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Be careful, TSA loose (for crew members)

I take it from your response that you agree that things couldn't have turned out any worse. That leaves the possibility that maybe they would have been better. If just one of those hijackings were averted, there would be many more people alive today.
As for your opinion about introducing a weapon into the hands of terrorists, your argument lacks logic. What you say might be good when dealing with prisoners but with the present situation in aviation, once the hijackers take control of the aircraft, they have all of the weapon that they need to kill all aboard. Once that they take control, if they are bent on suicide, you can't stop them.

It is all about dollars and TSA will use all operating income ( airline revenue theft ) to build their kingdom.

Great post, sorry your an x , it should not be so. Hope Usair is fortunate enough to get you back someday.
On 3/10/2003 1:02:26 AM flyin2low wrote:


Maybe in LGA you have the codes. I'll bet alot of the places that you fly out of you don't have the code because you have to swipe an airport ID(which you don't have) to get out.

You seem to think that you have more importance than you really do....

There is no bypass for crews at LGA. Although I'm based in LGA, I have to go through screening to get to work. The stupidity of the system, though, allows me to bypass security at CLT, where my ID badge and a personal code is sufficient. If the airport manager at CLT (where I'm NOT based) can adequately and legally identify me to allow me to bypass, why not LGA? Why not everywhere USAirways operates.

Again, we were promised uniformity with the establishment of the TSA. Where is it?

As for your final comment, well maybe I'm not that important, but hundreds of people find me important enough to entrust their lives to my skills and judgement everyday. Their opinion counts. Yours does not.
NYCbusdriver that was a fair and down to earth response to my previous comment. I apologize for jumping on you. I'm still waiting for the national ID system to let us do our jobs the right way too. The CLT system is a test of it.
Hopefully, this will expedite the Universal access card, this has been in the works for quite some time, although sadly I must admit, that I believe we are no closer to getting it, than we were before.

JT, I appreciate your level headeness, but if you had to do this on a daily basis, often more than once a day, I am sure you would be a bit frustrated to. Imagine having to go through a metal detector every time you are going to get into the police cruiser, which btw. has a shotgun. This would adequately explain the sillyness of TSA towards the crewmembers.

Just my two cents to the debate!

Oh, btw the police officers I see, flash their badges and walk through the metal detector, beeps and all. Who is to say, they are not in cahoots with people wishing us ill?