On 5/26/2003 6:03:55 PM AAmech wrote:
Well Bob "Half Truth" Owens is at it again! He fails to mention UAL's health insurance for a family is like $200+ a month now. Also the closure of two of their three maint bases and the thousands of layoffs that accompanied that action. Unlike the layoffs at AA, those jobs are gone FOREVER! Our new system protection date is in 1998. After UAL's Chap 11 theirs is in 1990!! To hold a mechanics position at UA you now need 13 years seniority! But hey, they got a GREAT deal in Bankrupcy Court!
First of all how do you know what "forever" will hold?
We dont know what our rates for medical will be now that the pilot cap is gone.
We do know that we get paid straight time for training off shift.
We know that we get less Vacation than United, thats $1200- just paid for 6 months of the medical insurance.
We know we lost 5 holidays, thats $1800, so after paying off the medical that leaves us $600 in the whole.
We know we lost Holiday pay for the remaining 5 holidays and instead just get time and a half for them, thats an additional $1200. That already puts us $1800 in the whole.
We lost shift differential, thats another $1144, $2944, that UAL Medical is getting cheaper and cheaper.
We lost full pay for the first two sick days, if you get sick just once a year thats $240. $3184
We lost Longevity pay, another $624.
$ 3718
Prefunding, another $165.
We do pay for medical benifits now,Medical Managed care, $742 plus $1625 for the FSA for all they dont cover and co-pays.
And we did not even figure in the paycut!
The potential losses are much higher when other factors are put in, this is just for a 40 hour week,
and we still do not know what our medical will be.
As far as the layoffs, if you were in this industry for a while you would know that layoffs were always a part of the cycle. Concessions like this were not.
I remember working with both AA and UAL laid off guys at Capitol Air in 1981. The AA guys had around 10 years and the UAL guys had as much as 25 years. All who chose to go back eventually did. The same thing would have happened now. In fact the layoffs are less severe now than they were in 1981, as a percentage. The Unions in this industry sold out the workers.
AA was in much better shape than UAL before SEpt 11, yet we lost more than they did without even going into BK. Why, if our company was in better shape would we are fared worse than UAL did in BK,excluding the fact of who we had for representation of course?