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Worst than Bush

Ms Tree said:
Do you have a link to the article?  I cant find it.
It may have been a TV interview. I have heard Alan Dershowitz say something very similar in an interview.Try this link. It's an hour long and stiff buffering but it may contain what was referred to
I'm not want hang a 1 hr video. If you happen to watch let me know the time stamp. I have too much crap to do.
700UW said:
Do you truly believe what you posted?
If President Obama broke the law the right controlled house would start the impeachment process so fast your head would spin.
Stop watching Fox News, lol!
He's already exceeded his authority many times. Several decisions await in SCOTUS.
You think GOP has the balls to impeach the first black president?  That is why he gets away with everything.....they have the votes.
Ms Tree said:
I'm not want hang a 1 hr video. If you happen to watch let me know the time stamp. I have too much crap to do.
Good becaue it wasn't the right one. However it was very interesting
700UW said:
Do you truly believe what you posted?
If President Obama broke the law the right controlled house would start the impeachment process so fast your head would spin.
Stop watching Fox News, lol!
no they wouldnt they would wait until after the midterms like they did during Clinton..
700UW said:
Do you truly believe what you posted?
If President Obama broke the law the right controlled house would start the impeachment process so fast your head would spin.
Stop watching Fox News, lol!
Here's where your ignorance shows...

Sure, the "right controlled" House could start impeachment, but a conviction requires ~67 votes in the Senate.

Which 19 Democrats do you expect to vote to follow the law vs. what Harry Reid asks them to do?

Even if the balance of power shifts as expected in the Senate after the mid-terms, there will still need to be 13-15 Democrats who would need to vote in favor of impeachment, and that could in turn be seen as political suicide for their own re-election.

Self-preservation is more important to politicians than ethics, so don't hold your breath.

What I would expect after the power shift is to see legislation passed by a plurality restricting where Obama has overstepped his bounds, and also looking to increase some power where administration agency officials are concerned, e.g. The VA Accountability Act that was killed in the Senate.
eolesen said:
Here's where your ignorance shows...

Sure, the "right controlled" House could start impeachment, but a conviction requires ~67 votes in the Senate.

Which 19 Democrats do you expect to vote to follow the law vs. what Harry Reid asks them to do?

Even if the balance of power shifts as expected in the Senate after the mid-terms, there will still need to be 13-15 Democrats who would need to vote in favor of impeachment, and that could in turn be seen as political suicide for their own re-election.

Self-preservation is more important to politicians than ethics, so don't hold your breath.

What I would expect after the power shift is to see legislation passed by a plurality restricting where Obama has overstepped his bounds, and also looking to increase some power where administration agency officials are concerned, e.g. The VA Accountability Act that was killed in the Senate.
it would take something huge... funny thing is that the thing that got Nixon to resign wont even put a dent in Obama, (Using the IRS to attack poltical enemies) of course with Nixon we had the tapes, and with Obama we have emails erased... whats the difference between then and now?
2 things The democrat party base EXPECTS obama to use the IRS in that way.  so its not an outrage to both sides..(And now the base on the republican side will expect it... so this has been watered down so much that even Nixon wouldnt have needed to resign)
And 2.  The press arent the press anymore.. the fifth estate is dead. burned to the ground..   we have no real journalists anymore..  WE have party hacks getting jobs on both sides..  they think about whats best for the party and not whats best for the country.   
The talking heads on Fox, will talk about every rumor or leak true or not before checking it out.. and by the time its been throughly investigated its already been so watered down it doesnt matter anymore...  and usually those leaks are put out for these political hacks to do just that.
Then the talking heads on MSNBC(Fox's mirror) everyone gives CNN crap but there is more integrity at CNN than at MSNBC and Fox put together.  so thats telling you something.. so the talking heads at MSNBC makes it a vast conpsiracy fromt he folks at fox... they dont prove something isnt true they just play clips of their counterparts on the other channel... the idea is to make the base think whatever the other channel is saying is a lie... has nothing to do with finding out the truth... cable news is as scripted as the World Wrestling Federation.  
The only way that a president (ANY PRESIDENT) will ever be forced by the press to come clean about anything and the only way congress will be able to ever impeach a president again is for something to be so attrocious that universally both parties would have to condemn him..  and im not sure what that could be... child porn maybe? even though im sure depending on party both sides would spin it and probably blame the kid... 
SparrowHawk said:
Fifty-four percent of respondents in a brand new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll believe that President Obama "can't lead, get the job done," contrasted with 42 percent who say he can. What's more, a healthy plurality, 41 percent, also answered that "the performance of the Obama administration" has "gotten worse" in the past 12 months.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2014/06/18/nbc-briefly-mentions-new-poll-fails-mention-54-percent-say-he-cant-lea#ixzz35CyFTyeI
That came from NBC? 
the 2016 democratic primaries have officially begun... 
PHXConx said:
That came from NBC? 
the 2016 democratic primaries have officially begun... 
Amazingly enough it did. Almost soiled my lawn clothes when I read it.

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