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Becasue Of Ted Part 2?

Frontier Trims Flight Schedule by 13 Pct. Oh NO!!! What's this, do I have a FISH in my net? 😀 😛
SEE my post under your TED #3. Waiting to see what results UAL posts. It probably won't be any better than anyone else has posted so far. The capacity draw down for the slow months is only GOOD BUSINESS SENSE. Capacitiy will be added as needed for our dedicated customers during the holidays. It's got nothing to do with your UniTED shuttle unit. WAITING TO SEE UALS RESULTS, probably won't be to good :shock:

And don't be surprised if you see UAL do the Delta or Alaska Air shuffle on you all soon. Denver is the one hub they'd pull out of before any of their other hubs. But again Delta management has more focus and vision than UAL's management team does. Anxiously waiting to see what UAL has in store for you all next! :up:
LOL>.....gee Beav, let's!

Funny how you get such glee in predicting United's cutting flights and then spinning it to mean the end is here....but when Frontier does it, well that's just "good business sense".
mrfish3726 said:
This is a VERY untrue statement sir. Remember this past year when F9 kept telling Denver that they needed gate space for their expanding fleet. And UAL wouldn't relinquish gates to F9 for fear of the competition. Then UAL was forced to come to an agreement by the city of Denver. Remember what Mayor Web said before he left office about UAL's demanding the city to get their expansion completed and relief from the city of Denver. "I wish I had one more month to deal with this issue and UAL."

UAL has always considered Denver their home, but F9 rapidly became Denvers home town airline AGAIN. We got our gates, Denver has even agreed to more gate expansion for Frontier, but still balks at expansion plans for a company that won't even pay their bills. Denver would be a smart choice for UAL to down size at, just as Delta is doing at DFW. United can be replaced in Denver, they don't think so, BUT THEY CAN BE EASILY.

First, let's take a look at former mayor Webb's credentials: http://www.thehistorymakers.com/biography/...politicalMakers
The guy's a career politician who was unable to obtain employment as a teacher and was driving a forklift prior to entering politics. Let's compare him to current mayor Hickenlooper, shall we? Hickenlooper's credentials: http://www.denvergov.org/Mayor/template23640.asp
Hicklooper was a businessman and entrepeneur. I trust him to make a fair decision before I trust Webb, a career politician.

Now let's talk DEN gates for a moment. Here's an article from Jul 03: http://www.usatoday.com/travel/news/2003/09/11-den-spat.htm
OK, FRNT expanded so they needed more gates. Fine. Build them? Nope, that would cost FRNT money; let's steal them from UAL.
How was it resolved? FRNT press clip: http://www.frontierairlines.com/news/artic..._11112003a.news
You got three gates; one permanently and two until Oct '05, when they revert back to UAL. UAL will probably use them for TED; TED's gaining presence over on the A concourse.
Now let's talk for a moment about FRNT's decision to go after UAL's gates under the premise that UAL had trimmed its flights out of DEN and UAL underutilized their gates. Hmmm. FRNT cuts back its flights by 13%; it sounds like they should give back 13% of their gates. UAL is expanding at DEN; I think that they've got a darned good case to get those gates back from FRNT.
I don't think that UAL has very good credentials to be negotiating with the city of Denver. Especially since they aren't paying any of their bills there. Again the 13% is only temorary for the slow fall/winter season. UAL's capacity will be dealt with in the bankruptcy case when they are probably down sized considerable to try and become profitable MAYBE. AND, we are still negotiating with DEN for more expanded gate space and also a hangar. But I think Denver has put the hangar plan on hold for now to see if UAL moves out of their hangar that they don't use.

I'll be WATCHING for those UAL results :up:
Borescope said:
The ones who complain about your posts are the ones who have no "transferable skills". A pension with the PBGC and a managers job at Wendy's should work quite nice. :up: :up:

I am not an uneducated man whose alternate job prospects involve working at some sleazy, greasy auto repair business. I have a college degree (which may shock some, but it actually opens doors to decent jobs) and have work experience in fields other than aviation. If I were recalled by UAL tomorrow, I would be taking a minimum of $30K pay cut if I left my non-aviation job. I'm not worried about the pension or whether some choose to burn UAL to the ground; I've already got another successful career. I'll save the jobs that involve the retail food service industry for those that lack any decent skills.

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