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Biggest US Airways Union Seeks Strike for Equal Pay With American Airlines

I know that the decision is tough, but you must somehow get your improvements AND preserve your scope in some form or another. Otherwise all of the smaller stations will be gone in less than a year. And stations that have split ops will remain split between company and vendor with no hope of being insourced.

You have seen our situation. 45 stations will be gone by years end or in the first quarter of '15. Tier 2 will then be threatened when the contract is up.

Don't let this happen.
Quick questions;  I have read many articles on this issue at US wanting AA wages prior to the combination contract.  Can someone pls list the pay difference, or what each make at the carriers.  Also, If the US guys are demanding same pay as AA---be very carefull as the company may very well indicate that US must also match the rest of the AA contract which I believe is worse than what they have currently.   Just curious...
swamt,  for fsa,  aa makes 22.59 an hr  top  and in sept  they go to 23,00 an hr  
us fsa tops out at 20.57 an hr     leads at us are 1.01 an hr more
us fsa sick pay....  50% the first 3 days  then resort to full on day 4    I believe this is for both iam groups
roabilly said:
Rat, do you not feel that CB and the whole N/C have been honest with you regarding YOUR negotiations?
yes I do and I have told him as much without CB my faith in this group would be pretty low.
my issues on the UA deal is that members of the very same elected group were dishonest with their members and even worse talked down to them using terms like stupid and dumb.
Taking a 'Strike Vote' and people actually honoring the strike is quite different things.
It will be a sad lesson when your 'coworkers' cross the picket line to do your work.
IMHO, all HUFF and no PUFF
B) xUT
 Just pay attention to what is being asked by the union or offered by the company. The IAM wants to preserve their dues and the alliance with the TWU. The IAM and the company are shooting for parity with the TWU/AA contract so they can move on with a JCBA with little difficulty. It all has to fit smoothly or more delays in negotiations from both parties will continue. The last thing the IAM and the TWU want is the Alliance to be disrupted or delayed longer than anticipated. We are the biggest airline that has potential to be the most profitable and we have the two of the worse Industrial unions on the planet representing the skilled AMT's. Makes no sense.
Thx for the info Robbed.  And how does all the employees feel about the IAM just going for "on-par" with the AA'ers?
Does anyone have the pay diff for the mechanics at each carrier?   Just for FYI, when SWA bought AT, mind you no contracts were due to be nego, therefore we simply had to just do a combined contract nego instead of nego one or both sides contract and then do the integrated contract.  The AT guys were brought into the AMFA contract as they were the prevailing representational union, therefore the AT guys were brought to SWA's pay scale and work rules.  If I am not mistaken we did try to get a raise on our end but the company was adamant that no-one on SWA property will receive any kind of pay increase do to the integration of any group, therefore AMFA was able to make better progress else where and improvements in other areas.  My point here is AA will probably be willing to bring the US guys up to AA pay levels but may not want to give more increases when they complete the combined integration contract nego's.  My other point is why doesn't AA just go ahead and move the US guys up to the AA pay scale then just worry about nego one contract for the integration of the 2...
The IAM is asking for a two year bridge agreement, for mtc its around $39 an hour and a $2 increase in pension, additional week of vacation and a few other items.
The M&R I have encountered this summer seem to be satisfied with that and then go for me in a JCBA.
There are lots of differences between AA and US, US has a lot better scope, holidays, sick time and pay, the pension and a few other things.
Doug and Al have refused to bring both groups up to AA's pay.
mike33 said:
  AH offered the same wage but the scope outweighs the $$. He wants our scope period. He wants to just meld us into the TWU scope. Doesn't affect hubs so much but the smaller stations would be toast with the AA " Daily Qualifier ". To have to get insourced again we would have to have 20-21 flts a day ! Thats 140+ a week compared to our present scope of 85 to insource.
  The big picture re scope is that if we fight to keep ours, then in joint talks , we fight again to keep it and meld AA into ours. That would allow insourcing at those AA stations that are presently outsourced possibly. With our scope staying of course........
Regarding scope:
Lower flight threashold, Grandfather all current stations as class one stations. 
AMR exclusive:   Lavs at all 17 airports where there are TWU Fleet service clerks   , 5 Cargo centers
USairways exclusive:  Tower, Catering, 3 cargo centers, CLP
Knowns:  CLP is going to DFW
Any joint contract shouldn't lose any scope of the above. All should at least be grandfathered, so that, at minimum, CLT, PHL, etc keep catering.  CLP work should apply to the entire carrier, and at minimum, 8 cargo centers, and all tower work. Sh*tters should be dumped everywhere.
People need to think a lot bigger than TWU OR IAM neither will support you, AMFA & Teamsters arnt the answer either 
Just ask this guy
Any union is only as strong as its meekest member
People need to grow a pair and take a stand

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