The bottom 35 mechanics in Pit, MY FREINDS, That's who!totobird said:Channel 11 News in Pittsburgh just announced that USAirways is contracting out it's Automated Baggage System to a private company resulting in the loss of 35 jobs.
Does anyone know what jobs they might be talking about ?
That guy was sent to the field, AGAIN.usfliboi said:Why does this guy keep getting away with his talk?I mean i thought its a priv to post on here not a right? Frankly its aggrivating to try and read great post only to see a few on here spew their hatred and cursing on here. Its hard enough to read thru the post u wanna read but every other post of these guys have been deleted or their hate mail.
The irony, Schifano said, is that the union could have done the job much cheaper than the $3.9 million the authority will pay Wellington and bill US Airways through the rates and charges the airline pays at the airport.
USfliboi,usfliboi said:Why does this guy keep getting away with his talk?I mean i thought its a priv to post on here not a right? Frankly its aggrivating to try and read great post only to see a few on here spew their hatred and cursing on here. Its hard enough to read thru the post u wanna read but every other post of these guys have been deleted or their hate mail.
Because the IAM is still holding their position that the concession stand is closed the company is willing to spend more money to perform a particular job rather than let someone who's done it for years to keep doing it? What sense does that make?Maybe that's why they would not agree to the cost neutral baggage
If the IAM does concede to concessions theirs going to be more job and benefit loss anyway.If the IAM does not negotiate, the Company will incrementally eliminate most of the maintenance positions during the next couple of years.
usfliboi...I LOve You Too....USA320Pilot said:Cav:
Do you think the reason the Company is playing hard ball with the IAM is that the union will not discuss the "Going Forward Plan"? Maybe that's why they would not agree to the cost neutral baggage maintenance program. Moreover, there is reason to believe there will be more hardball on the company's part and much more pain for the mechanics until the IAM meets with the company to discuss the "Going Forward Plan".
If the IAM does not negotiate, the Company will incrementally eliminate most of the maintenance positions during the next couple of years. It's really up to our mechanics, who are great people and professionals, on whether or not they want to work at US Airways in the new environment or move on to something else.
Except that US is running out of free cash to screw around with. I'll tell you this: had I been sitting across the table from these clowns at this point, it would be shutting down--and I advocated for concessions in Chapter 11.PineyBob said:No Clue it's called hardball negotiating tactics and this is what Jerry Glass was brought in forClueByFour said:So, US will pay less in headcount and more in fees.
Deck chairs on the Titanic at 11.
Pit I have no prob hearing the truth as long as its not filled with filth, crap and hatred. Your in complete denial my friend if you or any other person on here says it can all be done without employees help . If anything, this management is doing what no other had the guts to do . This is like politics.No body will talk social security because they are scared to touch , knowing it has to be dealt with one day . So what do they do , pass it on to a later date. Just like this airline. The past management got us here. Dave S is doing what shouldve been done along time go. I know i dont sound Like a "brother" in fact i dont get into all that stuff. Im an American with a great job and still being paid a good salary. In fact we all are!!!!!!!!! Have their been major sacrifices ? YOU BET and ive been one of them to have paid the price a few times over just like you and others. I have every right to have my opinion just as you and cav and others. Its like theres 2 sides here. You see one thing thru one glass, i see thru another , and so on. The union is busted ! I have no doubt that most airline execs saw an opportunity and took it after 9/11! It will take time to rebuild, but this isnt the time to play with yours, mine and others jobs. There are still thousands of hard working people who obviously love their jobs.They make enough money to support their famlies , or they would have left by now. No body,Nobody likes this and we are all "not happy" to say the least. This isnt the time to fight> There will be another day. A good fighter knows when to fight ! Emotion destroyed many. Emotion destroyed hitler, he no longer thought clearly. His hatred got the best of him. At any rate, I can handle the truth and have since the unforunate destruction of piedmont airlines. I can handle change, fear, and failure. Simply , thats about all we have had here at this airline, but im still here.!PITbull said:USfliboi,
The truth is it is causing more mechanics jobs. Why are you so opposed to hearing the reality of what is happening to your"brother"?
usfliboi said:You see one thing thru one glass, i see thru another ,
Cav you may be so correct. The old atage of when they are doing something right everyone hates them, may come into play. I have never met the man , hoevever it seems to me that he is doing a great job for what he was hired for and thats all he should care, pleasing his BOSS!cavalier said:Yep, Jerry Glass sees it the same way; guess you guys are just of the same mind.
Of course like you, this is only my opinion. Mileage may vary