JOHN OWENS - Cross excerpts
Q. You understand that it's USAPA's position that the MOU,
and specifically this provision, waives the obligation in the 2005 Transition Agreement to use the Nicolau Award; correct?
A. I do not.
Q. You don't have that understanding?
A. I do not understand that.
Q. Okay.
A. I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking me
if USAPA has stated this?
Q. My question is, the waiver of the change of control was
explicit, clear, everybody got it. The waiver of the Nicolau
Award, which this alleges to be, it's not clear. I mean,
you're telling me that you don't even understand that; correct?
MR. SILVERMAN: Objection. Foundation,
THE COURT: Overruled
THE WITNESS: It doesn't address the Nicolau Award
either way.
Q. Correct. And you told me at your deposition that it was
neutral; right?
A. Correct.
Q. And you also told me at your deposition that, in fact, the
entire McCaskill-Bond provision was neutral; correct?
A. Correct.
Q. And you told me at your deposition that the West Pilots
would participate in the McCaskill-Bond process, correct, under entire McCaskill-Bond provision was neutral; correct?
A. Correct.
Q. And you told me at your deposition that the West Pilots
would participate in the McCaskill-Bond process, correct, under the language in this agreement?
A. I really feel more comfortable if you could show me what
we're specifically talking about at this point.
Q. I'm asking you your recollection. Do you remember telling
me that?
A. I do not.
Q. Okay. Do you remember telling me that this provision
doesn't preclude the use of Nicolau Award at the McCaskill-Bond
A. Yes.
Q. And do you remember telling me that it was for the merger
counsel to decide who was going to participate and what list
was going to be used; correct?
A. Restate the question one more time, please.
Q. You told me at your deposition that it was for the Merger
Committee to decide who was going to participate and what list was going to be used; correct?
A. The Merger Committee handles all seniority matters, not
the NAC, correct.
Q. Okay. Correct
And your reading of this document was that it did not
preclude the Nicolau Award; correct?
MR. SILVERMAN: Objection. Asked. Argumentative.
THE COURT: Sustained.
MS. AXEL: Davina, can we put up Exhibit 78? I'm
sorry, 96.
Q. Did the NAC put out an update about the Nicolau Award with respect to the MOU?
A. No, we did not.
Q. Did the NAC put out any materials whatsoever about the
Nicolau Award being waived by the MOU?
A. No, we did not.