On 2/22/2003 6

09 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:
Take the number of miles AA aircraft traveled in any given quarter, and divide it by the number of seats the airline has available...and yes, that includes the seats sitting in the sand, they are still technically "available." Every 727, every MD11, every DC10, every 747, every 767, on and on ad-nauseum. The parked seats are used to purposely throw the numbers off. It makes trying to fool unions, and "yes sir" slanted employees much easier.
Once again, you prove that you're completely clueless when it comes to statistics and finance...
ASM's are available seat miles flown in scheduled service.
Anyone who thinks parked aircraft are included in that or are parked in order to inflate the numbers has swallowed way too much hateoraid.
Sorry if you don't like it when facts conflict your opinions.
Back to the topic, though.
Baumert is not bagsmasher's alter ego.
He is an AA flight attendant married to another flight attendant, and not an independent analyst by any measure. Like John McCorkle and Chip Munn, Baumert has a conflict of interest which he refuses to disclose. At least the other employee/analysts mentioned above don't hide the fact that they're employed by the airline they choose to analyze.