Or is MeFor'er, your blind allegiance to the TWU is only for yourself. AMFA is well on its way to representing the entire industry of aircraft maintenance, the TWU is loosing ground. Why should we remain with a union whose leadership already knows that the majority of AMTs would rather be represented by the AMFA. I'm sure they will do their best for us as evidenced by this last contract deal. The TWU leadership in Tulsa is so paranoid about loosing their power, they will say anything to protect their monopoly. Usually employing fear tactics through false info, in the hopes that people will not get the truth from reliable sources.
BTW I do support the AMFA. I am an AMT first. How can any AMT be against an aircraft mechanics union? WTF is the matter with you? It is no wonder we are in the suck right now. It is people like you (no ####) that will blindly fight change - even if it benefits you - that prevents us from making things better. Please tell me of one instance; in the last 20 years, where the TWU actually stood their ground against AA for the benefit of AMTs. Need a little help? How about..... NEVER!
Whats wrong about being a conservative independent. Kinda gives me some latitude - can't be pigeon holed. Been corn-holed by the TWU too long......