Although, by no means whatsoever, do I agree with any measures that favor management over labor. And by no means do I agree with everything Bush does, but one would have to concur that since the airlines are such a vital industry to this economy, Bush's decions would warrant such actions. I suppose you would argue that a democrat would let the airlines strike, causing major disruptions throughout the nation. And then when the dust settles, the airlines, out of spite, retaliate with job reductions forcing employees out of work. Face it, the day of any group succesfully staging a strike for self help is long gone. Staying on the job, doing everything according to the letter, might the preferred method. Maybe, had the Air Traffic Contollers stayed on the job, keeping planes grounded for hours upon days and weeks, the pro-management anti-labor environment we now find ourselves in might be totally different, possible non-existent.
I believe Bush made the "no strike" pledge fot the airline industry. Did not the west coast dockworkers go on strike before a PEB was ordered?
Suppose the gov't granted UAL the loan, and thier situation deteriorated even further and the economy faltered. Now UAL could not repay their loans and the government got stiffed. Would you then say typical Bush government squandering taxpayers' money again? It's about time that someone addressed UAL and hopefully other management teams' questionable tactics in running their firms.