Bob Owens said:
Frivolous? Weekends with days adds a lot to quality of life I would say. Over the years I've heard of many people relocating there for the quality of life that a normal work schedule brings, the cheap housing was a bonus. Had steady days and weekends been available in New York they probably would have moved there.
I can say that during regular negotiations once the company backed off on the 1/7th rule Hewitt was ok with the deal. Apparently yes weekends is a big deal and its why many who are in Tulsa are not from Tulsa, my guess is these transplants make up most of the 26%.
I can understand his position based upon principle and yes its wrong for the company to dictate they take the week off , but compared to the other wrongs we have allowed AA to do this is one most of us on the line would not mind if they were to do it to us. I suppose if I were Jewish or some other faith that did not Celebrate Christmas I'd be pretty pissed if I was forced to take a week off that was peak travel season. So yes he is right, but even though he is right his argument isn't likely to gain much sympathy from guys who have to work the Holiday for four hours pay. Forcing guys to take Christmas week off pales in comparison to forcing guys to work Christmas for half pay. But No need to get mean about it, his position is based on sound union principles , where he is located that type of thinking puts you in the minority.
Sorry, I don't buy the theory that people will uproot their families and their lives and even leave immediate family relations to move to a place JUST to have weekends off. I'm not saying that that is NOT important to people, but I do not think that is the end all factor.
I believe cost of living is a bigger factor which in itself results in a better quality of life. One example would be a mechanic being fortunate enough to have the wife stay home if she chooses to raise a family.
Tell you what Bob, what would you rather do? Pay a few thousand dollars a year in property taxes, pay less money for a larger home and property and pay a fraction of insurance rates with weekends off or pay $14000 a year in property taxes, pay more money for a smaller home and property taxes and outrageous car insurance rates and weekends off and not uproot your family?
As for the TULSA vs line issue, you should know better than just about anyone else how the line stations fared under the dominant TULSA voting bloc. So please don't claim that MY thinking is in the minority.
I have personally spoken to quite a few Tulsa mechanics up on field trips over the years who blatantly told us if we don't like what Tulsa has, move to Tulsa.
FWIW, I do not believe an OH mechanic should be paid less than a line mechanic. But I do believe in GEO pay.
FWIW, I do not wish to see TUL disappear as I am against ANY outsourcing.
FWIW, I have NOTHING against OH mechanics. But let's be honest how the mighty TUL voting bloc, namely the local leadership, looked at line maintenance as being of lesser value.
Do you need anyone to remind you of your struggles with 514 presidents of years past?