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BLM Pins Before the 19th Anniversary of 9/11? Really?

People squaring off over a pin would be a symptom of a much larger disease. I hope you're wrong about it as well.
Kind of like a black woman losing her mind over a blue lives matter mask.

BLM would love someone to square off over a pin. It feeds right into their methods of extortion.
...And you have just communicated to me that you too are unable to separate the idea of black lives matter(ing) with the BLM...

As for polarizing the people, I think the GOP has that market cornered.
It's happening here. It's happening at work already. Breakroom discussions and so on. The company just opened up a can of worms. HR is going to be busy in the near future. My opinion of course.

I meant actually fighting, but that still sucks to see.
...And you have just communicated to me that you too are unable to separate the idea of black lives matter(ing) with the BLM...

As for polarizing the people, I think the GOP has that market cornered.
The GOP are not the ones running on a platform of identity politics.

You think the tactics BLM uses are new? They use social peer pressure to force compliance rather the individual agrees with their ideals or not. You either comply or YOU become the next target. If social peer pressure does not work they simply move to violence and eventually murder.

Silence is not an option, that is why BLM members hold signs and chant "WHITE silence is violence". They attempt to deny you the ability to criticize (that which cannot be criticized cannot be challenged) or remain neutral.

BLM seeks to use fear to force public declarations of support. You see nothing short of a total declaration of support will do, OR ELSE!!!!!!

That is what a BLM pin is. It is a symbol of submission. A declaration that you have given up freedom of thought to placate the mob that is BLM. You think what THEY tell you to think, or at least you better appear like you do.

Whats more, simply being accused of racism is enough. No proof is needed. If BLM declares you a racist, you are a racist in the eyes of their followers.

If you knew anything of manipulation tactics used throughout history you would see these bastards for what they really are. They are no different than the Mutawa or a modern day cult. Comply or die.

You want to submit to that BS by wearing their pin you go right ahead. In my eyes that just makes you a coward.
Again, you are conflating the idea of black lives matter(ing), with the BLM "organization."

They are 2 very different things.

I support equality for all Americans. I wish you did too, but I can't help that.
Again, you are conflating the idea of black lives matter(ing), with the BLM "organization."

They are 2 very different things.

I support equality for all Americans. I wish you did too, but I can't help that.
Look Kev I support equality to as far as race. Despite your charge that I do not. Of course your baseless accusation is typical leftist modus operandi.

I know blacks have gotten a raw deal. They helped build a country that shut them out. I 100% acknowledge that.

My frustration comes from the belief that much of the inequality (not all) has been remedied either through law or cultural change yet none of those positive changes seem to be recognized and I think by design they never will. You have too many people making too much money and gaining too much political power from polarizing faux racism. Just ask Jussie Smollett.

If this country is so damn racist then why do so many minorities and non white immigrants move here and find opportunities and success. Do you think they come here for the racism? Hell no. They come here because they know this is one of few places in the world they can realize dreams.

There is also the issue of one sided forced diversity. Do you think Tuskegee University has to hit a diversity quota?

I find it ridiculous that blacks bring up slavery and believe they really only do it for social and political gain. My ancestors came here as slaves as well. It's true. They were convicts that were sold off as slaves (they called it indentured servitude) as the government that sold them did not want to bear the cost of prisoner upkeep. They were sold at such a cheap price as to be considered disposable. The difference is you don't hear me whinge on about it while trying push a political agenda. The bottom line is my family never owned slaves... they WERE slaves. So I will be damned if I am going to tolerate some mf'er getting in my face and telling me I am guilty of the sins of slavery and oppression because I happen to be white. I have seen far too much of that in videos people have filmed of BLM protests.

You say I can't tell the difference between the organization and the movement, I say they are one in the same and you are creating an artificial divide to justify your support.

So far the only change I see BLM implementing in communities is burning them to the ground.

BLM may have started off as a good thing. However, it has since been hijacked by leftist extremist using faux racism to push their Marxist political agenda. We both know that, though I am sure only one of us will admit it.
NO ONE should be allowed to wear ANY political propoganda at the job site. Union and company pins, that's it.
Anything else makes a hostile work place.

Yep. Companies who virtue signal like this tend to create more negative attention than good.

It's one thing for companies to live their values, it's yet another to have to advertise them. Do right by your customers and employees, and you wouldn't need to wear a pin.
Yep. Companies who virtue signal like this tend to create more negative attention than good.

It's one thing for companies to live their values, it's yet another to have to advertise them. Do right by your customers and employees, and you wouldn't need to wear a pin.
These dumb ass execs think if they virtue signal or encourage their employees to it will keep them from becoming a target of BLM extortion.

Same BS the NAACP has pulled for years.

There is a lot of money in being a "professional" victim.
Unfortunately 9/11 didn't teach some people spreading more hate is not the solution.
On September 1, 1941, Reinhard Heydrich decreed that all Jews in the Reich six years of age or older were to wear a badge which consisted of a yellow Star of David on a black field to be worn on the chest, with the word "Jew" inscribed inside the star in German or in the local language. This applied to all German Jews and Jews in Germany's territories. Picture me with my middle finger up to anyone wanting me to display a pin on my person, to signify what side I stand on.
Then we're on the same page. Good to hear.
I rather doubt we are on the same page. I doubt we are even on the same book.

Funny how you focused on ONE sentence of that entire post. It is also very telling what sentence you happened to focus on.