At this point in the HP/US merger many HP employees have become resigned to the real possibility of seniority boarding but... If the merger with Delta becomes reality will they(HP employees) stand for seniority boarding procedures. HP employees will end up boarding behind TWO other airlines(lots more senior employees) when basically it is their CEO who ended up running the show. Will it be another try it our for another year and we all board according to the rules of the individual airlines prior to the merger(s)? Theres too many conspiracy theories with NW and DP to keep me from getting paranoid.( I keep thinking Delta employees are stalking me, trying to find out our pay scale-just kidding.) I needed some normality. It seems since the "proposal" was announced I see too many nice things being said about US Airways that I think I am stuck in an alternate universe and need to find a way back. So back to the norm it will be. First Come or DOH boarding-IF Delta employees are included? Watcha think?