Awa To Hire Us Furloughees

True enough, Tim.

I am sure many of the chairmen went along with the deal.

Of interest, CLT actually had 120 f/t openings when the furlough packets went out to the 30 sold-out stations.

CLT was NOT in those packets.

Did the IAM even bother to whimper in protest, and demand CLT be made available to the furloughees?

They did not.

Was not catering already scheduled for outsourcing per the 1999 agreement?

It was.

And yet, somehow, PHL catering is still here.

FWIW, in the 30 stations the IAM got outsourced, the CWA still have their jobs.

FWIW, somehow, mechs still have full recall rights, as opposed to fleet.

As the membership had exactly ZERO input into the 'final offer', I lay the full blame for its provisions with the IAM leadership.

For voting it in, the membership, as you point out, is responsible.

And FWIW, not every local voted this POS in.

I know for a fact of one that didn't.
If you are not used to the heat in , you wouldn't want to be a ramper here.
It is very hot! As a matter of fact, a few of our rampers last month fainted and got sick because of the heat, but if you can handle it ....drink lots of water!
Light Years said:
How 'bout stews? I need a tan.

That would be great Light, but the "Senior Mamas" would have a fit if a "recall" was sent to PHX before they got to transfer. Wanna see the fur fly??? Actually, I would love it. :) Some of them need to be knocked down a few pegs.

Is this just a rumour or could it really happen? There are so many people whose lives are just in complete limbo, particularly the MAA folks. It'd be nice to have a solid job for awhile.
Wonder how many will want to come back PLASTERED to the bottom in KPHL---POTA'ED all hours of the day and nite---flying 12 hr 4 days etc etc-----glad it aint me.
Light Years said:
Is this just a rumour or could it really happen? There are so many people whose lives are just in complete limbo, particularly the MAA folks. It'd be nice to have a solid job for awhile.
I believe it will really happen.
I just came out of recurrent at HP Flight Center, and even the instructor was talking about the POSSIBILITY of it.
On a side note, we have a new instructor who was previous US, she was in training in PIT. Her hubbie is finishing up at U, he took a VF.
We liked her very well, and believe she will be a great asset during the merger.
Atlantic said:
It will be intresting to see what kind of a DOH they end up with. It is good news though for our pilots.
I would expect a Feb 2006 DOH. If they think it's a recall, I guess they could bypass, though.
In a recent letter to AWA pilots, Herb Holland, Communications Committee Chairman told the rank-and-file that US Airways furloughees will be hired at America West and will have "new hire" seniority and be paid at their current longevity.

Once recalled by the new US Airways then these pilots will have their seniority adjsuted to a a negotiated agreement between the Merger Committee's or an Arbitrated solution.



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