No, she just doesn't like Usapians.
So, you like music videos?
Dedicated to you and Mike
Figures you and Traitor would miss the entire point of the song.
No, she just doesn't like Usapians.
So, you like music videos?
Dedicated to you and Mike
Actually, I flung it back over the fence. Stay off my lawn.
I found the America West Airline drug trafficking trial fascinating. Patrick Thurston, Vice President of Operations, America West, Bob Russell, Chief of Pilots, and Carl Wobser, a captain, all pleaded guilty to multiple counts of narcotics trafficking. They had purchased a DC 6 and embarked upon a career in the drug trade. Unfortunately for them their plane, which they maxed out electronically, had chronic engine problems which required them to touch down unexpectedly in several countries. This was more than embarrassing, since they had not filed flight plans.
On one such emergency stop in Aruba, on the way back from Columbia, their plane was found packed with marijuana. There is reason to believe that their intended cargo was cocaine and that after a mix-up they did not wish to fly back empty. Despite the lofty positions these men held with America West, they seemed to have no difficulty getting time off for their drug flights, and America West wanted to rehire Russell after his six months in the Federal country club at Safford.
Twenty percent of the stock of America West was owned by Ansett Airlines of Australia and 55% of Ansett was held by Sir Peter Ables and Rupert Murdock. We know from Jonathan Kwitny 's book, the Crimes of Patriots, that Burny Houghton, perhaps the key figure in the founding of the CIA drug money laundering bank Nugan-Hand in Australia, had coffee with Sir Peter Ables the night of his first day in Australia.
I can see both sides of the argument. My grandparents were non-union textile mill workers for the Bibb Company. They lived in a town called ARNCO where even the housing was provided by the company. I remember my visits in the 60's where the entertainment was a Daisy BB gun or placing coins on the railroad tracks and looking for the pancaked coins in the rocks after the train had passed. A community where the cornerstone was the Baptist Church.
My parents escaped the mills by getting advanced degrees and climbing the corporate ladder. Both sat on the other side of the table from union reps. When I came home with my ALPA pin, my father went out of his way to let me know how much he hated unions. We went head-to-head on this subject and I really sent him over the edge with my display of union support. Now, I have seen another side where union power can be abused and used against the workers it claims to represent. It's funny how your parents get a lot smarter as the years go by.
I have an appreciation of my grandparents working in those mills in the Depression Era and for my parents who wanted something more. It's education which can break the cycle of dependency on the government or finding a better opportunities.There are people who simply feed off the system. Meanwhile, others are contributing to the pot, hardworking middle-class and others just trying to make it paycheck to paycheck.
Given opportunity, the free market works. We don't need the government reaching in our pockets deeper to fund programs of endless dependency.
My money is on our favorite boy JJ.Original Cactus. 10 to 1 you are an original america west scab. Reading your anti union posts.
My money is on our favorite boy JJ.
I missed this one but I really have to LOL on this and throw the "cry me a river" flag. It WAS government that GAVE you the entitlement of "status and category" in seniority that YOU NEVER EARNED....time and effort (work equation here) with the KNOWLEDGE of where to spend it are the only measurements of success or failure. Your parents are certainly smarter knowing where their bread gets buttered, but you sure didn't inherent any of that trait. They got educated and climbed the corporate ladder.I can see both sides of the argument. My grandparents were non-union textile mill workers for the Bibb Company. They lived in a town called ARNCO where even the housing was provided by the company. I remember my visits in the 60's where the entertainment was a Daisy BB gun or placing coins on the railroad tracks and looking for the pancaked coins in the rocks after the train had passed. A community where the cornerstone was the Baptist Church.
My parents escaped the mills by getting advanced degrees and climbing the corporate ladder. Both sat on the other side of the table from union reps. When I came home with my ALPA pin, my father went out of his way to let me know how much he hated unions. We went head-to-head on this subject and I really sent him over the edge with my display of union support. Now, I have seen another side where union power can be abused and used against the workers it claims to represent. It's funny how your parents get a lot smarter as the years go by.
I have an appreciation of my grandparents working in those mills in the Depression Era and for my parents who wanted something more. It's education which can break the cycle of dependency on the government or finding a better opportunities.There are people who simply feed off the system. Meanwhile, others are contributing to the pot, hardworking middle-class and others just trying to make it paycheck to paycheck.
Given opportunity, the free market works. We don't need the government reaching in our pockets deeper to fund programs of endless dependency.
I believe that after Judge Wake saw all of the evidence against USAPA, even he lamented having a jury saying he would have felt comfortable with making a bench decision. Anyone have that quote?Why is Addington 2 not a jury trial? And what is the significance? Seems wake was all for the west with his exclusions and jury instructions.
I missed this one but I really have to LOL on this and throw the "cry me a river" flag. It WAS government that GAVE you the entitlement of "status and category" in seniority that YOU NEVER EARNED....time and effort (work equation here) with the KNOWLEDGE of where to spend it are the only measurements of success or failure. Your parents are certainly smarter knowing where their bread gets buttered, but you sure didn't inherent any of that trait. They got educated and climbed the corporate ladder.
You and yours think their TIME is more valuable and spit on those of us who serve in the trenches and climb over the shoulders of whatever value the profession has had from the past to present day. As usual, the West pilot "class" in reality has "no class". I'm not looking forward to the day when the new hire pilots here start wondering why newer better equipment will be going to PSA.
Let me make something very clear to you. It was the hard work of the employees of America West that built an airline which aquired your airline.
Acquired???? With what?
Your own CEO said Americas Worst would have been in bankruptcy within months of the merger announcement.
Just exactly what would they have used for money to "acquire" anything?
Let me make something VERY CLEAR TO YOU, CHUMP: It was the SACRIFICES and the COST CONCESSIONS of the EAST EMPLOYEES, two thirds of the ASSETS which YOU HAD NO MONEY TO BUY, and oh, BTW...Kirby coined the phrase "lottery ticket". All FACTS! You didn't acquire just keep repeating it and I'm to keep #### slapping you West pilots with the TRUTH! I have Parkers LIVE testimony and the 10-K. What do YOU got??? The only LOSERS here are WEST PILOTS! I'm looking forward to you and yours living at the bottom of the heap of this when it's all said and done. Oh, and I'll be there every MINUTE to remind you of the cess-pool of West Pilot making.Let me make something very clear to you. It was the hard work of the employees of America West that built an airline which aquired your airline. You had unrealistic expectations that were not met and you're not going to cheat me because you feel life cheated you. Nicolau recognized the fact that the furloughed pilots of a failed airway do not go in front of pilots of the aquiring airline no matter when they got hired. Instead of being thankful that Parker pulled your airway out of the gutter of inevitable Ch 7 you made scapegoats of West pilots.
This so-called lottery ticket you say West pilots hold is a loser. That's because were anchored to a loser in 2005. We got furloughes and stagnation as a result.
Some lottery ticket.
I'm looking forward to bump, flush and damages.
Where did you get THAT???I realize the reasons you want to lie and deny the acquisition but it won't change the facts.
Company Overview
"As of September 27, 2005, US Airways Group, Inc. was acquired by America West Holdings Corp. in a reverse merger transaction. US Airways Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries, operates a network air carrier. Its subsidiary, US Airways, Inc. (US Airways) engages in the transportation of passengers, property, and mail. As of December 31, 2004, its subsidiary operated 281 jet aircraft and 22 regional jet aircraft; and provided scheduled service at 89 airports in the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the Caribbean. The company is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia."