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Bush And Overseas Shipment Of Jobs

<--------------STEWART TOWELS

There is really nothing to be alarmed about is there?

The all power AFL-CIO is behind the TWU and us, right?

I recently read in the TWU Express that the TWU had won restrictions on outsourcing. With a Union like that, why worry about who is President?

What the hell is the concern over?

I knew I could post something of interest and lure dummie dave into linking it to the TWU...what a fake you are boy. Hey dummie, it might rain tomorrow...damn TWU ruin my Sunday...
Nightwatch said:
<--------------STEWART TOWELS

I knew I could post something of interest and lure dummie dave into linking it to the TWU...what a fake you are boy. Hey dummie, it might rain tomorrow...damn TWU ruin my Sunday...

Hmmmm, SO you don't believe the TWU and the ALF-CIO are going to stop outsource of work?

What the hell, over?

Do you have any other assests besides name calling and ignorant rants?
1. The ineligibility of 24 retired employees, Attachment B to Investigator’s Rulings;
2. The ineligibility of 20 employees, who have resigned, Attachment C to Investigator’s Rulings;
3. The ineligibility of 144 Fleet Service Clerks, Attachment E to Investigator’s Rulings;
4. The ineligibility of 89 former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights, Attachment F to Investigator’s Rulings (AMFA’s Exhibit E – Probationary Layoff –No Recall Rights), (AA’s Exhibit E – Employees laid off from probation);
5. The ineligibility of 4 Management Employees, Attachment G to Investigator’s Rulings;
6. The ineligibility of 1 Former TWA Employee Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights, Attachment H to Investigator’s Rulings;
7. The ineligibility of 24 Former Employees Working At Other Airlines, Attachment I to Investigator’s Rulings;
8. The ineligibility of 25 Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall, Attachment K to Investigator’s Rulings;
9. The ineligibility of 1 Employee Working Outside the Craft or Class, Attachment L to Investigator’s Rulings;
10. The ineligibility of 1 Terminated Employee, Attachment M to Investigator’s Rulings;
11. The ineligibility of 249 Fleet Service Fuelers, Attachment N to Investigator’s Rulings, (AMFA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Fueler), (AA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Clerk/Fuelers), (AA’s Addendum to Exhibit M, Fuelers);
12. The ineligibility of 366 Cleaners and 149 Janitors, (AMFA’s Schaible (2) Decl. and Schaible (3) Decl);
13. The ineligibility of 244 Miscellaneous Other Exclusions contained within Declarations accompanying AMFA’s April 22, 2004 Challenges and Objections, which were not considered in the Rulings,
a. The ineligibility of 10 additional retired employees not considered in the Rulings,
b. The ineligibility of 104 additional employees who have resigned not considered in the Rulings,
c. The ineligibility of 4 additional Fleet Service Clerks not considered in the Rulings,
d. The ineligibility of 6 additional former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights not considered in the Rulings,
e. The ineligibility of 5 additional management employees not considered in the Rulings,
f. The ineligibility of 21 additional Former TWA Employees Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights not considered in the Rulings,
g. The ineligibility of 12 additional Former Employees Working At Other Airlines not considered in the Rulings,
h. The ineligibility of 3 additional Deceased Employees not considered in the Rulings,
i. The ineligibility of 65 additional Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall not considered in the Rulings,
j. The ineligibility of 7 additional Terminated Employee not considered in the Rulings,
k. The ineligibility of 8 additional miscellaneous individuals ineligible for various reasons and not considered in the Rulings.
14. The ineligibility of 1,167 Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel, Attachment O to Investigator’s Rulings,
a. 15 duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
b. 2 additional duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
c. 28 names on eligibility list not removed from Attachment O,
d. 2 names removed from Attachment O but not removed from eligibility list,
e. Double counting of 14 individuals alleged to be Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel who have been counted as Fuelers,
f. 5 ineligible AA employees should not have been added to the AA eligibility list,
g. 1,167 Ineligible Fleet Service Clerks.
15. The ineligibility of 21 Former TWA Furloughees, Attachment P to Investigator’s Rulings;
16. The ineligibility of 46 Individuals from AMFA’s May 24, 2004 Submission, Exhibit “O†entitled “AA Eligibility List – TWA Exhibit D – Additional Info Acquired From,†not considered in the Rulings;
17. The ineligibility of 36 additional retired employees from Flagship News not considered in the Rulings;
18. The ineligibility of 150 additional TWA employees Not on TWU’ Exhibit D and therefore without contractual recall rights, not considered in the Rulings;
Decision 2004 said:
<--------------Stewart Wipes

I thought I'd wait and see if Delle could bring back 1% of what he's let go...any wagers? My other asset is the ability to see through your BS and see you for the hamburger munchin' liar you are...next question dummie.
So it's clear,

All of you TWU supporters are Democrats. Isn't it sort of a cliché', to say that only democrats are for the working man? I was not impressed with Bill Clinton's 8 years of being for the working man, no improvements made there.

With John Kerry, what exactly is it that you think he will do for labor? Have you ever seen seen the documentation of where he and his wife invest their money. How about John Edwards, something like 70% of his money is invested overseas. I am sorry, but Kerry is a different sort of democrat - that is only using old school union stooges like yourselves for cash and support.

What does Kerry care about?

Pro Choice - Nice Baby killer
Soft on defense - Let the UN handle our national security
Not a supporter of the second amendment - give up you guns
Same sex marriage - Try explaining that to your kids, good values.
Affirmative racism - why should the best man get the job?
Open the borders even more than Bush has - Can you say Hasta lavista Gringo?

Hey, this is just the beginnings of this America hating, apologist, liberal, pompous jackass' liberal leanings. He caters to every freak organization out there. GWB isn't exactly for the working man; however, whats Kerry going to do for you. Well, how about raising taxes to support his national health-care program - so every illegal alien has proper medical care, while you taxpayers wait outside. Sorry, that dog ain't going to hunt. Point is, since I along with many other AA AMTs do not see any advantage, from a labor standpoint - to putting Kerry in the White House - one has to look at the other issues. Well that is a slam dunk. I will not put a commie in the White house!
lol Vortilon, I take it you are Republican? lol Personally I lean more to the Democrat side but, not for any of the reasons above, also I may have been wrong about a twuscrew sucking us into a political debate. lol Actually I believe todays politicians and political systems are all about power and money and neither have any ethics. Nader has my vote in the bag.
I am posting this not as the author, but I do believe that whoever wrote this, makes a very valid point.

The union leaders at the TWU have a strong desire to criticize the Bush administration and any policies that they can attribute to it. The TWU has unleashed a barrage of attacks on the proposed overtime rules changes and is clamoring for increases in the minimum wage that John Kerry has proposed. Let's set aside the fact that the overtime rules that the TWU is so vehemently opposed to take overtime pay away from only supervisory personnel who make over $100,000 a year. Why would a strong union oppose changes that might reduce the benefits for nonunion workers or for that matter raise the minimum wage for nonunion workers? Since union members are locked into a pay scale by our contract increasing the pay that companies pay to nonunion workers actually hurts our economic buying power. They say that if these changes are passed against other workers that we will be next. So are they saying that their representation is not good enough to protect us from these changes making their way into our contracts just because nonunion workers are effected? What good is a union then? Union leaders say that they stand up for the rights of all working families. Well, isn't that special. We are paying them to represent us and they spend all this time and money representing nonunion members to our disadvantage. Maybe if they let nonunion members fend for themselves more workers would see an advantage to becoming a union member. Maybe the point isn't really to represent anyone, it is actually just to gain political points for their friends in the democratic party no matter if it helps their members or not.
Hopeful said:
True! But since I CAN"T vote for Bush, and I WON"T vote for Heinz, I mean Kerry, that leaves Nader!

I can count on my 5 fingers(on one hand), how many times I've disagreed with you, on these boards, and STILL have "fingers left over" !!!!

I don't disagree with you on NAFTA, and a few other things I'm "disenchanted' with Kerry about,

"BUT" (and It's a BIG but),

Please don't do ANYTHING(behind the election curtain) that would give that "LITTLE TURD", OR the #### political party he belongs to another 4 years at "1600" !!

I know full well, you realize that it's MORE than just KERRY.(Supreme Court etc.)



If I thought RN had a legitimate shot of winning, I'd be out campaigning for him this very moment. I agree with a LOT of things RN says.
If I thought RN had a legitimate shot of winning, I'd be out campaigning for him this very moment. I agree with a LOT of things RN says.

This the first time I have ever known you not to go with your convictions. If we all believe a certain candidate has meaningful things to say and we believe in those things, we should exercise our right and select that candidate.

It does not matter what party they are in.
Nightwatch said:
A vote for Nader will be a vote for Bush.
How do you figure that? Do you think that the government uses voting scams like the TWU?

Things might be different in your state but here in NY Kerry will likely carry the state. That means he will get all of the electoral votes from NY as long as he has more than any other candidate. So if Kerry carries NY with say 55% instead of 60% (the 5% going to Nader) it doesnt matter does it? However if a third party starts gaining small percentages it would put both the parties on notice that people will be given a real choice.

During the Depression in the 30s there was a substantial increase in membership to the Communist Party. The Communists espoused certain socialistic policies that appealed to the many desperate people who were suffering because of the economy. Some of those things included free education, old age pensions, free medical, unemployment benifits and welfare, etc. Even though there was little chance of a Communist takeover, FDR embraced some of those socialist programs and made them law. While some claimed that FDR was a socialist, more pragmatic observers realized that he was in fact the savior of Capitalism. The point is that the small rise of a third party, one that was obvoiusly more in tune with the needs and concerns of the electorate had appeared on the scene and the party in power had to react.
During the Depression in the 30s there was a substantial increase in membership to the Communist Party. The Communists espoused certain socialistic policies that appealed to the many desperate people who were suffering because of the economy.

Sounds a bit familiar here.
Mary are you drunk or just sampling Kevins pain meds. What the hell are you talking about.
Mark Inman said:
Mary are you drunk or just sampling Kevins pain meds. What the hell are you talking about.
No Mark, I was trying to show that we are also upset with the TWU, guess ididn't.

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