Bronner Tries To Salvage Airline


Feb 29, 2004

Excerpted from the above article:

"Maybe I'm egotistical enough to believe that a pension fund can save 25,000 jobs," Bronner said, referring to the airline's employees. "I don't know."

hmmm......25,000 jobs?

Beyond that, Bronner said US Airways has no plans to move operations to Alabama or to launch new routes from the state because it is too small.

He did, however, offer employees a share of the spoils if they help him make US Airways profitable again.

"Look at what I've done over the past six or seven years," he said. "If I can turn this around and make it a success, then who knows what it holds for labor. I've never gone backwards."

A small carrot dangled out there....
Geezus. Talk about Ego...I, I, Me, Me, I did this, I did that.

Who talks like that in business? :rolleyes:

Salvage an airline???? He's out to destroy the workers and put even more out on the street.

He needs to call it like it is and stop maskerating as some noble, caring human being.
A lot of complaining and finger pointing goes on around these forums, and maybe some of it is justified. The bottom line however, is the company that does it better,cheaper, and more safely is gonna win over everyone else. We as individuals can only do so much, such as do your job the best you can, tell your union reps what they need to hear, hope they can get at least some of what you want, or need more than something else. Also, save your money, cause if all you hard liners out there think there is another equivalent job waiting for you, you are in for an unpleasant suprise...........
boeingdriver213 said:
A lot of complaining and finger pointing goes on around these forums, and maybe some of it is justified. The bottom line however, is the company that does it better,cheaper, and more safely is gonna win over everyone else. We as individuals can only do so much, such as do your job the best you can, tell your union reps what they need to hear, hope they can get at least some of what you want, or need more than something else. Also, save your money, cause if all you hard liners out there think there is another equivalent job waiting for you, you are in for an unpleasant suprise...........

For you, at face value, there is probably no other job that will pay you what you earn, even with cuts.

However, for the rest f are mistaken.
boeingdriver213, I certainly hope you are a 'certain age' because if you are over 45 getting another flying job at what you are making now is almost impossible.
I note that Bronner did not mention any desire to invest any further in US Airways... Instead he was non-commital, in my opinion, with statements like, "I hope it succeeds," "Its less than 1% of my portfolio," "I am a big boy and will move on if it fails," "I lose $100mil all the time," etc.
Let's not forget "Mr. Liquidation" and all of his past threats :eek: .

Agree to cuts or we'll chapter 7 it......... <_<

If we can't get costs down we'll liquidate it....... <_<

We are looking at selling some prized assets....... :angry:

We will restructure the company with or without the employees....... <_<

Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blllllaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Spoken like an arrogant rich snob who is accustomed to getting his way.

Three cheers for Bronner :down: :down: :down:
PITbull said:

For you, at face value, there is probably no other job that will pay you what you earn, even with cuts.

However, for the rest f are mistaken.

What do you think the vast majority of FAs will do to earn the same money or better working equal or less days?

You, and other educated FAs may replace your pay, most will not very easy, IMHO.

The majority of employees here are far better off staying here, making this work, and not starting over somewhere else...and most admit that too.
boeingdriver213 said:
A lot of complaining and finger pointing goes on around these forums, and maybe some of it is justified. The bottom line however, is the company that does it better,cheaper, and more safely is gonna win over everyone else. We as individuals can only do so much, such as do your job the best you can, tell your union reps what they need to hear, hope they can get at least some of what you want, or need more than something else. Also, save your money, cause if all you hard liners out there think there is another equivalent job waiting for you, you are in for an unpleasant suprise...........
better, cheaper, safely,,, I do believe "SAFETY" should be the first word mentioned in your list, Not the third......Sad to say thay your list is actually what is going on today ! Please define "better".
insp89 said:
Please define "better".
I'm not Boeing, but I'll give the answer I typically give to that question.

Better is giving the customer greater value. More "utility" per dollar than the competition. That may be in the form of ontime arrivals, fewer "incidents," friendlier staff, faster travel (e.g., nonstop instead of connecting), free upgrades, better food, better entertainment, foot massages...whatever the customer values.
mweiss said:
I'm not Boeing, but I'll give the answer I typically give to that question.

Better is giving the customer greater value. More "utility" per dollar than the competition. That may be in the form of ontime arrivals, fewer "incidents," friendlier staff, faster travel (e.g., nonstop instead of connecting), free upgrades, better food, better entertainment, foot massages...whatever the customer values.
weiss, All that jazz sounds great ! Only one problem, Everyone wants all the things you mention PLUS a $99 dollar coast to coast fare..
So what? All that means is the company that comes closest to that mix gets the business.

And if Airline A offers a $99 fare with no food, no entertainment, and 30" pitch, while Airline B offers $150 with no food, no entertainment, and 33" pitch, some customers will choose Airline B. Others won't. Toss in more variables, and the market will segment further. Nothing wrong with that. What's silly is for everyone to try to compete with the same values on the same axes, because the airline with the greatest efficiency will always win that battle.
weiss, I disagree, it's evident people care only about the cheapest fares,, Most people put cheap fares ahead of safety...