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Ben Carson hops on the crazy train again.

Ms Tree said:
Carson seems to have an issue with reality. He got accepted to West Point but he really didn't, the pyramids are for grain but they really aren't, I'm against fetal tissue research except when I do it, the earth is 6,000 yrs old but it really isn't, I did not have a relationship with a medical company but I really did..... good god. This guy has serious issues.
Obama has an issue with reality. He thinks he lives in a country with 57 states, ability to move oceans and heal the earth.
Ms Tree said:
Carson seems to have an issue with reality. He got accepted to West Point but he really didn't, the pyramids are for grain but they really aren't, I'm against fetal tissue research except when I do it, the earth is 6,000 yrs old but it really isn't, I did not have a relationship with a medical company but I really did..... good god. This guy has serious issues.
townpete said:
Obama has an issue with reality. He thinks he lives in a country with 57 states, ability to move oceans and heal the earth.
Oh look:
“The campaign never ‘admitted to anything,'” a spokesman for Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson told The Daily Caller News Foundation in response to a hit by Politico claiming his campaign admitted to “fabricating” a key point about his West Point story.
“The Politico story is an outright Lie,” Doug Watts told TheDCNF.
Politico published a piece Friday claiming Carson’s campaign “admits fabricating” the fact that he applied and was admitted to West Point.
Now poor Ben is being schmeared.

Poor baby

Whiniest bunch of crybabies ever
The guy wrote about it in his book.

He and Armstrong will join Herman Cain and Huckabee on the radio dial soon.
Glenn Quagmire said:
The guy wrote about it in his book.

He and Armstrong will join Herman Cain and Huckabee on the radio dial soon.
700UW said:
Funny, the 2014 congressional guide to Department of Defense Academy nominations and appointments lists the appointing process and scholarships.
And he could get both.  
Politico stands by their story but they're going to rewrite the whole thing and hope you don't notice.


Back in the 70s West Point didn't give "scholarships".  It was free to all appointed and all attending got a stipend.