This is a VERY untrue statement sir. Remember this past year when F9 kept telling Denver that they needed gate space for their expanding fleet. And UAL wouldn't relinquish gates to F9 for fear of the competition. Then UAL was forced to come to an agreement by the city of Denver. Remember what Mayor Web said before he left office about UAL's demanding the city to get their expansion completed and relief from the city of Denver. "I wish I had one more month to deal with this issue and UAL."
UAL has always considered Denver their home, but F9 rapidly became Denvers home town airline AGAIN. We got our gates, Denver has even agreed to more gate expansion for Frontier, but still balks at expansion plans for a company that won't even pay their bills. Denver would be a smart choice for UAL to down size at, just as Delta is doing at DFW. United can be replaced in Denver, they don't think so, BUT THEY CAN BE EASILY.