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Bronner Tells Usa Today Bankruptcy Could Occur

By the way, who first reported on this website that a bankruptcy filing could occur on September 12 and then the very next day David Bronner told the USA Today the filing could occur in mid-September?


Who wrote a OP-ED piece for the Charlotte Observer filled with false facts?

Who had a press release issued by ALPA disavowing the author?

Who preached for over a year about a UAL UCT/ICT that never came to fruition?

Who then preached NWA would by US and that never came true either?

Who claimed that their is a "painful" clause in the IAM Mechanic and Related contract, but when asked numerous times never substaniated it?

Who said UAL would not survive, but yet they are still here?

Who was Dave's #1 cheerleader until his pension was terminated?

Who then said shut the doors, ALPA will strike?

Who said he was gonna quit and take a foreign flying job but yet is still here?

Who then fell back in awe with Dave?

Who thinks he is a CEO, Sr VP, VP and director all wrapped into one?

Who thinks that the executives of US Airways tells him secret information in violation of SEC rules and regulations?

Who refuses to accept when he is shown to be wrong?

Who said for months the US Airways Shuttle was gonna be sold and it did not happen?

Who said for months that PSA or Piedmont will be sold and it did not happen?

Who said PSA's CRJ-700s are parked and will go back to Bombardier when they were in fact still flying?

Do I need to go on?
USA320Pilot said:
By the way, who first reported on this website that a bankruptcy filing could occur on September 12 and then the very next day David Bronner told the USA Today the filing could occur in mid-September?




All the signs I have seen indicate that Dr. Bronner and Senior management have something other than running USAirways Mainline as a going concern.

The lack of urgency throughout the negotiating process with all labor groups that are currently participating in discussions is one that comes to mind.

The lack of any substantive changes in the past two years since BK1 or that address the $700M non labor savings another. These changes could have occured within the framework of existing labor agreements at no cost. More efficient utilization of existing resources, which has long been sought after by all that fly/maintain the line has simply has not happened. Why?

This is a customer service business. Management has done all they can to destroy the very fiber of that basic tenet of our business. Witness the latest slap in the face company proposal to the hard working CWA'ers. Even without that insult they have left our major stations and res centers woefully understaffed. How many millions have been wasted on PAWOBS or free hotel rooms/free tickets because of the way USAirways operates normally, or worse yet during a Weather/ATC event?

I don't know what their end game really is , but it certainly isn't restoring USAirways to a major player in our nation's air transportation system. My bet is after CH11 part deux that all the B737's / B757's will disappear in short order and the Mainline will in fact be MidAtlantic feeding what ever international routes remain with the A320 fleet of 120 or so jets being all that is left . The 767's will be replaced by the A330-200's in 2007 or before.

So long 279 Fleet Count and the EMB190's will be flown by MidAtlantic or PSA by new hires and J4J discards from Mainline.

Panicked my friend?

Let's look at few points and correct your errors, again.

Writing an Op-Ed or Opinion-Editorial column is a form of free speech, which is permitted in this country, just like posting on this forum.

I do not remember ever issueing a press release ALPA disavowing the author.

US Airways and United's attempts to complete a corporate transaction is well documented and US Airways chairman has commented on potential deals four times in the press. Did you miss that?

US Airways and Northwest have held modeling talks, but who ever said a deal would proceed. Would I have preferred an alliance with Continental and Northwest over United? Absolutely and today's reality is evidence why.

In regard to the "painful" IAM issue, what do you call what is occuring, especially when both the Pittsburgh and Charlotte maintenance facilites could be closed, jobs lost with the Pittsburgh baggage system rejected, and then the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia de-icing contract cancelled. There will be more pain without an agreement, but that's the IAM's choice.

Who said UAL would not survive, but yet they are still here? I do not know.

Who was Dave's #1 cheerleader until his pension was terminated? I do not know.

Who then said shut the doors, ALPA will strike? I do not know.

Who said he was gonna quit and take a foreign flying job but yet is still here? i do not know, but I do know they're available and I have three options.

Who then fell back in awe with Dave? I do not know.

Who thinks he is a CEO, Sr VP, VP and director all wrapped into one? Good one, is it Bruce Lakefield or Bruce Ashby.

Who thinks that the executives of US Airways tells him secret information in violation of SEC rules and regulations? I do not know.

Who refuses to accept when he is shown to be wrong? I do not know.

Who said for months the US Airways Shuttle was gonna be sold and it did not happen? Who said for months that PSA or Piedmont will be sold and it did not happen? US Airways issued press releases indicating it could see assets and then negotiated LOA 91, which specifically permits the sale of PSA and the RJs. Will it occur? Maybe, maybe not. Instead management may change their plan and keep or dispose of assets in bankruptcy, along with furloughing more employees as a result.

Who said PSA's CRJ-700s are parked and will go back to Bombardier when they were in fact still flying? They were, until a deal was ratified.

700UW, you should stop your panicking because unless something changes, your union will likely get to face the judge and then try to explain why you deserve certain pay and benefits for a twice failed company. After all ,you believe the "pain" will not be so bad, right?


I am not in a panic, I believe you need to look in the mirror and see who is in panic. There is no panic in any of my statements, can you say the same?

I am not the one making threats, trying to indimidate other unions and scare them to protect my income, unlike yourself.

You are the one on here constantly posting inaccurate information in regards to other unions, not I.

I am 100% behind my union and its stance, I have done other jobs before US and I can do others without.

I am a man of my word, unlike yourself, since you are still here.

And shall I call up ALPA and get a copy of the code-a-phone abour your piece in the Charlotte Observer?

And why don't you take the time and go through your posts and all your "I don't knows" will be answered.

Let me give you one piece of advice, Denial is the first step on the path to wellness, maybe you should look into it.

Denial: refusal to admit the truth or reality

P.S. I am not your friend.
Oh by the way last week I spoke to the IAM Reps for PIT and PHL, and sorry to inform you but IAM Mechanics will be doing the deicing as the IAM Mechanic and Related contract states.

So keep posting false information.
USA320Pilot you have set yourself up for the attacks. i am one of those that cannot understand why you are so persistant. who are you trying to impress my friend? Do us a favor and just stop.
N924PS said:
I don't know what their end game really is , but it certainly isn't restoring USAirways to a major player in our nation's air transportation system. My bet is after CH11 part deux that all the B737's / B757's will disappear in short order and the Mainline will in fact be MidAtlantic feeding what ever international routes remain with the A320 fleet of 120 or so jets being all that is left . The 767's will be replaced by the A330-200's in 2007 or before.

So long 279 Fleet Count and the EMB190's will be flown by MidAtlantic or PSA by new hires and J4J discards from Mainline.

Bingo! I would bet that this is the closest thing to the real plan thats ever been posted. This is thier most desired endgame, what they are working towards. Its obvious.
700UW, you should stop your panicking because unless something changes, your union will likely get to face the judge and then try to explain why you deserve certain pay and benefits for a twice failed company. After all ,you believe the "pain" will not be so bad, right?



You sure have a lot of faith in this judge you keep bringing up.

I will tell what will transpire: The judge will rule whatever way he wants and it won't matter because the IAM holds the cards to all the different hands. If we are forced go to work we just don’t work, we take job action and nothing gets accomplished except the demise of this company which is overdue as it is. Scabs will only accelerate the demise with jittery passengers booking with more stable carriers. You can't hold a gun to a dead man's head and expect to incite fear. It's over unless we win the bus work, and even then it will be too close to call. The damage Siegel did is still festering with the healing not even in sight. Mark my words down and date them...CAVALIER said that
luv2fly said:
Your use of the now infamous management quote " the marketplace has forever changed, and we must all now change with it or die!" has become tiresome and transparent.

SpinDoc replies:
The truth is sometimes difficult to digest,
but the reality is as A320 says. The marketplace
HAS changed considerably thanks to moves by
low fare carriers into markets that were
traditionally high yield cash cows for the legacy
carriers. Yields have gone in the tank because
the legacy carriers have been forced to match
the low fare competition. There is no turning
back at this point. Either the legacy carriers
match the low fare carriers not only in low
fares, but in costs, or they will certainly perish.
It's all down to the lowest common denominator,
similar to the Wal Mart effect in retail and we
all know what has happened to many of their
competitors who have failed to act and meet
their business model.

Your argument with 767jetz is childish.

SpinDoc replies:
Agree on that. The time for one-upmanship
has long passed due to the current state of
the industry. If anything, employees of the
legacy carriers should be supporting each
other, not tearing each other down. UA and
US are totally different animals with different
problems, although I do agree that UA is facing
significant challenges to emerge from BK and
there is a chance they will not emerge due to
their size and the magnitude of the issues
that are currently before the court.
SpinDoc said:
Either the legacy carriers
match the low fare carriers not only in low
fares, but in costs,

Costs. So how is the plan coming on NON EMPLOYEE COST SAVINGS? Care to share anything along those lines Spin?
Management's Transformation Plan has actions designed to increase revenue and lower unit costs. 20 points of the new business plan are:

1. Increased aircraft utilization from an averge of 10.0 to 11.5 hours per day. This will improve productivity of employees, aircraft, and facilities, both in the air and the ground. This is the single largest cost reduction item and is only possible with new labor accords.

2. More point-to-point flying with the increased utuilzation and major point-to-point schedule changes to occur after the slow winter season, probably around President's Day holiday to take advantage of the busy travel season thereafter. New non-stop service to be flown to key business and leisure markets from key East Coast focus cities, which can support O&D traffic with higher yields and load factors.

The top ten U.S. domestic O&D markets in regard to revenue are New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, San Francisco, Boston, Denver, and Houston. Interestingly, Philadelphia is number twelve, Charlotte is number fifteen, and Pittsburgh is number sixteen.

In addition, the company plans on operating flights from US Airways key Northeast cities to all key leisure markets with Low Cost Carrier (LCC) type aircraft turn times and utilization.

3. Increased Caribbean, European, and Latin American expansion. The plan envisions expanding European and Caribbean service, with potential new transatlantic routes from Philadelphia to Star Alliance hubs of Warsaw (LOT Polish Airlines), Vienna (Austrian Airlines), Oslo & Copenhagen (SAS Scandinavian Airlines), and Birmingham (BMI). Note - BMI’s main operational base is London’s Heathrow airport.

New Caribbean/Latin American destination, which could include service to Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Carracus, Bogota, and Liberia, Costa Rica.

New Charlotte-Barbados service. In addition, US Airways will increase nonstop Boston-Aruba service in November 2004, and add a second nonstop Saturday flight between Charlotte and St. Thomas in December 2004.

4. Increased code share opportunities. New code share service to the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and Sweden, and beyond.

5. Entered into a wide-ranging cargo agreement with Lufthansa in July 2004, through which Lufthansa will assume cargo capacity marketing and freight handling for US Airways' flights from Europe to the U.S. As part of the agreement, the carriers will combine operations at all European locations and in Charlotte, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, further enhancing the carriers’ synergies and cost efficiencies at those locations.

6. Hub re-focus and the transition of Pittsburgh to a focus city. Rolling the Philadelphia hub, adding two banks to the Charlotte hub, and reducing relatively high cost Pittsburgh hub operations and then re-positioning aircraft to other opportunities. This will lead to improved employee productivity and less misconnected passengers, lost bags, and flight delays.

7. Near completion on Philadelphia International Airport baggage handling improvement project, including redesign of the baggage system for terminals B & C and international baggage recheck. Completion of the full project is expected by the end of the summer.

8. Lower, simpler fares with GoFares program. With a less complex fare structure, Reservations talk time goes down and productivity increases. The Sales Department will have fewer complex contracts to manage, resulting in lower selling costs. Fewer customer complaints for Consumer Affairs to handle.

9. Consolidate the flight crew training centers from McCormack, Carnot, and the Pittsburgh simulator center to the Charlotte Flight Training Center effective November 1. This will create economies of scale, reduce lease expense, and increase productivity.

10. Sell excess facilites such as excess Pittsburgh flight training equipment, two simulators (B737 & A320), and Orlando Reservations facility.

11. Complete planning and then implement Star Alliance joint purchasing program to reduce acquisition costs.

12. Continue with Star Alliance partner facility and handling integration to reduce costs.

13. IT improvements. New web site to be introduced shortly, more Kiosks, boarding pass readers, and increased use of the internet to boost online sales from 10 to 20%. Scanners will be available at 18 airports in the U.S. US Airways anticipates adding more than 100 self-service kiosks by the end of the year for easier check-in. This will help reduce distribtion costs.

14. With advertising driving more consumers to usairways.com, the amount of fees the company pays to CRS systems will drop.

15. Installing an EMB-170 and CRJ-200/700 simulator in Charlotte to reduce contract training expense.

16. Online paperwork and automation through the hub to reduce unit costs.

17. Increased Embraer Division and other RJ growth to bring more feed and revenue to the company. Potential ALPA relief in managing the pilot staffing requirements for the EMB division over the next four months, since the Company plans to aggressively add new EMB-170 aircraft to the EMB division of US Airways.

18. Merging Piedmont and Allegheny to lower unit costs.

19. Bombardier and US Airways reached an agreement to extend the delivery schedule of its regional jets order by a year, which will lower near-term capital expenditures. In addition, the agreement permitted the company to upgrade an order for 23 50-seat CRJ200 jets into 70-seat and 90-seat (with ALPA scope relief) versions of the aircraft. The revised mix calls for the delivery of 37 CRJ200 and 48 CRJ700 or CRJ900 jets, Bombardier said. Deliveries are scheduled to be completed by March 2006, instead of April 2005.

20. High density B757 seat configuration reducing First Class from 24 to 8 seats ad re-focusing these aircraft to operate in high density, low yeild leisure markets. The new configuration will boost revenue.


But wait USA320....
First you need to "rape" the employees, then implement the plan. On many points of this plan, there isn't a damn thing stopping this company from putting them into effect. Most of us seem to think that a BK judge won't be so tolerant of the companys antics in the next round. They won't be willing to cut 25% from there pay and screw the retired mgrs. out of Health Benefits, like they are asking of the CWA.

I'm all for making a profit, but certain costs/plans should be implemented BEFORE asking any employee to sacrifice {again} I do understand your just trying to keep what you have, but this plan is flawed from the start with the asking of concessions from a group who has bent over backwards to get to this point {labor}

Tell you what, you take the first blow to your CBA and we will see how it goes from there..
Before any Union talks to this Company, the folks need to stop all these folks with Space Positive confirmed First or Coach seating. You have a family of six on a 757 on vacation confirmed in first, then we can only sale two seats, this is taking money away from the Company.

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