Psssst, the required SEC 10K annual filing is NOT a press release. Your contract extension formula was pay raise, plus additional profit sharing, minus existing jobs plus future farm outs. Answer = ZERO
AMFA has in no way shape or form loss or reduced jobs at SWA as you are trying to indicate above. The claimed future farm outs you mention could have and would have happend anyway (directly due to the teamsters verbage of the contract that AMFA inherited). AMFA in fact added job security, garr head count (and no not just the 2.75 per A/C) they did more in maint, shops, and heavy struct. not to mention that they also were able to nego a 4th line of maint to come "in house" for something they were going to do anyway, and would have been allowed to do directly due to the teamsters old contract verbage.
And tell the entire truth here. The teamsters were also the union (on property at time) that allowed SWA to take A/C maint out of the country first, as well as the same language couldn't stop the Elsavador maint. Once again, you keep twisting and spinning, but you never tell the entire story, only the bits and pieces that you want others to believe and hear. You really do need to read the old teamsters contract and the current AMFA contract side by side and you will, in fact, see the changes and progress that AMFA has made with a very weak contract they were forced to take over from the teamsters, happy reading...