more years! When Carty and boys try to cover up bonuses while asking shared sacrifices, they are commiting a crime. See you in the unemployment line!
I think eoleson is right, and maybe Carty and boys will make that point in response to any letters from Congress. Two wrongs always has been right!
Now boys please remember,we are all on the same side-those that have been decieved!!! Call the Feds George W will set it right(sorry have been drinking too much coffee)

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