AOG-N-IT said:
BULLChit Piney Bob !!!!!
I can say with 100% certainty , that not a single soul I know wouldn't be willing to do more for an employer that was honest , straight forward and clear about the desired goals and direction they intend to lead us.
What we have is everything but that !!
You are really talking out of your posterior now !!!
Here's what you have to ask yourself AOG, Is the current management really all that bad? OR has my thinking been so poluted by the monumental blunders of past management that I am no longer objective?
AOG, I honestly wasn't thinking of US Airways in particular just a general point that everyone has a part. management does indeed set the tone and demeanor of a company and they lead by example whether they want to or not. The questions are:
Do they set a positive example and role model for their workers
Do the employees hear the same tune that management is signing or are they marching to another drummer? One from the past perhaps.
I just wanted to get the thread going cause it's a good topic.