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BREAKING NEWS: US Airways Election Dates Announced!

Go find my name on an LM2 from the international, district 142 or local lodge 1725 to prove your accusation.

I havent worked for the IAM since 2005.

Keep up the lies Tim and your new buddy Travis.

Ask any fleet on here about tim's grasps for power over the past 20 years and he has failed to obtain it.

Tried to sell is name list to the ibt for a job back in the early 90s, tried to start his own union several times, and failed and was removed from office twice.
[sub]Here is the title of this thread; [/sub]BREAKING NEWS: US Airways Election Dates Announced! Could we possibly get back on topic?? I read the letter from the NMB and it stated that any challenges will be accepted up and until June 17. Does anyone know or have heard if there will be any challenges from the IAM or the company?
Both the IAM and the IBT have filed challenges.

PM me for more info.
Both the IAM and the IBT have filed challenges.

PM me for more info.
Of course you work for the IAM. You spend 60 hours a week as their social media whore. Then when someone ask a question, you have the answer that only someone working for the IAM will have. Hey, I know how it goes and I know how the LM2 stuff works so just because your name isn't explicitly posted doesn't mean squat. You have been found out 700. There is nothing wrong with that, but like everything else, stop your lying. regards,
i thought that once the merger closes.... that both M&R and FSAs will vote for either the TWU/IAM ASSOC or NONUNION if it changed i have not seen it and if it changed its not on the iam web

from my understanding is is that the iam/twu assoc will if theyre elected be the ones to represent the employees of the old airlines
For fleet, yes. For MX, that has to be determined. the whole unknown association may be gone before it started with mx, depending on how mx votes in the IBT elections.

Will that affect fleet service? Yes

The association will have the certification so neither the TWU or IAM will be the certified bargaining agent, no matter what happens. The certified bargaining agent for MX will be either the IBT or the association.

The association determines the representational roadmap. The current representation roadmap that Buffenbarger and Little agreed to was that some stations would be TWU and some would be IAM. After the IBT elections, assuming the IBT is defeated, the association is going to redefine the roadmaps and the rumor is that one of its affiliations will be sent to represent MX, and the other will represent fleet entire. Depending on who you talk to, some say buffenbarger agreed to have the TWU represent MX and IAM keep fleet, but some TWU folks are saying it is the opposite. Nobody will know until after the association is certified and makes the final representation roadmap. IMO, the IAM will be the one for ramp since it is doing the Delta campaign as well. Dunno but it makes sense. regards,
Of course you work for the IAM. You spend 60 hours a week as their social media whore. Then when someone ask a question, you have the answer that only someone working for the IAM will have. Hey, I know how it goes and I know how the LM2 stuff works so just because your name isn't explicitly posted doesn't mean squat. You have been found out 700. There is nothing wrong with that, but like everything else, stop your lying. regards,
Tim your lying again. Like I said, look at any LM-2 since 2005, my name will not appear and the IAM isnt going to risk anything with the DOL to fudge a LM-2.

I run a small business that provides staff to caterers and venues and have since 2010.

Keep trying and I have been through audits by the DOL, have you?

Keep lying timmy.
Both the IAM and the IBT have filed challenges.

PM me for more info.
Why would the ibt file a challenge to there very own filing?? Must I pm you? Post links here and I will click and read. I don't usually answer or entertain pm's
the way i interpetted is this... we the fsa will vote for union representation the twu/iam association or no union... and i thought the maintaince n related is the same way the only monkey wrench they have is amfa and the ibt more of the ibt at this point anyhow at this point this is how i see it i could be wrong completely but after the merger closes we be represented by reps from the former iam for most of the us side and the twu for aa side but with what youre saying tim is that there will be some cities represented by twu that are or should be iam and vice versa is that what youre saying? the big question is will we or wont we have any kind of agreement prior to the closing... my guess is nope not the way things are going
secondly even though i think its wonderful that the iam for both groups have already asked to be released from talks with the airline i highly doubt it will even happen of course stranger things have happen before...
Why would the ibt file a challenge to there very own filing?? Must I pm you? Post links here and I will click and read. I don't usually answer or entertain pm's
They are challenging names on the list who they feel arent eligible to vote in the election.

There arent links to it.

Robbed it is the same, vote for the association or no union.

Tim is lying like usual.

There arent links to it.
They are challenging names on the list who they feel arent eligible to vote in the election.

There arent links to it.

Robbed it is the same, vote for the association or no union.

Tim is lying like usual.

There arent links to it.
Gotcha. Thx. Didn't realize that a list has already been provided by the company.
Tim your lying again. Like I said, look at any LM-2 since 2005, my name will not appear and the IAM isnt going to risk anything with the DOL to fudge a LM-2.

I run a small business that provides staff to caterers and venues and have since 2010.

Keep trying and I have been through audits by the DOL, have you?

Keep lying timmy.
You work for them buddy. Don't play dumb. Just quit your lying. Otherwise, what is your motive for wasting 60 hours a week on here? And why would the IAM dump information to you before it is released?
Believe what you want, I asked you to prove it by showing my name receiving payment on an LM2 from any local, district or international.

Hint, you wont cause I dont.

You do realize I have lots of friends still out there whom I keep in contact with.

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