Belt loaders allowed to be up to jetway


Oct 13, 2003
I don't know if any other station does this but in mine we're allowed to have belt loaders up to jetway for carry on for commuter fflights but not allowed to have cart close to it. It does not make sense. But then again our mgmt team is clueless
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Yes all of our jetways have slides but when CRJs and ERJs are on the gate the slides are crap bec the bags don't slide down. So we put belt loaders up to jetway n use it
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True. But one of the former DL guy that was worm my flight said at DL at least here they're allowed to bring cart closer to jetway slide but no belt loader up to it
I guess "close" is relative... usually, I try to keep equipment, a minimum 5 feet from aircraft and jet bridges, especially if there might be a blind spot with a covered cart or an air start and unable to see while pulling away in rig.  Obviously, belt loaders and lav trucks will be closer than 5 feet, but anything else I try to keep my distance.  If I am moving carts around a belt loader and there are some funny angles, then I will ask someone to spot me, so that I don't hook a cart on the end of the belt loader.
As a side note, one guy in LAS hooked a bag cart on the end of a belt loader while pulling away in a rig, thus crushing both legs of the agent who (stupidly) left his legs dangling out the bin door between the door's edge and the belt loader.  6 months later and he still hasn't returned, so let's be careful out there!
robbedagain said:
True. But one of the former DL guy that was worm my flight said at DL at least here they're allowed to bring cart closer to jetway slide but no belt loader up to it
Correct. We can have a (lowered) belt right by the jetway, but can't raise it up over the railing, or position it where someone would have to reach through the railing to put on/take off any baggage.
I've seen it, but forget where it was...

The railing at the top of the jetway had an opening that was normally safety chained "closed". Carry-on bags got passed thru the opening and onto the belt loader when they needed to schlep bags from the bridge to the ramp and v.v.
Belt loader up to jet-way just sounds wrong. So if it sounds wrong I wouldn't do it. I haven't ever seen any GOM that speaks of not doing this, nor have I seen a bulletin that speaks of avoiding said action. I have always just placed a cart at the end of the shoot and when we placed bags on the shoot we send the bags wheels down so the bags would roll easier. Others wise you end with a traffic jam of bags not going all the way down. Also, using a belt loader for the job of the shoot is double work if you ask me. If we have a shoot at the gate, why bring another piece of GSE that will also have to be moved again at departure.
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REPUS   while I tend to agree with you on that  I have never seen other cities  (clt, day, sav mlb examples) do that   But our station mgr has made it policy that for the CRJS and the ERJS we can put the belt loader to the jetway for the carry ons    It sucks    some of us, myself included  decided to go ahead and take bags  one at time down the steps  and to the cargo bin   if the plane goes late  so be it.   we used to keep the open cart about 5-10 ft from the slide ..  That is  til we got the sorry arse loser mgmt team we have.     
Kev we unfortunately dont have the lower belt loaders like what AS uses in my stations   they do look nice.  
Technically I'm not sure if you're supposed to have any GSE in the striped jetway movement area but at my station it's common practice to load gate checks from the chute onto a tug with a cart or a beltloader if that's what's handy.  Never saw anyone raise the mast of the beltloader to the top of the jetway though, I think it's just too high up to be practical when servicing an Airbus or 757.
When we took over handling AA from ATS, we would raise the beltloader up to the cab landing for gate checks on RJ flights (initially we worked four Eagle turns as part of the contract).  Chutes are useless at that height.  The Piedmont guys looked at us like we were crazy; one actually came over to tell us off, since apparently their policy forbids it.  On all other aircraft, it was common practice to park either a cart or a beltloader at the bottom of the chute.
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chock  in my station its strictly only the ERJs and the CRJS     all mainline aircraft plus the EMB170-190 we use the slide chute  but for the CRJs and ERJs  the belt loader is raised to the jetway top   unsafe  I believe so  but adly none of the idiot mgmt personal will listen   
Better Yet.  Take a picture of the raised up loader (do it on your day off, OR when your OFF the clock)  blow it up, and mail it in to the AA  VP of safety, and tell him to watch for it on youtube.    Good GOD.  If we EVER had social media   back in the day when I was in BOS,  Jesus,talk about videos going VIRAL.   O M G  !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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