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Biden's Five

Tug McGroin

Mar 25, 2008
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Virginia Beach, VA
“According to the documents, Biden, 65, received several deferments while he was an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University. A month after undergoing a physical exam in April 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency. …â€

“In “Promises to Keep,†a memoir that was published last year and became an instant best-seller after he was tapped as Obama’s running mate, Biden never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.â€

Joe Biden took five student deferments

Biden voted “Yea†to H.J. Resolution 114, a joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.

The Democrats went after Dick Cheney for accepting five deferments from the draft during the Vietnam War. Democrats who gleefully questioned Cheney’s manhood and patriotism over this issue should now explain why they support a candidate for the same office with the same record of deferments.

This issue shouldn’t be about Biden, who cooperated with the system as it existed at the time. It should be about holding the hypocrites accountable for their baseless attacks over the years.

Oct 22 2004, 08:14 PM
The point of this post is obvious...why are the ones who are gung ho from sending our young men and women to battle the same ones who failed to serve when their country needed them. Not only that....why did so many of them take steps that would help them avoid the draft that was in place when their country needed them?

Oct 22 2004, 08:24 PM
Those are the guys who are sending our troops to put their lives on the line...why wasn't it the noble thing to do when THEY had the opportunity to serve their country. .

Oct 25 2004, 05:03 AM
I am sure that they all had their reasons for seeking a student deferment...most likely, the number one reason wasn't to further their education, but to avoid being shot at.

May 29 2008, 09:41 AM
How many of your conservatives in power who started this war have served in the military and seen combat? Lets start with the White House and work our way down.
Bush W - technically yes but we all know that story.
Cheney - 5 deferments
Don't forget the brain surgery for several aneurysms....guy with this history could literally pop a gasket at the wrong time leaving little Obama without any experience.
You are not going to get any because we don't care. It is the right who is all about the military and that is why we threw Cheney and W back in your face.

Most on the left do not feel it is necessary to for a POTUS to have millitary back ground. Apparently neither do republicans because had they believed that they would have chosen Kerry (two tours) as opposed to W guarding Indiana. Then there was Reagan who served in the USO and making adds for the millitary.

Military service like everything else in politics, is only important when the other person does/doesn't have what your person does/doesn't have.

When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too? Last time I checked they have quite a dim view of the Catholics (and every other religion for that matter). Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church.

I can't wait for someone to publish a video of Palin speaking in tongues. Won't that be a hoot.
As pointed out earlier...it was the SAME number of deferments as the ultimate CHICKEN HAWK Dick Cheney. Obama and Biden didn't lead us into a war of choice - Bush and Cheney did.
You are not going to get any because we don't care. It is the right who is all about the military.....

Military service like everything else in politics, is only important when the other person does/doesn't have what your person does/doesn't have.

When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too? Last time I checked they have quite a dim view of the Catholics (and every other religion for that matter).

"You are not going to get any because we don't care. It is the right who is all about the military....." Yep..while the left's all about "Dip-lomacy"..Whatever-the-heck that's actually ever meant in "Demo-Babble".... 🙄

"Military service like everything else in politics, is only important when the other person does/doesn't have what your person does/doesn't have." You said it....Next?

"When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too?" Oh, I dunno..perhaps if it ever comes out that said church has an insanely greedy little farce of a "Pastor" who loudly called out to his psychotic "parrish" that God should "Damn America"??? :blink:

"Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church." Golly!..Gosh!!..I wonder why that could even possibly be true!!?? :lol:
"You are not going to get any because we don't care. It is the right who is all about the military....." Yep..while the left's all about "Dip-lomacy" 🙄

Yep...while the right is about fighting with every country on earth as the first and only solution to any problem. Invade first - figure out how to get out later. Kinda like a three year old....

"When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too?" Oh, I dunno..perhaps if it ever comes out that said churches "Pastor" loudly called upon God to "Damn America"??? :blink:

"Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church." Golly!..Gosh!!..I wonder why that could even possibly be true!!?? :lol:

So let me get this straight... You agree with Jews for Jesus then.... The Israelis deserve the attacks they've been subject to because they're non-believers - and the attacks should continue until they convert to Christianity. Guess I missed that sermon last Sunday. Too bad Sarah Palin didn't miss it and decided it sit through it, meanwhile her pastor says he sees nothing offensive about the group's position.
Pick a source, any source. . .

Washington Times

The Associated Press


Yahoo News

Where’s the righteous indignation from the left?
I guess the question is, who used the deferments against Cheney during his selection of VP candidate.

It would be after this:

In an increasingly vituperative political campaign, Mr. Cheney this week again questioned the credentials of Senator John Kerry and his ability to be commander in chief. Mr. Kerry, who was decorated in Vietnam and has made his service there a central element of his campaign, fired back.


While Mr. Cheney's deferment history was briefly an issue when George W. Bush picked him as his running mate in 2000, the Democrats did not focus on it after Al Gore, the Democratic presidential nominee, who had served in Vietnam, picked as his running mate Senator Joseph Lieberman, who also had not served.

The issue also received little attention during Mr. Cheney's Senate confirmation hearings as defense secretary in 1989 under the first President Bush, largely because the Armed Services Committee had just completed a bitter and protracted battle over the president's original choice, John G. Tower. Mr. Tower had faced questions about philandering, drinking and conflicts over defense contracts before he was rejected.

That gave birth to the swift boat veterans...


If you really want to compare Cheney to Biden, do so at your own risk. It is obvious you can not find any record of anything for Palin...save her "executive experience in Wasilla, Alaska"
As pointed out earlier...it was the SAME number of deferments as the ultimate CHICKEN HAWK Dick Cheney. Obama and Biden didn't lead us into a war of choice - Bush and Cheney did.

Obama was not in a position to authorize the use of force against Iraq, Biden was … and did! Biden voted “Yeaâ€￾ to H.J. Resolution 114 and lead the US into war with Iraq. It was Biden's choice.
As pointed out earlier...it was the SAME number of deferments as the ultimate CHICKEN HAWK Dick Cheney. Obama and Biden didn't lead us into a war of choice - Bush and Cheney did.

Obama was not in a position to authorize the use of force against Iraq, Biden was … and did! Biden voted “Yeaâ€￾ to H.J. Resolution 114 and lead the US into war with Iraq. It was Biden's choice.
tugger...Do remember back then how anyone who voiced any opposition to invading Iraq was painted as "unpatriotic"? Gosh, I remember a "har har har" video posted on THESE boards of a war protester in Alaska who had buckets of water dumped on them by a bunch of "patriots". Only thing was, the patriots were not man enough to actually STOP the truck...just slow down.

One of the few with the cojones to say no was Dennis Kucinich. Too bad he isn't running. Biden, like the other Senators, only had what Bush was willing to present to go on. And as we have come to find out, Bush DIDN'T show more than he did. Another with the balls to do the right thing was Ron Paul...just so there's no "bias" on my citations.
You are not going to get any because we don't care. It is the right who is all about the military and that is why we threw Cheney and W back in your face.

Most on the left do not feel it is necessary to for a POTUS to have millitary back ground. Apparently neither do republicans because had they believed that they would have chosen Kerry (two tours) as opposed to W guarding Indiana. Then there was Reagan who served in the USO and making adds for the millitary.

Military service like everything else in politics, is only important when the other person does/doesn't have what your person does/doesn't have.

When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too? Last time I checked they have quite a dim view of the Catholics (and every other religion for that matter). Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church.

I can't wait for someone to publish a video of Palin speaking in tongues. Won't that be a hoot.

You just exposed yourself for the hypocrite you truly are.

Joe Biden, by authorizing the use of US military force, willingly participated and effectively started the war against Iraq.

This was then
Just 3 short months ago you expressed your disgust of a Vice President, who selfishly avoided the draft by seeking and receiving 5 deferments, who sent our young men and women to fight a war.

Cosworth, the last quote listed in my opening post was written by none other than you!

US sniper shot at Koran in Iraq
Cosworth: Posted on: May 29 2008, 09:41 AM

How many of your conservatives in power who started this war have served in the military and seen combat? Lets start with the White House and work our way down.

Bush W - technically yes but we all know that story.
Cheney - 5 deferments ..

Apparently conservatives (who actually get into power and send soldiers off to die) do not volunteer and actually fight either. Do you actually research anything you say or is more a shot off at the moth and hope something sticks?

I am now beginning to understand why your party is doing so poorly. With people such as your self who just spout off with out verifying anything its no wonder.

This is now
Now your story is that you don’t care. You don’t care to hold Joe Biden to the same standard that you hold Dick Cheney. You don’t care, not concerned that Joe Biden authorized the US to lead the war against Iraq and send our young men and women to fight a war. You don’t care that Joe Biden avoided the Vietnam War by requesting and receiving 5 deferments.

As I stated in my original post, this issue is not about Biden, it’s about the hypocrites who are accountable for their baseless attacks over the years. One down, many more to go!

Military service like everything else in politics, is only important when the other person does/doesn't have what your person does/doesn't have.

You’re joking right?

This, coming from a guy that conveyed his exact knowledge of the US nuclear policy of MADD?, told a bold story about a British Carrier “taken outâ€￾ during the Gulf War, a carrier that wasn’t “taken outâ€￾ and wasn’t in the Gulf War, enlightened me to the Filkins War? and estimated the cost of a $350,000 Exocet missile as $7,000! Wow, what an authority you are.

Please tell us more Cosworth, you’re shining like a diamond in a goat’s ass!

When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too? Last time I checked they have quite a dim view of the Catholics (and every other religion for that matter). Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church.

I still haven’t seen the left “get up in armsâ€￾ over the church that Baroque aligned with, got married in, baptized his children in and actively supported for 20 years. How long did it take for Bozama to distance himself from Wright? Newsflash! Wright was recently seen crawling out from under the BO bus and hitting the book signing circuit. Heeeeee’s Baaaaack!!

I’m positive the left doesn’t understand or comprehend the dim view Baroque, by the teaching instilled upon him by the racist and bigoted Jeremiah (God Damn America) Wright, has for the hard working, law biding citizens who have been memorized by the Messiah’s crafty but faux, “hopeâ€￾ and “changeâ€￾ message.

If you want 4 more years of Bush, vote Obama Bin Biden.
So let me get this straight... You agree with Jews for Jesus then.... The Israelis deserve the attacks they've been subject to because they're non-believers - and the attacks should continue until they convert to Christianity. Guess I missed that sermon last Sunday. Too bad Sarah Palin didn't miss it and decided it sit through it, meanwhile her pastor says he sees nothing offensive about the group's position.

Ummm...earth calling Titan...please come in..if even for only the briefest of moments :blink: How did you even possibly come forth with that utterly nonsensical babble based on this posting?????? Seriously..as I'm curious, if only by way of evaluating just another example of the perversely Lib-Dem pathology.....

"When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too?"
Oh, I dunno..perhaps if it ever comes out that said church has an insanely greedy little farce of a "Pastor" who loudly called out to his psychotic "parrish" that God should "Damn America"???

"Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church." Golly!..Gosh!!..I wonder why that could even possibly be true!!?? "

Pointing out the obvious fact that obama's "Pastor" is clearly a greedy, hate-filled, raving lunatic's no endorsement of any zealous religious bias at all, quite the contrary in fact....just FYI.

On the issue of skipping out on military duty = I've nothing but the fullest contempt for any person who finds themselves "Just too, too precious" to fight for our Nation, and that includes the little twerp curently infesting the oval office. I find Cheney and Biden to be equally despicable in that regard. That it's apparrently worth "bragging rights" on the news of late to note that Biden's son's going to deploy is nothing short of despicable-Demo hypocrisy of the highest order. Where was Joe when he had his chance?..Oh!..That's right!..he was glued to Jane Fonda during his political infancy...and she must have been pretty tired..being just fresly back from having her pics taken with North Viet anti-aircraft gunners..........and even saying "I would like to shoot down an American plane".

Folks: You just can't make that kind of crap up 😉
You just exposed yourself for the hypocrite you truly are.

Joe Biden, by authorizing the use of US military force, willingly participated and effectively started the war against Iraq.
Just out of curiosity...let's say it's 2002 and Biden, a leader in Congress, voted against it. What would you be saying about him? Or better yet, let's say Biden said...Let's get more information before voting to invade...and questioned the urgency of an attack. Would you have applauded him for his moves, or would you accuse him of "putting the US at risk from an imminent threat"? Just curious.

The only reason I ask is because a lot on the right seem to feel that Obama is setting us up for an attack from Iran by trying diplomacy first.
Looks like Sarah has trumped the Biden pick by a mile......

Look at all the chicken crap little things you guys and the national media are crowing about.

Seems a certain party is very concerned on the Old Guys pick..... :lol:

Could this be Obama's undoing?

Has the Messiah been dethroned?

I tell you one thing...the Dem controlled media is doing a very good job at waking up the female voters of this country...and giving them a mission,both Dem and Gop.