On 2/22/2003 6

09 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:
"Take the number of miles AA aircraft traveled in any given quarter, and divide it by the number of seats the airline has available...and yes, that includes the seats sitting in the sand, they are still technically "available." Every 727, every MD11, every DC10, every 747, every 767, on and on ad-nauseum. The parked seats are used to purposely throw the numbers off. It makes trying to fool unions, and "yes sir" slanted employees much easier."
Wow, pretty sneaky. Sounds like a clear case of fraud. Did you tell your Congressman? I bet he would love to blow the lid off that scandal. I mean AMR defrauded the government right?
Actually, if you think about it, wouldn/t that lower A/A's CASM by spreading the costs over an artificially high number of seats? It is the same theory of eliminating MRTC to lower CASM. In fact,wouldn/t the conspiracy theory be better served by artificially inflating the CASM instead of lowering it?
"Why do you think AA has so much tin sitting in the sand when smaller countries would gladly buy and refurbish? It's all about skewing the numbers, because if you think AA is saving those 727s for a rainy day......think again."
That explains why A/A has a fleet in the desert, but why are their planes from virtually every other US carrier and many, many, foreign carriers there? Are they all playing the same scam?
"And now, prepare to be "debriefed" by the corporate spy...."