I just love this mentality of how a sick out will show management. Let's just look at who is really effected by a "sick out".
1. Customers - inconvenienced tremendously by an employee action. Will vote with their dollars the next time they travel and the spiral of low fares and employee concessions will continue.
2. Customer Service Agents - System wide will have to deal with irrate Customers who are delayed and/or will misconnect to their destination. With the current staffing levels and the industry load factor projected for the weekend, seats will be nearly impossible to find and lines will grow and Customers will become more upset.
3. Reservations Agents - Who will have to handle the large volume of calls from disgruntled Customers that are directed to the phones due to the inabilityof the Customer Service Agents to handle the volume of Customers unable to make it to their destination for the holiday.
4. Ramp Agents - your fellow ramp agents that appreciate their job and want to do the right thing. They will have to pick up the slack for the people that felt they were making a statement by calling off sick.
5. Crews - that are locked in a big silver tube, filled with Customers that are becoming disgusted with the events taking place. As tempers flare, the abuse on Crew members increases. All the time these crews are sitting on planes, attending to Customers, trying to apologize and all the while they are not getting paid for this time, because the ACARs clock hasn't set an out time yet.
6. Baggage Service Agents - As the number of misconnected bags increase, the stress on Station Baggage Agents and System Baggage Service increases as the number of PAWOBs jump higher and higher. Hold time for calls to System Baggage Service increases and Customer become even more enraged.
7. Consumer Affairs Agents - As the holiday rush comes to an end and we have driven every Customer we have to book with the competition, Consumer Affairs will have to apologize to the thousands of Customers that call in with complaints. Working jammed phone lines, e-mail and letters, we will give away millions of dollars in vouchers to apologize for your "statement to management", thus diluting revenue even more and pushing the company that much closer to Chapter 7.
So you see......in the end......who pays the ultimate price for your "statement to management"? The Customer and your fellow employees. Does Bruce or any of the VP's have to work any harder that day? No. But every other front line employee will have to shoulder the added stress and aggrivation of your actions.
If your ultimate goal is to become unemployed, then save your fellow employees and the Customers the hassle and just quit now. The end result is the same, but you don't have to ruin everyone's holiday in the process.
To those that come to work everyday, give it their all, Thank you for making a difference. For those that feel they are in some way, shape or form making a statement to Mangement - Here is the door. thank you for your time and best of luck in your future endeavors.