On 1/11/2003 3:35:29 PM Hopeful wrote:
How about OBSCENE executive compensation?
If you think Carty's compensation is Obscene now wait untill AA goes Chap 11 and we get a new our CEO. He'll easily get 2-3 mil in salary (not Carty's mesely$600,000) plus bonuses and HUGE stock options. And lets not forget the signing bonus for a mil or two just to get him to take the job. All this while WE go thru the same pay and benifit cuts that U and UA employees are getting. We have High Class problems now. We have NOT seen obscene!!!
On 1/11/2003 3:35:29 PM Hopeful wrote:
How about OBSCENE executive compensation?
If you think Carty's compensation is Obscene now wait untill AA goes Chap 11 and we get a new our CEO. He'll easily get 2-3 mil in salary (not Carty's mesely$600,000) plus bonuses and HUGE stock options. And lets not forget the signing bonus for a mil or two just to get him to take the job. All this while WE go thru the same pay and benifit cuts that U and UA employees are getting. We have High Class problems now. We have NOT seen obscene!!!