I'm going to mostly agree with you and make a few comments/observations that hopefully does not distract from our state of agreement.
1. I think there may have been many ways to order the list. If such a scheme as you suggest would have been awarded and if it had a majority of support on both sides (75% or would be nice to see but probably way too high of expectations) then a JCBA would have been attained long ago. As I think you know, if that had happened it would have my full support just as the NIC does or DOH would if that's what the arbitrator decided.
2. Most of what we have been discussing here is a matter of opinion interspersed with facts. The opinions may never be reconciled as there has been precious little persuasion by anyone on the topic. Heck there are some who refuse to accept unquestionable facts because they are too emotionally invested in their opinions.
3. When it comes to an opinion, the only ways that really matter in all of this is that of Nicolau and those who sit as a justice in federal court. Nicolas's opinion was the final word on the award and that will not change regardless of what happens in court from this point. If Silver or the Ninth brings a final resolution, theirs will be final at that point even if, in our opinions, they got it wrong.
4. Stand by because this May shock you, but I'm going to give the NIC's chance of surviving into the the MOU process and the APA integration a 50:50 chance given the nullity language in the MOU. If there's and edge, I would actually give it to USAPA in winning that battle. That being said, if that happens, that means USAPA likely brings two separate lists into the SLI with the APA. The APA says they expect, not DOH, but something much more NIC-like than LOS/DOH. If that happens, the I suspect (opinion here) USAPA (if they are still in a position of representing LCC pilots at the time) will force a M/B arbitration instead of accepting APA's slotting proposals. If that happens, I think the west will come out of that far better than the would have with a stand-alone USAPA DOH list. I could easily be wrong, but that's my thinking at this point. No matter what happens in court or with a M/B arbitration, I would support the end result an would encourage all others to do the same.